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A review is offered of Hong Kong's current education reform that sites a key role for creativity. This key role leads us to ask “Creativity in the Hong Kong Classroom: what is the contextual practice?” To address this question 27 Primary classroom teachers across three subject areas were observed and rated using the Classroom Observation Form [Furman, A. (1998). Teacher and pupil characteristics in the perception of the creativity of classroom climate. Journal of Creative Behavior, 32(4), 258–277]. The creativity potential of these teachers was then measured against the Creativity Fostering Teacher Index [Soh, K. C. (2000). Indexing creativity fostering teacher behavior: A preliminary validation study. Journal of Creative Behavior, 34(2), 118–134] and the Creative Personality Scale [Gough, H. G. (1978). A creative personality scale for the adjective check list. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37(8), 1398–1405]. Their class students then completed the Chinese Creativity Tests [Wu, J. J., & Chen, F. X. (1998). A study on the new creativity test. Taiwan: Education Bureau and Foundation for Scholarly Exchange]. Findings support and extend current understandings of both system and componential theory [Csikzentmihalyi, M. (1996). Creativity: flow and the psychology of discovery and invention. New York: Harper Collins; Amabile, T. M. (1996). The social psychology of creativity. New York: Springer–Verlag; Amabile, T. M. (1996). Creativity in context. Boulder: Westview Press]. Instrument limitations and a need for interpretative cautions are discussed and their significance for further research indicated.  相似文献   
对当前青岛市小学足球教练员的整体自然现状进行调查分析,找出当前教练员所存在的一些问题,提出相应对策,更好的提高小学足球教练员队伍的综合素质,促进青岛市小学足球运动的顺利开展。  相似文献   
小学数学教学论是以研究小学数学的教学过程及其规律为主要对象的一门科学,目前小学数学教学论课程教学存在着课程定位不当、教学内容陈旧、教学方法落后、评价手段单一等问题,采用理论与实际相结合、强化学生主体的参与性、加强教学基本功训练以及建立健全的评价体系等措施,能有效地扭转这种状态。  相似文献   
《英语课程标准》倡导任务型教学模式,鼓励多媒体作为教学辅助手段。文章以小学英语教学法中教案撰写为例,就如何借助多媒体进行课堂教学设计,让学生习得任务型教学法作了一些实践、思考和尝试。  相似文献   
中小学《可持续发展环境教育》教材即将着手编写。教材的编写应注重培养学生的环境意识 ,让学生明确保护环境是可持续发展的前提条件。针对高中、初中、个学不同阶段学生的特点因人施教 ,以人文知识为主 ,结合法律知识教育 ,紧紧围绕当前主要的全球性环境问题是教材编写的原则与主要内容。  相似文献   
This study focuses on the everyday operation of primary schools in Czechoslovakia during the so-called Prague Spring and the subsequent communist political clampdown after the invasion by the Warsaw Pact forces. The authors focus primarily on the experiences of teachers, how events in this complex period affected their professional lives, and how the renewal of totalitarian power was reflected in their work. The research is based on oral history as a method which enabled us to acquire unique knowledge concerning the work and life of teachers in the period under study. Findings from extensive archival research are also an important part of the research. These show that during the Prague Spring, as in Czechoslovak society as a whole, the socio-political climate in primary schools relaxed and communist power weakened, as reflected both in school operation and in-class instruction. After the Warsaw Pact invasion in August 1968, the regime became stricter again in schools and elsewhere (similar to before the onset of the Prague Spring). This was manifested especially in the constant control of teachers’ activities during the Prague Spring, in their persecution, and through the increasing emphasis on ideological aspects of teacher training and pupil formation through instruction.  相似文献   
Educational Psychology makes a significant contribution to the development of skills to research the effectivity of teacher practices in class. However, there is little agreement on what educational psychology concepts are most relevant for teacher training. This paper reports on trainee teachers’ self-perceived mastery of, and attributed importance to, the syllabus content of the Learning & Development module taken as part of the BA Primary Education programme at a university in Barcelona (Spain). Data were collected through a questionnaire answered by all the participants (N = 561) and a focused interview conducted with a representative sample (n = 24). Results showed that students attributed greater importance to syllabus topics related to socio-emotional development and teaching roles in the classroom. Theoretical topics, such as conceptual frameworks for development and learning, were less rated. Students reported deficient mastery of the syllabus topics and significant gaps between attributed importance and self-perceived mastery of contents were confirmed. Implications of our study results for teaching psychology to primary school pre-service teachers are discussed.  相似文献   
甘肃省中小学教师现代教育技术应用现状调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃省中小学现代教育技术的整体发展水平与发达地区相比,在硬件、软件、师资队伍、教学观念等诸多方面都存在较大差距。通过调查分析,我们认为需要从以下几个方面加强中小学现代教育技术建设:因地制宜,加强学校教育技术硬件环境建设;加大软件建设的力度,提高软件开发水平;加强师资培训,提高教师的现代教育技术素质;转变观念,加强教育技术应用研究。  相似文献   
教师是推动教育信息化的关键群体。如何最大限度发挥全体教师的内在潜力是深度推进教育信息化工程中亟待解决的现实问题。教师信息化领导力是教育信息化领导力研究的最新发展,是校长信息化领导力的重要补充,也是教师深度参与教育信息化的重要途径。国内外研究表明理论模型是深度推进教师领导研究的重要基础。鉴于此,本研究在深度剖析教师信息化领导力内涵的基础上,从实践范畴的角度出发构建了教师信息化领导力模型,并在此基础上开发了具有较高信效度的教师信息化领导行为量表,以期对推动教师信息化领导力研究起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   
文章在简述中印中小学信息技术教育课程中社会道德教育的教学目标和内容的基础上,从课程性质与理念、教学目标与内容、课程评价、实施方式等方面对两者中小学信息技术教育课程中社会道德教育进行比较,探讨各自的特色,寻找印度中小学信息技术社会道德教育对我国中小学信息技术社会道德教育可资借鉴的方面。  相似文献   
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