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宋代福州刻印“三藏”,其中佛教二藏属于民间寺院刻本,而道藏则是官刻。其后,福州刻书基本沿着民间私刻与官刻两条线路发展,其中官刻略占上风,而罕见书坊刻书。仕宦在外的福州人氏在外省刻书,与南方各省区的刻书形成了交流与融合的各种可能,促进了南方各省刻书业的共同发展。这是有别于此前学界普遍将闽人在外地刻书与福州本地刻书混为一谈的研究结论。  相似文献   

The importance of reading for school and career success is well documented, but there are countless benefits to reading for quality of life. This column explores the goal of creating lifelong readers in school libraries, the characteristics avid readers share, and ideas to develop these readers.  相似文献   
文化发展到了今天已经形成了缜密的体系,从龙的习性、偏好到龙的族群、谱系,甚至是龙的繁衍生息,都有证可寻、有据可考,而这些证与据则都是从文献或文化传说中得来的,因此笔者就从文献、神话传说等角度来剖析龙形象。  相似文献   
加强图书馆开放式借阅管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开放式借阅是当前图书馆借阅的必然要求:方便读者的阅读,体现了"以人为本"的服务理念;提高图书资源的利用效率,促进文献的充分利用;减轻工作人员的负担,提升管理服务的工作效能。文章对开放式借阅中出现的阅览环境难以控制、图书乱架、破损丢失等不良现象提出有效管理措施。  相似文献   
中国古代童蒙读物是一项宝贵的历史遗产,具有丰富的文化价值和教育价值。童蒙读物教育遗产价值的研究也折射出我国当下保护教育遗产的诸多问题,主要是教育遗产的保存、继承和发展,教育遗产的扬弃以及教育遗产价值的重新发掘等。  相似文献   
清末日本监狱学书的中译本在日本出版之后,主要通过轮船寄至中国,由指定书店销至各地;在国内书籍销售中采用了报刊广告等近代化营销手段;监狱类书籍还通过封疆大吏以地方法政考试用书的方式,大量订购,流向官场读者;在日本政治家大隈重信主持编纂并赠送清朝皇帝大臣的宣扬明治维新成果的《开国五十年史》丛书中,也有监狱书籍。通过这四条书路,日本近代监狱改良思想在中国得到传播。  相似文献   
清代学者许裢精通法学、文学、医学,一生著述、刻书颇丰,编著有《洗冤录详义》、《刑部比照加减成案》、《六朝文絮》等。许裢的刻书以实用书籍居多,刊刻精美,是一代刻书大家。这些著述和刻本都对当时的社会和文化产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
There is a small body of work examining how picture books can be used with young children and their families to develop understandings of contemporary issues including diversity and practices towards inclusion. This article describes a study in one New Zealand kindergarten that explored teachers’ interpretations of children’s responses to a selection of picture books featuring same gender parented families. The research sought to go beyond traditional understandings of families and the dominant discourse of heteronormativity. Findings show that despite children reportedly being open to the possibilities of non-traditional families in their setting, and their play, teachers appeared hesitant to ask probing questions or fully engage with children’s thinking, or their own, to explore understandings in this area. Nevertheless, this research demonstrates that taking tentative steps towards making an alternative discourse available through the proactive use of curriculum resources does not have to be ‘difficult’ or ‘dangerous’. In inclusive educational settings, lesbian and gay headed families can be affirmed, and children can be supported to construct understandings about ‘family’ outside of normative boundaries.  相似文献   
One of the most successful religious children’s books ever written is James Janeway’s A Token for Children (1671/1672). This book offers 13 examples of “well‐dying” children, including the death‐beds of two Dutch children. Details concerning the background of those children are lacking in the English‐language historiography of children’s literature. Janeway borrowed their stories from a broadsheet, published in English in 1666, describing the “last hours” of Susanna Bickes and her little brother Jacob. They died at the age of 14 and seven, respectively, as victims of the plague that raged in 1664 in the Dutch town of Leyden (Leiden). The account of their pious departures had been published in Holland in 1664 as instructive illustrations (exempla) of the Christian ars moriendi. This paper sheds more light on the historical and biographical backgrounds of the dramatis personae of this little book and on its religious and ecclesiastical context. It then evaluates the pious stories from a pedagogical point of view and finally their international and inter‐confessional reception is traced.  相似文献   
动漫图书是动画和漫画书籍的合称。动漫产业近几年发展迅速,并且已经成为21世纪各国争先发展的文化支柱性产业。那么好的动漫图书要兼具趣味性和文化性,要想在二者的对立中找到统一,必须对我国动漫图书进行大胆创新。  相似文献   
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