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音乐与绘画的色彩问题是一个饶有趣味的话题 ,两种艺术形式的色彩运用方式有差异亦有共性。绘画的色彩作用于视觉 ,音乐的色彩作用于听觉 ,但又皆为情感表现的重要形式。音乐与绘画的色彩表现彼此不是互不关涉 ,彼此的借鉴能促进艺术表现能力的并肩发展 ,邻近艺术的特色融汇在自我专业中 ,艺术表现将会日臻完美  相似文献   
线描结构与色彩结构是工笔人物的基本结构,线描在长期的发展过程中形成了极为丰富的文化积淀,色彩结构在色服从于线的前提下,在“色不碍形,线不碍色”的合作之中共同形成了工笔人物画的画体特征。中国画的色彩观基于中国古代哲学的五行观念而有青、黄、赤、白、黑五行之说,形成了“五彩彰施”、“随类赋彩”的设色准则和要求。学习研究中国古代传统工笔人物画的色彩结构,对发展现代工笔人物画有极为重要的意义。  相似文献   
格里格所作钢琴抒性小品集感受与想象于一身,浓笔淡墨,恣意洒泼描绘了一幅充满乡情乡音的北欧纯朴音画,而极富创意的多种和声手法则为音画添上了风情各异的色彩,他的作品不仅表现了格里格挚爱自己民族,祖国的情感,也反映了格里格不同于肖邦等前辈作曲家的创作思维。  相似文献   
吴昌硕在诗、书、画、印诸方面均有很高的造诣.然而,相对于书、画、印的盛名,其诗歌成就似乎甚少有人问津.实际上,在吴昌硕的诗中,我们亦能清楚地看到其金石书画的影子,而正是因为有了这些影子,才使他的诗歌具有一种独特的艺术美.本文主要从金石气、以丑为美等方面探讨了吴昌硕诗歌的美学特色,从而试图找到其诗歌与金石书画的相通之处.  相似文献   
通过录像研究、资料查阅、数理分析等方法,依据能量转化与守恒定律,分析了撑竿跳高过程中的能量来源与转化, 总结出助跑、起跳、团身展体、引体推竿这四个过程是动能获得的根源;在整个跳跃过程中,一部分能量被损耗,另一部分转化为身体重心腾至最高点时的势能和过竿时的水平动能, 并提出:加强能量来源与减少能量损失是获得较高腾高的根本方法.  相似文献   
构图是画家向观众传递思想情感的一道重要的表现手法.一幅完美的构图,是要经过作者的苦心经营、精心锤炼才能达到的.  相似文献   
岩画揭示了原始初民的思维方式,同时也形象地表现了原始人的生活情景,岩画中人体运动形象作为人类早期带有巫术祭祀性质的身体运动游戏方式是研究体育运动源起的信史,其人文内含揭示了人从蒙昧逐渐走向最初的(原始的)文明的一个过程。  相似文献   
本文研究了矩阵光学中 ,矩阵逆变换和物理逆光路的逻辑自洽问题 ,揭示了抽象的矩阵操作和实际的物理过程的一致性 ,最后指出 ,它们的统一性 ,本质上在于宏观物理现象的宇称守恒性。  相似文献   
An investigation has been undertaken at St Andrew’s church, Walpole St Andrew, Norfolk, to establish the underlying causes of the observed stone decay to the upper parts of the six stone piers. The stone decay was first recorded in the early 1930s. The salt-contaminated masonry within the church has been shown to undergo severe salt decay during the summer, with little damage occurring over the winter months. The south aisle piers have been shown to decay 2.5 times faster than the north aisle piers. Although crystallization–hydration cycles have been identified, the rate of decay is at its greatest when the cycling is relatively infrequent. This was not the expected trend. Furthermore, it has been shown that during extended periods where the ambient relative humidity is less than 75%, the rate of decay reaches a maximum. It is the length of this ‘drying’ period that apparently has the greatest influence on the rate of decay and could explain the significant difference in the rate of decay between the south and north aisle piers. The results have serious implications for passive conservation, where it is often recommended to lower the ambient relative humidity to well below the equilibrium relative humidity of the salt contaminant, to avoid crystallization–hydration cycles. Since, at the time of building, the church was situated on the coast, it is possible that the sodium chloride contamination occurred during the building process (1440–1520), particularly since the area was prone to sea-flooding at this time. Alternatively, the salt could have been applied as a treatment during the general restoration of 1897. Whatever the source of the salt, it seems likely that the ambient environment was changed by the insertion of a sealed floor in 1897, which could account for the onset of the salt decay.  相似文献   
中国画的"程式化"因素,是中国画的组成元素和表现形式,由它形成的"抽象美"因素,是中国画审美上的一个重要特征,是历代文人画家所追求的目标.也是区别于西方写实绘画的一个主要特点.  相似文献   
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