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明代歌舞承唐、继宋、启清,成为中国歌舞史上不可忽视的一环,在中国艺术史、中国音乐史、歌舞史上具有重要的研究价值.本文通过阐述明代歌舞研究的意义,归纳前人的研究成果,探讨新的研究方法.  相似文献   
教学案例与教育叙事辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前对教学案例和教育叙事尚无清晰明确的定义和区分,不利于研究的开展和写作的规范。本文从目的意义、定义内涵、基本要素、共同点和不同之处等方面,对近年来受到教育界推崇的教学案例与教育叙事研究进行了较深入的辨析,对教师在撰写教学案例和教育叙事研究时有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
This Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) study represents a collaboration with six students from alternative education to inquire about the experiences of vulnerable youth – students in alternative education and youth who have dropped out of school. Utilizing the Enhanced Critical Incident Technique, youth researchers asked their peers what helped and hindered their retention and success in mainstream and alternative education. Youth researchers engaged in authentic participation and took part in the iterative phases of YPAR – critical reflection and social action. Their involvement empowered them to advocate for their peers by disseminating the results and recommendations to key stakeholders within the community. Youth researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with 18 participants. Overall, the findings show that relationships with staff and peers, flexibility, psychosocial and academic supports, and personal circumstances are vital in helping vulnerable students succeed in school. Engagement in YPAR provided insight into working with vulnerable youth in a manner that promotes agency and social change within educational institutions.  相似文献   
张学良发动西安事变,原因有三:一是强烈的息争御侮爱国思想和自我牺牲精神的促使;二是对蒋介石“攘外必先安内”政策认识上质的变化和他与蒋介石矛盾激化的结果;三是中国共产党统战政策的感召和全国抗日救亡运动的推动。一、二是内因,三是外因。  相似文献   
文学研究会和创造社作为20世纪20年代最有影响的文学社团,以客居的身份初登文坛,但是他们并不甘心如此边缘化的处境,寻求自身生存发展的谋略,笔者探究文学研究会和创造社共同显露出的以名人效应、依附报刊取得阵地和策略化文学论争的手段由边缘向中心动态移动的形态,阐释了"子辈"社团对"父辈"社团的超越以取得文坛话语权。  相似文献   
情感能力是人类智能的重要标志,情感的缺失会影响网络远程教育的教学质量和学习者的学习效果。情感计算是和谐人机交互与人工智能领域中新的研究方向。在网络远程教育系统中应用情感计算理论与技术,可以进一步优化网络远程教育的功能,帮助教师监测远程学习者的情感变化,调整教学策略和方法,实时给予学习者情感反馈,使教学质量达到最佳。目前国内外情感计算在远程教育方面的应用研究还处于起步与探索阶段,所构建的远程教学系统对远程教学中师生情感生理特征与心理特征、多模情感信息融合机制及网络虚拟人机情感交互特性等考虑不足,系统原型在情感合成与表达、智能人机情感交互实现上存在着很大的难度。因此,构建与人类情感系统相吻合的、自然和谐的、人性化和智能化的网络远程教育系统,需要有效解决师生面部表情、语音情感特征信号的准确识别与提取,师生多模情感信息融合机制与和谐人机情感交互技术等关键问题。  相似文献   
周必大作为南宋前期重要的政治家,在当时朝野推崇苏学的政治背景和学术氛围下,十分关注与敬重苏轼。他采用考证、点评、辨析等方法,对苏轼的生平事迹、道德文章进行了深入考察和客观评价,体现了作者独特的人品风范与学问见识。文章对这些问题进行了系统梳理和总结概括。周必大提供的不少今人未见的苏轼佚文线索,表明苏轼研究的文献收集整理等基础工作,还需要继续努力进行。  相似文献   
在当前教育环境下,关于校园足球课程理论构建,一直是不容忽视的话题。通过逻辑分析,从客观实际出发,研究当前足球课程目标现状,并探讨其存在的实际意义,有着十分重要的意义。在遵循公平原则基础上,根据体育课程改革的实际要求,针对所出现的委托,进行具体的策略实施,为培养当前新时代的足球课程体系提供切实可行的措施。  相似文献   
Research-based spin-offs (RBSOs) have become an important aspect of the technology transfer process. Emanating from what is conventionally a non-commercial environment, RBSOs pose major challenges if they are to realise their potential to meet the objectives of their founders and the parent research organisations (PROs) from which they emerge. An important issue is to understand the heterogeneity of RBSOs. This paper reviews the literature on RBSO typologies to develop a taxonomy of RBSOs. We identify common themes in relation to these typologies in relation to (1) spin-off creation and (2) spin-off development. The dimensions that differentiate between firms are the type of resources, the business model and the institutional link. We identify gaps in current typologies in order to propose avenues for future conceptual and empirical research.  相似文献   
This paper examined the relationship between organizational ambidexterity and research commercialization in universities. The paper develops two types of organizational ambidexterity: structural ambidexterity and contextual ambidexterity that influence research commercialization. Through a dataset of 474 academic patent inventors in Taiwan, the results revealed structural and contextual ambidexterity factors are patenting-, licensing- and start-up-specific. Despite both types of ambidexterity are complementary in patenting and licensing, contextual ambidexterity outperform structural ambidexterity in fostering university start-up equity participation. To promote academic research commercialization, it is necessary to build up a university as a dual structural organization that allows pursuing research excellence and research commercialization at the same time.  相似文献   
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