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文章以"为意义而阅读"为基本的阅读理念,把测量阅读理解和教材难易度的阅读填空(Cloze)测量法应用在第二语课堂阅读教学中,设计成"完形默读法"(Cloze Silent Reading Method),作为阅读过程中的自我监控工具,让学习者能集中注意、调动先备知识与经验,主动与语篇交际。研究结果初步发现,初中二年级的受试在经过第一阶段完形默读历程后,其字面性理解力提升,推论理解力也有所提升;从教学意义来看,完形默读法能发挥理解监控的正面作用,促进学习者的阅读力,意味着第二语阅读过程之教学的一种突破。  相似文献   
农村公共食堂是"大跃进"和人民公社化运动中极"左"思潮的产物,是人民公社供给制的载体。从1958年下半年到1961年5月,它在"吃饭不要钱"等天堂般的宣传和政治高压下一哄而起,适应了"组织军事化、行动战斗化、生活集体化"的"大跃进"需要,但很快就出现难以为继而加以调整,由领导人的偏爱和一意孤行而强行恢复,并得以苟延残喘,后又由大兴调查研究等实事求是之风而一哄而散,给农村、农业、农民带来了灾难性的后果。江苏农村公共食堂是全国农村公共食堂的一个缩影,存在着浪费粮食、降低社员生产积极性、浪费劳动力、不利于发展家庭副业、不节省烧柴、不利于团结、生活不便等自身难以克服的缺点,又是当时农村以"共产风"为主要特征的"五风"盛行根源之一,为群众所深恶痛绝。与全国其他省份相比,江苏在"大跃进"中,以江渭清为首的省党政领导很快走向务实,江苏农村公共食堂很快就出现了数量急剧减少、固定食堂少、农忙食堂多、食堂规模小等特点。庐山会议后,江苏公共食堂恢复率低,又以"调整"为名解散了很多食堂,特别是从1961年2月经毛泽东的同意江苏首先在全国解散公共食堂,这也是"大跃进"期间江苏省"非正常死亡"人数较少的原因之一。  相似文献   
阅读作为学习英语的最重要的技能之一,其重要性不言而喻。高职英语阅读教学是培养学生成为能利用英语快速获取各种信息,并具有高职专业知识技能和外语交际能力人才的有效途径。针对当前高职英语阅读教学中的问题,采取激发阅读兴趣,扩大词汇量,培养良好的阅读习惯等相应的对策进行解决。  相似文献   
阅读是人成长的必修课。在学校教育中,倡导阅读经典作品,引导学生在与经典的交流中自我教育,自我完善,并以教师阅读带动学生阅读,坚持从上到下、从课内到课外的全方位阅读,形成师生热爱读书的校园氛围。  相似文献   
试论韦拔群对东兰农民运动发展的历史贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大革命时期,韦拔群为了推动东兰和右江农民运动的发展,他在家乡东兰武篆举办了东兰农民运动讲习所,培养农运骨干,并充分利用国共合作的有利形势,在中国共产党的帮助下,先后击溃了军阀龚寿仪、伪县知事黄守先和土豪劣坤杜瑶甫等人的疯狂进攻,把东兰农民运动一步步推向高潮。  相似文献   
1951年12月~1952年10月,在中央和华东局的领导下,江苏地区开展了“三反”、“五反”运动。这既是一场经济斗争,也是一场暴风骤雨式的政治斗争。运动一方面对党政机关的贪污腐败现象有所制止,另一方面又严重扩大化,打击了私营工商业者,影响了社会经济活动的正常发展。  相似文献   
This introduction to the special issue on Genes, Environment, and Reading presents an overview of the background for behavior- and molecular-genetic research on dyslexia and individual differences across the normal range. The general methods, questions addressed, and selected results are summarized for each of the papers in the order of their presentation in the special issue. Concluding comments reflect on the influence of environmental range on estimates of genetic and environmental influences, and the future of behavior- and molecular-genetic research on reading.  相似文献   
This is the preliminary study of a test of phonologicalawareness which does not require that subjects speak or hear toparticipate. The test was designed to minimize memory loads, and tomeasure speeded written naming and segmentation-by-sound. Spelling datacan also be collected. Subjects have 45 seconds to name items in each oftwo sets of line drawings. The average frequency of the names variesacross these sets. In the third set, subjects must name the items, andalso segment the written names into their constituent sounds. This taskwas administered to disabled and normally-reading adults, with twocommon tests of phonological awareness. The new test discriminatedbetween the readers as reliably as the benchmark tasks, correlating witheach better than they correlated with each other. The new test was thenadministered to deaf adults, who performed similarly to the disabled(hearing) readers. The data represent the first direct demonstration ofphonological abilities in deaf subjects, using a task designedspecifically for that purpose.  相似文献   
试论中国近代报刊对马克思主义及其著作的引介和传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思、恩格斯及其学说为国人所知始于19世纪末,马恩经典著作传入中国则是在20世纪初。五四运动前近代报刊成为马恩经典著作传入中国的最早传播工具,其地位和作用不应忽视。  相似文献   
When it comes to education, the dream cannot be controlled by the strictures of language or the conscious mind, and in its insistently disobedient character, is unwilling to submit to the demands of a deliberate and conscious curriculum. Indeed, we might say that what dreams represent is the absence of education itself, and a mobile energy antithetical to a fantasy of smoothly functioning teaching. In this article, we approach the question of dreaming’s place in education through two intertwined lenses: the conceptual and the literary. First, we intersperse throughout our paper excerpts from an untitled fictional narrative about a group of students who become progressively more beaten up, and whose teacher is unable to see their bruises, as they embark on the precarious task of expressing their dreaming, creative selves. We also turn to psychoanalytic theory (and, in particular, Thomas Ogden’s theory of dream thinking) to discuss the significance of the impenetrable nature of the dream, and ask how such qualities of unrepresentability might challenge our desires for answerable questions and legible answers. We end this piece with a recognition of the ways in which shared experiences of reading and writing may also support a place for dreams.  相似文献   
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