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专业学术期刊的特点主要有学科性和专业性强,相对固定的作者群和读者群,读者、作者、审稿者之间的相互转换等。在编辑工作中可以利用这些特点,努力做好以下工作:加强专业基础知识的学习,主动培养潜在的作者队伍和审稿专家队伍,学习优秀专业期刊的办刊经验,定位明确,挖掘特色。  相似文献   
国民阅读率普遍偏低,原因包括:社会阅读环境的缺失、公共图书馆整体缺乏、出版业出版环境恶化、国民阅读习惯的缺少、随着新媒体的出现,呈现全民浅阅读趋势等。为改变这种现状,应从几方面着手:政府方面要倡导阅读、改革教育体制和加大资金投入;图书馆方面应优化馆藏,吸引读者等;出版业方面应优化选题,多出有思想价值的图书;国民自身要从家庭、从孩童起培养良好阅读习惯。  相似文献   
Bibliographical references to online and printed articles, books, contributions to edited books and web resources generated by EndNote, Mendeley, RefWorks and Zotero were compared with manually written references according to the citation instructions in 15 biomedical journals and the NLM citation style. The fewest mistakes were detected in references generated by Zotero for 11 journals and the NLM style, while the second fewest number of mistakes was found in Mendeley. The largest number of mistakes for 9 journals was found in references generated by EndNote and in the other 4 journals the largest number of mistakes was detected in RefWorks references. With regard to the individual types of resources, the lowest number of mistakes was shown by Zotero, while RefWorks had the greatest number of mistakes. All programs had problems especially with generating the URL and the date of access in the reference to online documents. It was also found that several mistakes were caused by technical limitations of the reference managers, while other mistakes originated due to incorrect setting of the citation styles. A comparison showed that Zotero and Mendeley are the most suitable managers.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]通过分析虚拟学术群组中用户的基本属性和行为数据,能够了解用户的加入动机和群组的形成因素,从而为群组发展、学术交流以及科研管理提供帮助。[方法/过程]从用户在虚拟群组中角色、行为习惯以及用户间相互关系和现实社会中的身份、学科领域以及兴趣等角度综合分析群组成员加入群组的动机,并根据用户加入群组的时间分析群组动态演变情况。[结果/结论]用户的学科和研究兴趣是群组形成和发展的重要影响因素;群组有助于构建研究合作网络,其学科多样性的优势能够促进学术交流;当前虚拟学术群组的效用未充分发挥;群组的发展过程呈现一定规律。  相似文献   
Graduate students at the University of Manitoba were surveyed to find out if they used reference management software (RMS), features used, challenges and barriers to using RMS. Interest in different types of PDF management features and training options were also investigated. Both users and non-users of reference management software were invited to participate. Non-users managed their citations and references with a variety of other tools. The principal reasons for non-use were that students were not aware of options that were available, and the amount of time needed to learn the program. RMS users also mentioned the steep learning curve, problems with extracting metadata from PDFs, technical issues, and problems with inaccurate citation styles. Most of the students saved PDF documents to their computer. Students were most interested in full-text searching of PDFs, automatic renaming of PDFs, and automatically extracting citation metadata from a PDF. PDF annotation and reading tools were also of some interest. Mobile features were of the least interest. There were no statistically significant differences in the interest of PDF management features between the user and non-user groups but there were statistically significant differences in the interest of some of the training options between the groups.  相似文献   
张朝军 《编辑学报》2018,30(5):454-458
读者是科技期刊生存的基础,为读者服务是期刊发展的前提。针对目前科技期刊一味追求SCI和影响因子,部分出版单位不考虑国内读者和自身条件刻意创办英文刊等问题,本文对其存在的症结和对策进行了研究。分析认为,目前很多期刊过度追求影响力,而忽略了传播力,其出发点产生了偏差。期刊的定位和读者群落不清晰是导致部分科技期刊盲目追求高标准的原因。基于《石油勘探与开发》的办刊实践,笔者提出科技期刊细分读者群落的思路,通过多种方式扩展读者群的范围和类型,实现覆盖国内外专家学者、产业工作者、社会读者等多种类型,并构建快速传播渠道和读者群数量稳步增长的途径,实现助推国家理论技术创新、加快科技成果产业化、提升国际学术界话语权、传播科技、提升公众科学素养等多方面的作用。  相似文献   
In this paper we present a first large-scale analysis of the relationship between Mendeley readership and citation counts with particular documents’ bibliographic characteristics. A data set of 1.3 million publications from different fields published in journals covered by the Web of Science (WoS) has been analyzed. This work reveals that document types that are often excluded from citation analysis due to their lower citation values, like editorial materials, letters, news items, or meeting abstracts, are strongly covered and saved in Mendeley, suggesting that Mendeley readership can reliably inform the analysis of these document types. Findings show that collaborative papers are frequently saved in Mendeley, which is similar to what is observed for citations. The relationship between readership and the length of titles and number of pages, however, is weaker than for the same relationship observed for citations. The analysis of different disciplines also points to different patterns in the relationship between several document characteristics, readership, and citation counts. Overall, results highlight that although disciplinary differences exist, readership counts are related to similar bibliographic characteristics as those related to citation counts, reinforcing the idea that Mendeley readership and citations capture a similar concept of impact, although they cannot be considered as equivalent indicators.  相似文献   
用目的论理论来审视严复的译著《社会通诠》,可以让我们很好地理解严复的翻译思想,即,一个合格的译者只有充分发挥自己的能动性,最大限度地减少限制性因素的干扰,才能使译文具有相当的艺术效果和生命力,达到译著语言的“达旨”和译著思想的“达旨”的目的;不朽的译著,往往是一个优秀的译者将本民族优秀的文化传统与外域进步的思想体系相结合的结果。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]通过对Mendeley阅读数据的分析,探讨引用行为之外更广范围的论文使用行为,以进一步完善学术论文的影响力评价体系。[方法/过程]选择社会学、历史学、生态学和应用物理学四个学科领域,从Scopus、Altmetric.com采集被引数据和阅读数据,并进行相关性分析。从身份、国别以及学科三个角度对Mendeley阅读数据Top100的文献用户身份和行为特征进行深入的探究。[结果/结论]在四个学科文献集合中,Mendeley阅读数据均比被引频次的覆盖率高,说明引用行为只是论文使用的冰山一角。对于不同使用动机的用户,其使用行为都存在学科差异;不同国家使用者对论文的使用习惯有地域差异;学术论文的跨学科使用情况与自身学科特性密切相关。  相似文献   
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