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维特根斯坦先后提出两种迥然有别的哲学思想,对西方哲学乃至整个世界都产生了巨大的影响,由此被称为“哲学家的哲学家”“哲学史上的转折点”。文章着重阐释其后期以语言游戏观为基础的语言哲学思想,并深入探讨这一全新哲学观对言语行为理论的影响。  相似文献   
我国民事法律对无效民事行为作了列举性规定,但这些规定不仅与世界上市场经济发达国家对同一问题的规定相去甚远,而且在实践中也不利于保护无过错的相对人,特别是善意第三人的合法权益。本文从同德国、日本民法相关规定的比较角度,通过对法律行为客体要件和意思表示要件的分析,揭示了我国无效民事行为法律规定的瑕疵.并提出了完善我国民事法律相关制度的一些建议。  相似文献   

The United States Senate's unwillingness to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) notwithstanding, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) contains significant safeguards protecting the rights of students with disabilities, acknowledging their participation rights in decisions about their futures. In the first of just two examples, as students ‘age out’ of special education, they participate in developing individualised transition plans guiding their movements to post-school activities. Second, the IDEA transfers parental access rights to students, granting them sole control over their educational records on turning 18 unless they are adjudicated incompetent under state law.

Against this background, this paper opens by considering the U.S. Senate's reluctance to ratify the CRC. The paper next reviews the history of rights in the U.S. before examining how the IDEA affords students with disabilities considerable opportunities to participate in planning their futures both through transition planning and taking control over their educational records. The article ends by reflecting on how the IDEA comports with the CRC in protecting the rights of students with disabilities to self-determination.  相似文献   
迅猛发展的网络广告创造了巨大的经济价值,同时也存在着一些问题,如内容违法广告问题、虚假广告问题、广告骚扰问题,这些问题在传统媒体中同样存在,但在网络环境中更易发生。相关的法律规范的不完善是主要原因,如未明确将网络作为广告媒体;未将个人纳入广告发布者范围;未明确网络广告的专门办理;未禁止通过网络发布烟草广告;《广告法》与《广告管理条例施行细则》适用关系不明确。应当修改法律规范,建立广告诚信档案和悬赏举报制度,以此完善网络广告的法律规制。  相似文献   
《公务员法》的颁布具有重要的现实意艾。但也存在着公务员泛化问题。立法上难以克服的“法官文官化”即是其中之一。由于司法与行政的巨大差异,“法官文官化”会加剧行政权对司法权的吞噬。摧残司法独立。进而对法治建设不可避免地带来负面影响;簦于法官和行政工作人员的不同性质。对它们也不能实行同样的公务员考试制度。  相似文献   
应试导向的NCLB对美国教师教育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
NCLB法案培育的"成绩文化"变革着美国K-12课堂教学和教师教育.美国的教师教育项目正承受着NCLB所带来的应试教育之痛:对"高质量教师"的界定使考试成为惟一入职门槛,教师的同质化趋势与学生多元化趋势之间的矛盾日益加剧,承受"成绩问责"考验的中小学制约了教师教育项目学生的实习过程,大学的教师教育项目必须在迎合NCLB成绩至上和秉持教育本质属性之间寻求平衡.  相似文献   
2005年《妇女权益保障法》的修正,立足于我国现实,着眼于妇女权益保护,在保留了原九章的整体构架基础上,对各章内容进行了充实和完善,丰富了妇女权益保障的手段,拓展了妇女权益保障的内涵,全面系统地加强了妇女权益保障的力度。  相似文献   
18世纪末 19世纪初 ,法国大革命演变为拿破仑战争 ,英法两国互相使用封锁政策扼制对方 ,危及了中立国的经济利益。美国于 180 7年颁布了《禁运法案》。《禁运法案》的实施非但未能有效抵制“封锁”政策 ,反而沉重地打击了美国自身的对外贸易 ,对农业也造成了一定程度的破坏。从长远看 ,《禁运法案》的颁布及实施有一定的积极意义。政治上 ,民主共和党人长期执政 ,创造了国内少有的和平政治环境 ,为“和睦时期”的到来提供了条件 ;经济上 ,东北部制造业逐渐兴起 ,为 19世纪 6 0年代工业化率先在那里完成打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   
本文的目的不在于具体讨论某个学科的教育方法,而在于一种普遍意义上的教学思路的探寻。本文针对学生学习出现的现象与问题进行探讨,分析此类问题出现的原因,尝试性地提出一些解决办法和建议。  相似文献   
In times when universities are becoming less self-evident, these organisations may be confounded in terms of which aspects of their activities and performances they should communicate with their stakeholders. A related question – central to our study – is how they communicate. This paper analyses the style of one particular type of communication: welcome addresses of key spokespersons of UK universities. Building on the pertinent image and identity literature and using Speech Act Theory, we expected to find differences between universities by prestige and age and over time. We found that older universities use different styles compared to younger universities, and that there were also differences by prestige. We also found considerable changes over time. The findings suggest we should not see these welcome addresses as purely ceremonial, but as intentional messages with communication styles that reflect the organisational attributes of the university.  相似文献   
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