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汪伪政权初期,李士群的特工势力,因应了日本侵略者“以特制汪”的需要,得以恶性膨胀。但是,随着太平洋战争的严重失利,日本侵略者被迫转变“对华政策”,以期充分利用汪伪政权解决“中国事变”。李士群的“特工政治”遂成为障碍,并最终成为日本“对华新政策”的牺牲品。  相似文献   

This is a review essay of Joseph North’s Literary Criticism: A Concise Political History. I interrogate many of North’s claims, most notably his argument about the way a shift from literary criticism to literary scholarship has blunted the capacity of people working in literary studies to engage in a socially critical praxis. I use his book as an occasion to explore the relationship between literary studies (as ‘knowledge’) and the meaning-making that occurs within English classrooms when students engage with the texts chosen for study. I argue that North’s failure to make connections between English teaching and the literary critical projects of people like I.A. Richards, F.R. Leavis and Raymond Williams ultimately limits the reach of his book. For each of these critics, literary criticism was deeply embedded in an educational project that extended far beyond the confines of the academy, and their literary criticism might usefully be reread in these terms.  相似文献   
上博简《孔子诗论》简一所载“《诗》亡离志,乐亡离情,文亡离言”的文字对孔子《诗)教具有重要意义,“乐”应为“《诗》乐”,“文”指“《诗)的文采”。“《诗》志”、“《诗》情”和“《诗)言”构成孔子《诗)教的三大核心内容。孔子籍《诗》培养个人的社会文化知识、情理涵养和辞令谈吐,由“志”——“情”——“言”的过程是君子以《诗》入学由浅至深、由内修至发外的过程。  相似文献   
五四时期,学研究会小说家用主观感悟的心态品味人生和描绘人生,以主观意向化的哲理深度探索“人生究竟”。他们的作品既是真实反映现实人生诸层面的写实学,又是强化了主观理性色彩的心理小说;既有对现实人生的审美观照,又有对人生至境的理性思索和哲理表现。这些感情深挚、境界深邃的人生小说,蕴涵着诗化哲学的人生内蕴。  相似文献   
《文心雕龙》共50篇,包括总论、文体论、创作论、批评论4个主要部分。这部著作虽然分为四个方面,但其理论观点首尾一贯,各部分之间又互相照应。《文心雕龙》体大精思,在古代文学批评著作中是空前绝后的。此意在解读刘勰对于用典的文学理论。  相似文献   
随着新时期文体观念的更新,文学文体学研究打开了新的话语空间,把语言分析与审美阐释有机地融合起来,摆脱了传统印象式文体研究的主观性和随意性,增加了信度。同时也摆脱了西方文体学研究过分注重语言分析的形式化倾向,显示出独特的品格。  相似文献   
贾平凹是以追求大气的文学境界作为自己的审美理想的,可是,他又深浸于中国传统士大夫文化,无力超越自己的才子气质,正是两者之间的内在矛盾长期困扰着这位作家的文学道路。  相似文献   
文学语用学旨在将语用学理论应用于文学评论,本文以戏剧语言为例,结合语用学的相关理论.对An Inspector Calls中的精彩对话作了多层次文学语用分析,阐述了语用理解的机制和原理,希望能使文学分析更加全面和深刘。  相似文献   
历来都认为汉代的诗歌创作成就很低,尤其是四言诗的创作更是处于衰落之境.从两汉四言诗的传衍方面着手来阐明四言诗体在其他文体中的运用,发现大量四言的韵文韵语存在于辞赋、骈文以及颂、赞、铭箴、碑诔等应用文体中,各具特点并影响着汉以后许多文体的发展.  相似文献   
College students learned about science with a multimedia program. One group (choice or C) chose to learn with or without an animated pedagogical agent (APA) representing a male or female of five different ethnicities. Another group (no-choice or NC) was assigned an APA by the system. All participants in C group chose to learn with APAs and students of color chose significantly more same-ethnicity APAs than White American students. A significant interaction between choice and ethnic similarity factors revealed that group C produced lower retention, transfer, and program ratings when learning with same-ethnicity rather than different-ethnicity APAs. Results support an interference hypothesis for students who choose to learn with same-ethnicity APAs.  相似文献   
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