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我国的公务员制度萌发于民国时期孙中山先生颁布的《文官考试令》之时,而新形式的公务员法的颁布、公务员考选制度的制定则是为适应我国新时期、新阶段公务员队伍建设的客观要求而不断在修订中。通过对我国2006年~2012年国家公务员"报考职位"中的职位数量和职位质量的实证分析,可以对我国现阶段公务员考选制度的变迁进行总体评价,在肯定其成绩的同时也分析其存在的问题,并在此基础上为推动我国公务员的未来之发展而提出合理化、建设性的意见和建议,以便更好地发挥我国公务员考选制度在我国社会主义现代化建设中的制度保障作用。  相似文献   
高等职业教育专业课教学对培养学生成为应用性人才有着十分重要的作,同好专业课的课堂教学,实验,实训教学,是每一个高职教育工作永远的科研课题  相似文献   
元末明初剧作家杨景贤,是蒙古族第一位和最杰出的戏剧家,也是当时成就较高的杂剧作家之一。杨景贤有丰富多样的作品,其代表作杂剧《西游记》在思想艺术上成就较高,影响较大;杂剧《西游记》对小说《西游记》产生了重大的影响。所以应当提高杨景贤在中国文学史上的地位。  相似文献   
培育特色学科,创新人才培养模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
广西北部湾经济区的开放开发对区域高等教育人才培养工作提出了新的要求.钦州学院主动将学科专业建设和人才培养纳入地方经济社会发展的大系统中,依据产业结构调整的需要,加快学校学科专业建设步伐,培育特色学科,创新人才培养模式,服务地方经济建设,促进学院的稳步发展.  相似文献   
对电大图书馆的发展又准确的定位,对于失去电大现代远程开放教育的发展具有重要的意义。根据现代远程开放教育发展的需要,充分发挥图书馆在现代远程开放教育中的功能,把图书馆建设成为自主学习的场所和学习资源的中心,应是未来电大图书馆的发展方向。  相似文献   
未注册商标的法律地位及其保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多数国家采用注册取得商标权原则.未注册的商标作为商标的事实及其所具有的无形财产价值,使其所有人对其享有合法的民事权利.<巴黎公约>、TRIPS协议以及其他一些国家的法律规定在一定条件下对未注册商标进行保护.我国商标法已将未注册的有一定影响的商标和驰名商标纳入保护范围,但普通的未注册商标的保护水平尚需要提高.  相似文献   
为改变目前网络课程开发难度较大,教师无法亲自参与课程建设的现状,设计并实现了网络课程生成系统。系统将组成网络课程的各项教学功能以模块化形式进行划分,教师只需将课程相关材料按功能模块输入预先设计好的网页模板中,就能够组织成一门结构良好的网络课程。系统通过降低课程开发难度,将网络教育中的主导权还给教师,从而有助于保证网络课程的教学质量。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION During the last decade there has been an in-terest in the Banach space geometry of non-selfadjoint operator algebras. Subjects of investigationthere include the extreme point structure of the unitball (Hudson et al., 1997; Moore and Trent, 1987)and the isometries between such algebras (Arazyand Solel, 1990; Kadison, 1951; Moore and Trent,1989). One possible application of a characteriza-tion of extreme points is in the study of isometries.Kadison (1951) used the char…  相似文献   
The non-citation rate refers to the proportion of papers that do not attract any citation over a period of time following their publication. After reviewing all the related papers in Web of Science, Google Scholar and Scopus database, we find the current literature on citation distribution gives more focus on the distribution of the percentages and citations of papers receiving at least one citation, while there are fewer studies on the time-dependent patterns of the percentage of never-cited papers, on what distribution model can fit their time-dependent patterns, as well as on the factors influencing the non-citation rate. Here, we perform an empirical pilot analysis to the time-dependent distribution of the percentages of never-cited papers in a series of different, consecutive citation time windows following their publication in our selected six sample journals, and study the influence of paper length on the chance of papers’ getting cited. Through the above analysis, the following general conclusions are drawn: (1) a three-parameter negative exponential model can well fit time-dependent distribution curve of the percentages of never-cited papers; (2) in the initial citation time window, the percentage of never-cited papers in each journal is very high. However, as the citation time window becomes wider and wider, the percentage of never-cited papers begins to drop rapidly at first, and then drop more slowly, and the total degree of decline for most of journals is very large; (3) when applying the wider citation time windows, the percentage of never-cited papers for each journal begins to approach a stable value, and after that value, there will be very few changes in these stable percentages, unless we meet a large amount of “Sleeping Beauties” type papers; (4) the length of an paper has a great influence on whether it will be cited or not.  相似文献   
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