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Michael Gorman图书馆学新技术思想研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Michael Gorman是美国当代著名的图书馆学家,在对其生平与学术生涯进行梳理的基础上,全面考察Michael Gorman关于新技术的图书馆学思想。主要包括:对新技术的态度、对传统图书馆和图书馆学的研究、图书馆学教育、图书馆核心价值以及反对Google数字化图书馆与Web2.0等思想。Gorman对于技术以及传统图书馆功能理性与辨证的认识值得我们思考。  相似文献   
When communicating with a member of his or her ethnic in-group, a multilingual typically uses his common first language. If, however, the multilingual uses a common second or third language, we believe this choice will indicate his or her endorsement of attitudes believed to be held by that language out-group. An audience will respond to this implicit statement by a shift in its ethnically relevant altitudes either towards or away from the position of the speaker. Convergence is assumed to occur if relations between the language communities are harmonious, ethnic affirmation if relations are hostile. To explore this reasoning, experimenters addressed Chinese trilinguals in their first language of Cantonese, their second language of English, or their third language of Mandarin. When instructed in Mandarin, subjects assumed their experimenter held more traditional Chinese beliefs and they themselves completed a measure of traditional Chinese beliefs in a more Western direction. Although most Hong Kong students at university are ambivalent about their colonial status under Great Britain, they oppose Hong Kong's reversion to China in 1997 and are threatened by this prospect. Consequently, we believe that they responded to an experimenter speaking the Mandarin language of China by affirming a more Western identity.  相似文献   
Recent announcements by Michael Sam, Jason Collins, Robbie Rogers, and others belong to a longer tradition that I label the gay male athlete coming out narrative. I chart this rhetorical genre in three waves, corresponding to the historical moment in which each narrative was published and the rhetorical tactics that each set of authors use to reconcile their identities as gay athletes and argue for the existence and suitability of gay men in professional sports. Of particular note are contemporary third-wave narratives which introduce the actively out, visible, gay male body becoming aware of his place in history as a rhetorical opportunity for social intervention. Even as I recognize the limits of athletes’ ability to represent the diversity of interests, values, and politics of the broader LGBTQ movement, I argue that these narratives should become part of what Charles E. Morris III calls “the diverse domain of the usable past.” These narratives indicate the importance of understanding genre evolution alongside individual biography, historical context, and shifting values within broader attempts at social transformation.  相似文献   
通过对迈克尔逊干涉仪实验的教学内容从4个不同方面予以拓展,将基础性实验打造为综合设计性实验,加深了学生对等倾干涉和等厚干涉现象的理解.实践表明,综合设计性实验对培养创新人才确实起到了很好的促进作用.  相似文献   
民族主义犹如一把双刃剑,可以对一个国家的政治活动施加积极或者消极的影响。《英国病人》中四位主人公的言行举止都体现了对于民族主义的超越。然而,与翁达杰自身经历有关,小说及小说家宣扬的对于民族主义的超越有其缺陷。着眼于人本主义,实现超越民族主义的唯一途径是尊重每一个民族,平等对待任何一个民族的成员。  相似文献   
阿普尔批判教育演讲及对中国教育改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迈克尔W·阿普尔的教育演讲阐明了教育评价的四种方式,批判新霸权主义集团的教育政策,揭露“现在教育改革究竟谁获益”的本质.从意识形态、政治制度与多元文化传统的视角对美国基础教育改革的《不让一个孩子掉队法案》进行批判反思,并提出萎于反思性实践的合理性建议,对中国教育改革具有启示意义。  相似文献   
编者按:J.Michael Spector是美国教育和通讯技术协会(AECT)的现任主席,佐治亚大学学习和绩效支持实验室(Learning & Performance Support Laboratory)教授.Spector有着丰富的任教和研究经历,他曾工作过的佛罗里达州立大学和纽约锡拉丘兹大学均为美国教育技术学的重镇.而他在挪威卑尔根大学负责教育信息科学与技术项目的近四年经历让他对欧美两大洲的有关领域都有深入的了解,他在美国阿姆斯特朗空军研究实验室教学系统研究任资深科学家的经历让他对教学设计在教育领域以外的应用有着深刻的理解.Spector最近的研究兴趣是关于复杂领域学习评估、智能绩效支持教学设计、系统动力学为基础的学习环境及技术集成.他几十年来一直活跃在第一线,刚于2008年主编完成<教育传播与技术研究手册>(第三版),而且将继续以开放的态度编辑第四版.  相似文献   
Most developing countries show great concern that they will compromise their cultural integrity if they import foreign models of economic development. The Chinese in Hong Kong have been dealing with this problem since they were colonized in 1841. This paper explores their various responses to this potential threat. Tajfel's (Tajfel, H. (1974). Social Science Information13, 65–93) social identity theory is advanced as a theoretical tool in considering (a) how Chinese understand Westernization throughout history and in contemporary Hong Kong, and (b) how they stereotype themselves and various relevant groups. It is hoped that this analysis will be of some value to persons in countries considering the problem of importing models of development.  相似文献   
龙艳霞 《海外英语》2011,(8):392-393
With an English program Dialogue about Japan earthquake, it is found that English major’s future is pale and gloomy. It’s just like Michael Dell’s success story, when people found direct marketing is a better way, they would try to get dealers out of the way. English majors are facing the embarrass like dealers.  相似文献   
"合法知识"不是凭空生成的,它的诞生是权力运作的结果。权力与意识形态的"默契共谋"又为"合法知识"地位的巩固提供了庇护。著名教育学家迈克尔·阿普尔正是看到了"合法知识"与权力的关系,从而提出"谁的知识最有价值"的经典设问,并以此设问为核心展开研究。这类研究对于我国的教育改革具有启示作用。  相似文献   
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