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《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):82-101
An analysis of award-winning photographs of international events from the annual Pictures of the Year competition is compared to a similar study of Pulitzer Prize-winning photographs. The analysis concludes that the award-winning photographs, which represent the best of photojournalism, portray international events through a limited number of themes that reinforce a stereotype of developing nations as violent and conflict-torn places.  相似文献   
The Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) taken by pupils in their final year of primary schooling in England have been widely criticised for placing children under too pressure and contributing to an increase in test-related stress and anxiety. In this exploratory study we set out to explore the experiences of forthcoming SATs in a small sample of children using an appraisal model of stress and to reflect on whether these criticisms are justified. Results from focus groups with pupils and interviews with class and head teachers suggested that there was diversity in pupils’ experiences their tests. The pressures associated with SATs did not necessarily lead to negative outcomes and some children described SATs in more positive ways, as challenging rather than threatening. Self-worth judgements played a central role in individual-level appraisal and may also provide a useful link to discourses surrounding the value of academic credentials.  相似文献   

This paper explores current tensions in the role of the Head of Year in the light of recent changes in schools' contexts. Three broad themes are explored to consider the implications for the role of the Head of Year: a sustained and sharper emphasis on improving the attainment or performance of young people, a change to some of the deeper structures of the school, and the changing relationship of the school to the community. This is discussed using the example of five schools that worked together to explore the role so that it more closely served their purposes, a group that met to discuss what lies ‘beyond the Head of Year’.  相似文献   
联合国第60届大会于2005年12月通过决议,将2008年定为联合国国际地球年(IYPE),我国是提案国之一。该项活动是联合国成立以来第一次以地学为主导的国际年活动。 2008年4月22日,国际地球年中国行动启动仪式暨纪念第三十九个世界地球日宣传活动在中国地质大学(北京)举行。本刊特邀国际地球年理事会秘书长德穆尔德对国际地球年的发起与活动做详细介绍,编写成文并刊出,目的在于提升公众对地球的认知程度,关注和谐发展和推动地学为社会经济可持续发展服务。  相似文献   
冯小刚的三部贺岁片,从观众接受经验角度看,适合新年贺岁的市场需求;冯小刚贺岁片因平民化的取材视角使之贴近生活;三部贺岁片也因其俗中求雅的美学追求,使之既获得商业性成功,也具备了一定的化品质。  相似文献   
《讲话》高度概括了鸡西大学“十五”规划期的成功经验;只有始终以邓小平理论为指导,笃信发展是硬道理。创抓大机遇,我们的事业就会大发展;只有始终以科学发展观为统领,笃信以人为本,我们的事业才能可持续发展;只有始终以民主集中制为旗帜,笃信民主,全心全意依靠教职工,我们的事业才能有不竭的动力源泉;只有始终以解放思想为先导,笃信与时俱进,不惟上、不帷书、不囿于旧框框,我们的事业才能跟上时代前进的步伐。《讲话》着重阐释了枝系两级班子建设方案,并就“十一五”计划期内学校发展总的指导思想、战略目标、实施方略作了缜密论述。  相似文献   
尹湾汉简《东海郡吏员簿》再次证明,汉代"有秩"和"啬夫"实乃两个独立官名:"有秩"分"官有秩"和"乡有秩"两类",啬夫"分"官啬夫"和"乡啬夫"两类。中华书局版《汉书·百官公卿表》及《后汉书·百官志》关于"有秩、啬夫"之点校正确无误,是历史事实的反映。  相似文献   
在今天的中国电影市场中,冯小刚的电影以其独特的诙谐调侃的方式,渐趋清晰地构建了其独一无二的消费品牌。冯小刚的"贺岁片"相当程度地挽留了人们对于国产电影的信心,同时也为其他电影人提供了一个商业娱乐电影的操作理念。根据冯小刚贺岁电影的创作特征,分别从虚实相生的游戏化情节,葛优式的小人物,大演员的小角色三个角度出发分析冯氏贺岁电影的表演特色。  相似文献   
宣统元年甘肃省爆发了严重的旱灾,灾情十分严重,一时间舆论纷纷指责陕甘总督升允匿灾三年不报,朝廷遂将其罢免。与此同时,各地展开了协助赈济陇灾的活动。直隶省的协赈活动虽然发起的时间比较晚,但无论官方还是民间募捐活动都非常踊跃,对协助赈灾尽了应有之力。同时,这次活动也反映出了清末直隶省募捐赈灾的一些特点。  相似文献   
本文以《中国科学引文数据库扩展库》为情报源,对2011年被其收录的新疆任意作者的论文,从作者分布、机构分布、文献语言分布、发文期刊分布、文献类型分布、学科分布,以及主要合作国家(地区)分布及机构分布八个方面进行了全面的统计分析。可供科技管理部门制订科技规划和实施人才奖励参考。  相似文献   
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