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摘要:通过文献资料的查阅和总结,在对民族传统体育的发展现状与问题进行理论分析的基础上,提出了20世纪以来的民族传统体育的发展呈现出举步维艰的态势,其表现出的特征为:短暂的热闹,阻挡不住存在空间的萎缩;表面的繁华,遮蔽不住生存状态的凄凉;形式的保留,掩饰不住文化根底的流失。继而就其发展所面临的机遇以及未来发展的策略进行了理论论述。指出:发展民族传统体育必须树立“文化第一”的原则;必须以“传承创新”为动力;必须以开发“存在空间”为己任;必须以“系统联动”为手段。只有将民族传统的体育文化,视为我们华夏民族的文明成果来对待;只有将民族传统的体育文化,当作我们中华民族的传统文化的事情来操办,只有将其提升到弘扬民族精神,建构社会主义核心价值体系的高度来认知,才可实现民族传统体育在文化大发展、大繁荣中的继承、发展和弘扬。  相似文献   
摘要:三次女性主义浪潮和奥运会自身价值观的演化,深刻影响着女性参与奥林匹克运动。奥运会中女性项目的变化反映了女性参与奥林匹克运动进程。采用文献资料法,从奥林匹克运动自身发展过程和三次女性主义浪潮对女性体育参与的影响两个维度,探讨了奥运会女性项目的演进过程。得出以下结论:奥运会女子项目的设置反映了三次女性主义浪潮对女性体育的推动作用;奥运会所追求的男女平等不能仅以女子项目的增加为标准,性别公正是逻辑起点;在第三次女性主义浪潮与日渐功利化的奥林匹克影响下,奥运会对性别平等的探索会更加曲折。  相似文献   
摘要:针对学生人数多,场地紧张,公共系女生网球技术入门难等问题,笔者将网球随心课程引入到高校公共网球选课项中,旨在通过战术学习来促进和激发网球技术的学习,将网球学习过程回归于其游戏本质的原生态,使大部分学生通过简短的学习就能掌握网球基本动作打法,突破网球教学难度的最大节点。采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、教学实验法和数理统计法对高校公共网球选项课中开展网球随心课程进行研究,结合网球随心课程教学特点和教学理念进行教学实验设计。实验结果证实:网球随心课程和传统教学法都能不同程度的提高学生的身体素质;实验班在网球正反手对打、发球技术成绩方面都好于对照班,且差异显著;实验班学生网球学习兴趣明显高于对照班,且有76.67%的学生有意愿将网球项目作为终身锻炼的项目之一;网球随心课程教学设计充分挖掘网球运动的娱乐性、趣味性和竞争性,采用三色球、小场地、游戏和比赛等方法组织教学,切实调动了学生学习的积极性和主动性,营造轻松活泼的课堂氛围,从而提高高校公共网球选项课的教学质量,这样的教学课程值得在高校中推广。  相似文献   
摘要:基于国家对学生体质健康工作的导向,高校对体育工作更为重视。研究运用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈、实验、数理统计等方法对北京市49所高校体育基础课开展现状进行调查,调查发现:北京市普通高校体育基础课以“主体和素质”类型为主,开课率近七成;呈现主体内容广、素质内容相对集中的现象,学生课堂情感体验不足、主观能动性不高的问题。提出:“快乐体育课,阳光我身心”的教学理念构想,并以北京语言大学一年级学生为例进行为期16周的教学实验。结果显示:以“快乐体育课、阳光我身心”教学理念的体育基础课,既有效的提高学生体质,又愉悦了学生的课堂心境;缓解了学生的心理情绪,实现了“心理与身体”的双赢目标,为普通高校更好的开展体育基础课提供了思路。  相似文献   
The ‘intercultural’ is now omnipresent in most departments of teacher education in Europe and elsewhere. It can be implemented under the guise of, amongst others, multicultural, transcultural, global and/or development education. In this paper, I problematise post-intercultural teacher education. The context of this study is that of Finnish education. Famed worldwide for its ‘miraculous’ educational system, Finland is rarely talked about for dealing with diversities in education. In this article, I explore the impact of a course on ‘multicultural education’ given to a cohort of ‘local’ and international student teachers studying to become Newly Qualified Teachers. I taught the course myself and decided that since only 8?h would be devoted to the issue of interculturality, the course would have to help the students to learn to develop quickly critical competences towards the many and varied approaches to diversities that are ‘available on the market’. The methodology rests on the use of a documentary on ‘extreme’ intercultural dialogue that the students discussed at the end of the course. Set in Israel, the documentary follows a class in a multicultural school in Tel Aviv during the second Gaza War in 2008–2009. I hypothesise that the documentary, which is often conflictual, would help me to evaluate the students’ learning and how they discuss and problematise such a case of ‘intercultural dialogue’ in education and relate it to their future practice.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the effects of a behaviour change intervention, which encourages the integration of physical activity into the teaching of academic lessons, on physical activity levels of students. The main outcome is mean minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) daily generated during the intervention lessons. Teacher's perceptions and students' enjoyment of the programme were also evaluated. Students accumulated a mean of 8 min MVPA during the intervention lessons daily. The teacher and students were very satisfied with the programme. Therefore, changing teacher behaviour towards using physically active teaching methods is a promising way of increasing children's physical activity levels.  相似文献   
The uptake and use of digital technologies is studied in Unos Umeå, a joint one-to-one (1:1) research project between Umeå University and the municipality of Umeå in Sweden. This article presents the results of the third phase of the classroom work with laptops. Using the ecology of resources model (Luckin, 2010), these possibilities and challenges can be interpreted as the manifestation of filters in the learning environment. Alleviating technical problems, targeting low student laptop use, teacher collaboration, and teacher professional development (TPD) may help teachers and students gain and sustain technology-enhanced learning (TEL) in this 1:1 initiative.  相似文献   
特质是指个体在不同的情境下均能表现出的别人没有或较之他人更为突出的一些稳定的特点。其外延包括个体心力性特质、个体学力性特质和个体教力性特质等三个部分。教师从入职新手到成为教育名家的漫长过程,就是以心力性特质这一核心因素为主体,以个体学力性特质和个体教力性特质两个基本特质因素为两翼,在三者彼此的相互促进中,在与成长的客观环境交互作用中不断形成和发展的过程。笔者从人格特质理论的观点出发,对影响中小学教育名家成长的个体特质进行摭探。  相似文献   
文化因素对习语的形成有着不容忽视的作用,传统观点认为习语是不可分析的,认知语义学则认为习语的意义来源于无数个人的认知体验,是有理据性的。文章通过分析文化、隐喻以及习语认知的关系,试图说明习语的可分析性以及其对英语教学和对学生使用词典进行自我学习的帮助和启发,进而促进学生习语习得。  相似文献   
无线传感器网络与现代农业生产相结合为智慧农业、精准农业发展提供了技术保障。文章介绍了ZigBee无线传感器网络在智慧农业中的组网方案,给出了系统软硬件设计。该系统具有组网简单、维护方便、易于扩展等优点,适合在智慧农业中推广应用。  相似文献   
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