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作为近代著名的皖籍藏书家,刘声木也是一位成就卓著的目录学家,其目录学思想主要体现在两方面:其一,采用人名与著述相结合的目录体模式来研究桐城派文学,揭示其流派渊源,可谓开创文学流派研究的先河;其二,在目录的内容和体例上进行了创新,首次收录了评点书目,并在目录学专著中将译著及其他具有时代特色的书目一并收录。  相似文献   
《汉书·艺文志》对《七略》的继承与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《汉书·艺文志》是我国现存最早的史志目录。《汉书·艺文志》在书籍著录范围及目录体系上继承了《七略》,但在注文、序文、排序归类等方面有所修正和创新,它第一次确立了我国古代史志目录的体例和规范。  相似文献   
《(光绪)江西通志·艺文略》在江西古代文献书目中质量最好的一部,是研究江西地域文化重要的参考资料。由于编纂条件和编纂方法所限,也存在书籍漏收、著录内容有误、相关信息不详的缺失。《(光绪)江西通志·艺文略》的得失及原因对编纂新的江西古代文献书目具有很好的借鉴意义。充分利用目前目录学研究成果仍是编纂新书目的主要方法。  相似文献   
梁启超:中国古代目录学研究现代第一人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁启超的中国古代目录学研究,具有建立现代学科的开创性意义。他可谓是这一研究领域的现代第一人。其贡献主要表现在四个方面:一是建立了比较完整的古代目录学史的现代研究体系和研究规范,二是总结了古代目录学的原则和目录的功用,三是对导读书目的研究有较大的开拓,四是其研究方法达到了历史与逻辑的统一。其研究对后来者产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
近些年来,随着党和国家有关部门对全民阅读的强力推进,民众的阅读之风已日渐兴起,图书阅读率也呈现出增长态势,但其增长速度依然缓慢,其中一个主要原因就是对读者的阅读缺乏深度指导。本文从几个方面论述了对读者阅读进行深度指导。  相似文献   
"阴""阳"作为中国哲学的重要范畴历来为学者重视,但是就这两个范畴如何由普通字眼上升为哲学范畴,学术界一直未给予重视。结合古文字和学术界目前确信传世文献考察"阴""阳"的起源,认为商周时期"阴""阳"的含义已蕴涵阴阳范畴的一些因素,但此时期阴阳仅仅是对天、地自然景象的客观描述而已,尚不具备形而上的深邃意义。后来经过古代哲人由此及彼的联想民,"阴""阳"才最终抽象为形而上的范畴。  相似文献   
耿文光的《万卷精华楼藏书记》成书于清末光绪年间,传统目录学在这一时期已经发展到了相当成熟的水平。官修的《四库全书总目》《天禄琳琅书目》以及之后的私家藏书目录从编排上和著录上都为后来的目录编辑者提供了参考和启发。同时也产生了一大批记录读书心得和指导读书的札记类著作。耿文光积十多年之力,前后四次改变体例,终成《万卷精华楼藏书记》。与以往目录不同之处在于著录方式和指导读书方法两方面。  相似文献   
Nikola V. Mikhov (1877–1962) set the standard for modern bibliographers in Bulgaria. He compiled major bibliographies of Bulgarica, or foreign works on Bulgaria, concentrating on the history and economics of Bulgaria and Turkey before 1878, the year Bulgaria gained autonomy from the Ottomans. Mikhov combed the collections of important Western European libraries in France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, and other countries to examine works for inclusion in his bibliographies. Using both published and archival sources, the author surveys his life, his bibliographic method, and his more important bibliographies.  相似文献   
Karol Estreicher (1827–1908) compiled Bibliografia polska [Polish bibliography], an extraordinary retrospective national bibliography of the body of written works of Poland. Chronologically covering the entire history of printing in Poland up to 1900, it consisted of three distinct parts: the nineteenth century; a universal chronological bibliography of Polish publications; and pre-nineteenth century, conventionally called Bibliografia staropolska [Bibliography of old Poland]. So far a total of 56 volumes of Bibliografia polska have been published. That total includes the 35 volumes that constitute parts 1, 2, and 3; the four volumes that, covering 1891–1900, were published outside the framework of the three parts; and the seventeen volumes that constitute the second edition of part 1, the nineteenth-century bibliography. It was an exhaustive but also complicated bibliographic opus. A prolific writer and literary scholar himself, Estreicher devoted—with remarkable endurance and resilience—50 years of his life to its making. Much of the complexity of his bibliography reflected the cultural and intellectual roots of the author and the way he interpreted the meaning of his project.  相似文献   
The author discusses the history and work of the program at the National Széchényi Library to find, document, and collect Hungarica—defined as published in Hungary, written in the Hungarian language, written by a Hungarian author, or written about Hungary or Hungarians—published in Hungary or outside of it. Today both domestically-published and foreign Hungarica are documented in the library's online catalog and in a database of humanities research in Hungarian studies.  相似文献   
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