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Environmental attitudes depend on the relative importance that individuals attach to themselves, other people, or all living things. These distinct bases have been found to predict environmental concern, and may act as statistically significant determinants of pro-environmental behaviours. We claim that examining the complex nature of value orientations and concern levels among elementary school students as well as the interrelationships between these attributes could guide researchers and educators in Turkey. This study aimed (1) to explore Turkish elementary students’ ecocentric and anthropocentric attitudes, and environmental apathy; (2) to investigate their egoistic, altruistic and biospheric value orientations as well as their environmental concerns; (3) to examine relationships among environment-related attributes and (4) to determine the role of gender on these attributes. Participants seemed to be highly concerned and held favourable ecocentric attitudes. Furthermore, students with higher levels of anthropocentric attitudes tended to exhibit higher levels of environmental apathy, and those expressing biospheric concerns held lower levels of egoistic concerns. The findings suggest that girls were significantly more concerned about environmental problems and tended to value nature more for its own sake than boys.  相似文献   
Current and recent policy around curriculum and pedagogy for English in England has seen a lack of principled thinking about what the subject should be and how it should best serve the needs of children. In postwar England, in London in particular, teachers and academics working within the London Association for the Teaching of English (L.A.T.E.) were engaged in just such principled thinking, driven by the need to formulate a ‘new' English in the context of a changing school landscape and a changing school population. Central to L.A.T.E.'s work was the focus on the child, and the need to devise a model of the subject that was, at its core, responsive to the experience, interests and language of students. Given the direction central policy around English has taken in the past 20 years, this article considers the importance of reevaluating L.A.T.E.'s work, and considers two key conferences in the history of the Association as important watershed moments in the development of these aspects of ‘London' English. In doing so, it argues that the questions for which L.A.T.E. members sought answers are precisely those that should be asked today, but that seem to be absent from policymakers' debates about English.  相似文献   
培养学生的创新精神和能力,是知识经济赋予教育的时代使命,是教育必须担当的民族责任和国家责任。然而,创新精神和能力不是天生的,主要靠教育。最好的教育必须是有利于培养学生的创新精神和能力的教育。为了培养学生的创新精神和能力,教育应该重建新的价值取向:引导社会比适应社会更重要,创造文明比传承文明更重要,提出问题比解决问题更重要,创设情境比传授知识更重要。前两个是教育观念,后两个是教学方法。只有教师更新了教育观念,改进了教学方法,将新的教育价值取向转化为实际的教学行动,培养学生的创新精神和能力才能成为现实。  相似文献   
高考为我国高等教育的稳定发展做出了卓越贡献,不同时期的高考改革都有其合规律性和合目的性的考虑,即都有一定的价值取向。本文通过对不同时期高考改革的梳理,试图发现其价值趋向,从而为未来高考改革提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
论文化资源及其功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化资源,是指可以开发来用于生产过程从而创造出财富的文化活动形式及其成果.文化资源的形成,是社会经济发展到一定阶段的必然结果.它一旦形成,便在社会经济生活的诸多方面发挥着十分重要的作用.文化资源直接为人类的生产活动提供了加工对象,提升了人力资源素质,为产品增加了文化附加值,优化了社会经济环境,并起到了提高企业和地方形象以及知名度的功能.只有充分认识文化资源的功能,才能更好地开发和利用文化资源,促进经济和社会的发展.  相似文献   
当前高校会计核算模式无法满足管理需要,预算编制不完善、执行力弱,对贷款风险的重视程度不够,科学的还贷机制缺失,理财意识差、效益观念淡薄。为此,应从加强财务预算、成本管理、项目管理、资产管理、现金流量管理和管理会计入手,建立以风险控制和价值创造为目标的财务管理体系。  相似文献   
用微积分、线性代数、概率论等高等数学知识证明了二元均值定理,其证法的多样性引起了广泛的兴趣和讨论。  相似文献   
个人主义是美国人价值观念的精髓,它体现在美国人生活的方方面面。基于此,以话语为载体,通过分析美国人的家庭观,即个人独立、个人权利、自由平等、家庭认同等,来进一步了解美国的个人主义价值观。  相似文献   
《长乐诗话》成书于梁章钜创作生涯的早期,缘起于梁章钜对区域诗学的关注,内容多限于介绍长乐一县的诗人及诗歌创作情况,反映了梁氏早年的诗学思想。《长乐诗话》编纂以时为序、以人为目、因人存诗,又杂采方志文集资料,解疑补缺,创新性地从家族诗歌创作史的角度编纂诗话,使得长乐县史上许多不存于文学史却颇具文采的诗人及其作品流传下来,对于后人了解长乐县的区域文学及家族文学创作具有很高的文献价值。  相似文献   
从儒家圣人观出发,通过对儒家圣人观内容的简要概述,进而阐发了儒家思想对于现代社会的积极意义,简要论述了其现代价值。  相似文献   
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