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太平洋战争初期,英国在东南亚的殖民统治被摧毁,英国对日宣战,英国从消极抗战到有限参战,到战争结束时积极抢占东南亚殖民地,表现出英国参战的双重性。英国最初想借美国之力夺回自己在东南亚的殖民地,后又担心被美国取而代之,因此英国一直在对日战争中走钢丝,经中美英三方不断协调。才最终确立了英国在东南亚战场的责任,但英国始终把重返东南亚作为其参战的条件,使它的对日作战打上殖民主义烙印。  相似文献   
在长篇小说《结婚》中,师陀以结婚这一主题为脉络,展示了租界化上海的独特层面。《结婚》和上海租界文化之间有着密切的关系,它揭示出租界深层的文化特性,并且渗透着殖民的因子,这些都凸显出师陀的文化立场和精神困境。  相似文献   
殖民主义时期,法国在撒哈拉以南非洲实施的教育同化政策对这些法语国家的高等教育发展产生了长期不利的影响。这些不利的影响主表现为:高等教育成本高昂,入学机会严重不足,科学与技术在高等教育中受到忽视,非洲本土语言在高等教育中被边缘化。  相似文献   
20世纪初,来自各界的日本学者怀着不同的目的,对海南黎族的方方面面进行了详细的调查研究,并在此基础上向日本占领军提出了制定黎族政策的建议和意见。这些建议和意见,在制定政策的过程中,在一定程度上被占领军当局所吸纳。但从占领期间侵琼日军的种种恶行来看,学者们的研究成果并没有真正地发挥作用。  相似文献   

This essay recognizes that representations of the ‘Muslim woman’ as the Othered ‘object’ of the ‘Western’ gaze and the domesticated ‘object’ which the Islamic apologists strive hard to defend, are both constructions and false antitheses of each other. It seeks not the ‘truth’ regarding the Muslim women in the world of social reality but to examine how various representations of the women are constructed and to what effects and consequences these representations are mobilized. The essay proceeds in three stages. The first stage shows how the patriarchy mobilizes the Qur’an and the Hadith in order to construct the woman as the negative, the inessential and the abnormal of the man so as to exert complete subordination over her. However, the very act of attempting to mute the woman in Islam is the most strident proof that she is engaged in resistance against patriarchal control and the degree of resistance must be judged by the degree of patriarchal control. The second stage demonstrates how patriarchy operates in colonial and neo‐imperial landscape: it legitimizes the appropriation of Muslim woman ‘possessed’ by the Other (as exemplified by the orientalist seduction fantasy in William Dalrymple’s The White Mughals), but, haunted by the fear of rape and anxieties regarding the sexuality of the White woman possessed by the Self, it attempts to maintain strict control over her (as in the cases of Miss Wheeler in the ‘Mutiny’ of 1857 and Private Jessica Lynch in the Iraq War). This struggle over the feminine body is perfectly in line with Islam’s hyper‐anxiousness to hide the female body and rigorously ensure monopolic possession over her. The third stage shows how Taslima Nasreen, a late‐20th century feminist from Bangladesh, speaks the unspoken and thereby attempts to subvert the normative representation of the muted women in her autobiographical novella, entitled āmār Meyebelā. In thus examining the representations of the Muslim women, this essay seeks an alternative ‘third space of enunciation’ and takes a distinct political stand located outside of the axis of the dichotomy of the ‘Western’ gaze and the construction of the Islamic theologians.  相似文献   

In this article, I analyze the political significance of Shōji Sōichi's Chin-fujin (The wife of Mr. Chen), an intricate story of an interracial family in colonial Taiwan struggling to come to terms with their cultural identifications against the backdrop of political upheavals in the late 1910s to the mid-1930s. The novel was well received in wartime Japan and received a 1943 Greater East Asia Literary Prize. Contemporary critics praised it for depicting the perseverance of a Japanese woman married into a Taiwanese family and for representing a Han-Taiwanese intellectual realistically. Yet it was the political effect of the novel that was appreciated by those who selected it for the prize. Shōji demonstrated how the policy and political discourse of the Japanese empire could be acted out in a site of family life, the site that was regarded as critically important for colonial control. He depicted a Taiwanese elite man, his Japanese wife, and their mixed-blood daughter as trying to transcend the old categorical distinction between metropolitan Japanese and natives of Taiwan and seeking a new unified identity position based on colonial Taiwan. I want to show the repressive nature of the national subject formation outlined in this colonial fantasy.  相似文献   

This paper explores the political effects of the cognitive change in the visual environment of colonial Seoul. It asks how the new urban imagery was perceived by the Korean population. It analyzes the ways in which they experienced urban forms, techniques of advertisement and urban infrastructure such as street‐cars and trains. It argues that the engagement of people with mobility, urban symbols and spectacles in the colonial city had stimulated different ways of seeing and thinking about who they were and what they had become, a new collective identity that is neither a subject of the Chos[obreve]n dynasty nor the Japanese colonial state. This paper demonstrates that colonial Seoul represented not only the technique of Japanese colonial subjugation but also generated a new grammar for imagining new identity and difference. The urban environment of the colonial city reflects not entirely a strategy of the colonizer but a tactic of the colonized in appropriating the different meanings of new social life, which was brought by, but not exclusively under, the control of colonial space and time.  相似文献   
The arguments for, and justification of, the value of teaching art in school have been made previously, but contextually these are often situated in Western affluence. This article explores the issues with a strikingly contrasted setting. The rural school in the study is approximately 30 minutes' drive from the nearest town, and the pupils are drawn from the surrounding rural bush area which is itself developmentally and materially poor in comparison to the UK. In school, the poverty seemed initially to relate to a lack of educational resources, but the reality experienced in the classroom may have also been linked to other issues. These included the desperate preoccupation with survival in difficult climatic conditions, a postcolonial legacy and the delicate balance of utilising resources without waste. What conclusions might then be drawn about the teaching of art? Utilising the work of others who have considered the issues in Kenya, this small‐scale ethnographic case study is presented with personal reflection and observations. The author would be pleased to hear from others with similar experiences or who have recognised additional issues in seemingly challenging circumstances.  相似文献   
香港作为高度繁荣的国际大都会,已成为仅次于纽约和伦敦的全球第三大金融中心。香港回归已有十六年,但与内地之间似乎一直存在着一道难以跨越的鸿沟,使得两地之间经常产生民众纠纷、文化矛盾、意识形态认识的冲突。追根溯源,其中的原因与漫长的英国殖民统治有着密不可分的关系。正是在这段时期里香港社会历经了领土遭遇割让、地区被迫投降、经济高速发展、主权确认回归等诸多事件,才形成了一次次的社会心理变迁,最终发展成为了如今香港地区社会心理的一个基本雏形。  相似文献   
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