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Background: Teachers have the potential to make an enormous positive impact on the lives of their students, and may enter the classroom with a deep-set belief that education is, fundamentally, benevolent and good. However, such an uncritical stance may fail to account for the negative experiences of Indigenous students in Australia, where teachers are often cited as the primary reason Indigenous students leave school or refuse to go to school. Despite this, Aboriginal communities remain strong advocates of education and continue to lobby for a genuine and meaningful role in decision making.

Purpose: Given teachers’ critical influence, a collaboration was formed between the two authors: a Gamilaroi (Aboriginal) woman and a non-Indigenous Canadian woman, to conduct a review of the research. We asked: ‘What are the personal (non-academic) attributes a teacher needs to engage Indigenous students effectively in the learning process?’

Method: The literature review focused primarily on the Australian context and used a framework-based synthesis approach, whereby a decolonising ‘Relationally Responsive Standpoint’ framework was identified a priori. This provided the structure for extracting and synthesising the literature.

Findings and Discussion: The themes arising from the literature review were organised and considered through the framework, which foregrounds awareness through Respecting (self/motivations), Connecting (interpersonal) and Reflecting (knowledge) before concluding by Directing (future role). In Directing, the implications of the findings are discussed through yarning, a dialogical and dynamic approach with a strong future focus regarding the next steps of research and action.

Conclusions: Reviewing the literature in this way offers teachers, researchers, teacher educators and, arguably, policy-makers an opportunity to consider the personal attributes necessary to engage Indigenous students. It highlights the importance of critical self-reflection to being a relationally responsive teacher. We believe that the findings span international and professional boundaries and could impact on Indigenous Peoples globally, if all professions engage with an understanding of their own axiology and ontology.  相似文献   
社会性、互动与权力--诠释课堂生活的社会学视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会性、互动、情境定义和权力等是教学社会学的主要关键词,它们可作为考察课堂生活与教学活动的极好的视角:教学是一个社会性的互动过程,是师生不断解释情境和创造教育意义的过程:课堂生活在反复磋商和冲突中充满了丰富性和复杂性;权力的控制与反控制昭示了课堂秩序的动态性。  相似文献   
A psychotherapist in a college setting must act in different contexts and constantly be aware of boundary issues. There are times when our various roles, or voices, conflict, and times when our work may suffer from a lack of clarity about what voice we are speaking in. This paper attempts to make some initial distinctions between the Psychotherapeutic, the Medical, the Counseling and the Administrative voices. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and each has its proper function, but confusion may result from, for instance, translatin administrative issues too readily into medical langauge. The underlying notion here, which I try to spell out through examples from the literature of college metnal health and from clinical and adminsitrative experience in college psychotherapy services, is that the "voice" we use, the political and geographical location of the service, and our policies about such matters as medical leaves and readmission-that all these matters have implications for the functioning of a psychotherapy service in a college (and that, in fact, one of the defining aspects of college work is the struggle with these very issues). Going a step further, the paper is a beginning reflection on whether the requirements of providing psychotherapy for students impel us, logically and practically, toward certain policies in regard to boundaries.  相似文献   
梦是中国古代文化中极为重要的审美意象,不同时期的不同作家对其都格外重视,堪称中国古代审美文化永恒的主题。梦意象之所以能够一直散发着独特的艺术魅力,在很大程度上与其所特有的美学特征关系密切。在形式美学特征方面,梦意象最为突出的、特征有凝缩的时间、结构的多样化以及拟实的氛围等。这些形式美学特征为梦意象塑造了一个绚丽离奇、亦真亦幻的审美氛围,正是在这种氛围的感染下,梦意象独特的审美感染力和神奇的美学功能才有了释放的空间。  相似文献   
连续出版物的本质属性及其派生属性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
连续出版物的本质属性及其派生属性高家望ABSTRACTTheessentialatributeofserialsistheircontinuity,whichderivesthefolowingthreespecialatributes:unityo...  相似文献   
商业秘密权的定义和法律属性是商业秘密权理论体系中的两个重要的问题。商业秘密是合法控制人采取合理保密措施控制的未披露信息。商业秘密权人对其合法控制的商业秘密所采用的保护手段具有不可侵犯性,这种保护手段的不可侵犯性就是商业秘密权。  相似文献   
论体育赛事与项目管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文从项目管理学角度阐述了项目管理的概念、特征,论证了体育赛事具有项目属性,可以用项目管理理论来管理体育赛事,并就项目管理在体育赛事中的运用进行了探讨。  相似文献   
刊物的政治导向功能及其把握与实现,并非一个外显的存在,它是社会主义出版业的本质要求,是学术理论刊物的内在特征,是新时期编辑工作本质属性的体现,正是通过作为期 政治导向功能实现的主形态的现实性和时代感,不断激发着学术理论刊物的内部活力,它作为一个贯穿始终的整体办刊思路和要求既不会削弱甚或取消作为学术理论刊物特质的学术性和理论性,也不会丧失其个性风格。  相似文献   
随着纸质媒体的快速发展,特别是平面媒体(如网络)的异军突起,副刊的内涵与外延、社会功能与在媒体的作用,都发生了深刻的变化。传统的观点把副刊视为媒体“配角”,是人们茶余饭后的消遣工具。研究、探索副刊的发展规律,对于各媒体办好副刊,提高舆论引导水平,特别是纸质媒体面对网络的挑战,如何发挥自身优势,占领市场具有重要意义。  相似文献   
构建了多维集成视角下的面向公共决策技术评价体系,并着重就其他两个视角展开基础上的通用性方法视角提出了基于方法构件的技术评价方法的组合与选择思想,给出了基于属性匹配的评价方法选择研究思路,建立了属性匹配模型.引入了评价方法匹配选择有效性分析的思想。  相似文献   
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