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Public libraries tend to be taken for granted. They can be found in nearly every community and are used by a substantial proportion of the population, particularly the young and the old. Yet the public library service, as it is today, is a relatively recent phenomenon. Despite their origins in the mid-19th century, the widespread network of public libraries is largely the product of the post-war welfare state. The demand for the service grew rapidly during the war and in the immediate post-war period. Provision to meet the demand was constrained initially by the competing demands for reconstruction, but by 1960 the service was ready to expand. The growth was consolidated by the 1964 Public Libraries and Museums Act and was given further emphasis by the 1962 Bourdillon standards (Ministry of Education, 1962). The Act and the standards provided the impetus for what might be described as the golden age of public libraries. This brief period was brought to an abrupt end by the economic crises of the mid-1970s and the subsequent downward pressure on public expenditure. The service managed to hold its own during the late 1970s and early 1980s but since then it has been in decline, with the rate of decline accelerating during the 1990s as new requirements and increasing costs stretched diminishing resources even further, to the point where the overall level of provision now falls well short of the basic standards that were considered to be essential in the early 1960s.  相似文献   
近年来,在全球竞争日益加剧,就业问题日益严峻的背景之下,欧美发达国家的公共职业培训制度出现了重视提高企业竞争力、重视失业预防以及将就业咨询、职业培训、职业介绍等融为一体的发展趋势。对于面临产业转型升级的我国而言,应当参考发达国家的经验,扩大公共职业培训的适用对象范围,建立以培养高技能人才为目标的职业培训体系,并且应当进一步完善职业能力评估制度,大力推行OJT培训方式。  相似文献   
Since outbreaks in 2003, avian influenza has received a considerable amount of funding and become a controversial science policy issue in various respects. Like in many other global and multidisciplinary societal problems fraught with high levels of uncertainty, a variety of perspectives have emerged over how to “tackle” avian influenza and public voices have expressed concern over how research funds are being allocated. In this article, we document if and how research agendas are being informed by public policy debates. We use qualitative and quantitative approaches to examine the relations between expectations of outcomes of public science and the existing research landscape. Interviews with a cross-section of stakeholders reveal a wide range of perspectives and values associated with the nature and objectives of existing research avenues. We find that the landscape of public avian influenza research is not directly driven by expectations of societal outcomes. Instead, it is shaped by three institutional drivers: pharmaceutical industry priorities, publishing and public research funding pressures, and the mandates of science-based policy or public health organizations. These insights suggest that, in research prioritization, funding agencies should embrace a broad perspective of research governance that explicitly considers underlying institutional drivers. Deliberative approaches in public priority setting might help to make agendas more plural and diverse and thus more responsive to the contested and uncertain nature of avian influenza research.  相似文献   
本文运用系统方法和比较方法,将分类的逻辑规则与公共危机管理的实际相结合,分别以引发公共危机的因素和公共危机爆发的范围为标准,以公共危机主管部门为第三维,构建了公共危机种类三维体系,为在法律法规、组织设计和工作流程方面采取相同或相似的危机管理措施,构建系统的公共危机管理机制提供依据。  相似文献   
中国公共医疗服务体系的发展方向是政府出资为一部分群体,特别是老年人、失业者、低收入者等社会弱势群体的医疗服务买单,确保全体国民能够享受到高效、公平的医疗服务。这与美国现行的公共医疗服务体系有很大的相似性。美国政府对公共医疗领域投入巨大,在整个医疗系统开支中,政府承担的开支占到了总数的50%左右,为了提高这些资金的使用效率,防止公共医疗开支的非正当使用,更是为了确保接受政府公共医疗服务的公民对政府的服务感到满意,美国政府下属的医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services组织并开展了一系列针对公共医疗服务体系的绩效评估活动,其结果一方面向上级政府汇报,作为政府考核相关行政人员的标准和调整公共医疗政策的依据.一方面向社会公布,接受社会各界的质询与建议。这些绩效评估活动影响深远,意义重大。中国公共医疗系统的改革和相关政策制定,没有绩效评估这个环节是很难保证成功的,因此,美国公共医疗服务体系绩效评估的实践对于中国具有非常重要的意义.值得借鉴和学习。  相似文献   
公共政策执行是关系到政策成败的关键,改进政策执行中存在的问题对于政策的有效落实有着重要的作用,针对我国公共政策执行中存在的问题提出了具体的解决措施,对提高公共政策执行力,保证政策目标的实现具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
本文以公益性专利运营机构的运营模式为研究对象,从资源能力论视角,通过文献研析推演探析公益性专利运营机构及其运营模式的特征、概念;以系统论、资源能力论等为指导,构建“运营基础资源-动态运营能力-运营竞争优势”的公益性专利运营模式系统结构图,探索结构模块-要素及结构模块间的作用关系;并提出将PPP模式应用于公益性专利运营的创新思索,为公益性专利运营提供参考。  相似文献   
近代广州城市公共卫生事业肇始于晚清,其发端的动因和表现具有多面性。瘟疫流行、西医东渐和清末新政是最主要的三大动因。瘟疫流行从卫生观念层面触动广州对城市公共卫生事业的思考和渴求;西医东渐从医疗制度层面推动广州医疗卫生事业由传统向近代转型;清末新政从卫生行政层面初步确立近代广州卫生行政系统,最终为广州公共卫生事业提供了国家公权力的支撑和保障。近代广州城市公共卫生事业发端的情形,很大程度上,可以说,是近代中国沿海城市公共卫生事业肇始的一个写照。  相似文献   
股份制是社会主义公有制在社会化大生产条件下的主要实现形式。股份制作为公有制的主要实现形式是经济体制改革的必然结果。把股份制作为公有制的主要实现形式具有重要意义。  相似文献   
围绕公共体育课中体育伤害事故这一影响高校体育运动开展的难题,文章以云南省4所高校2000名学生、多年从事体育公共课教学的教师40人为研究对象,分别采取不同调查问卷对其进行体育公共课教学过程中体育伤害事故调查.问卷分析发现云南省高校体育公共课中体育伤害事故发生比例较高,其中发生一次伤害事故占调查总人数的17.4%;体育伤害事故类型主要为皮肤擦伤或裂伤、肌肉拉伤、韧带损伤以及骨折四类;受伤项目以田径、篮球、足球为主;学生掌握一定的急救知识,但对运动伤害事故处理能力有限.针对高校公共体育教学特点,根据调查中反映的问题,分别从学校、教师两个方面提出相应的预防措施,尽可能控制体育公共课中体育伤害事故的发生.  相似文献   
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