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自从华盛顿·欧文在他的《瑞普·范·温克尔》中刻画出瑞普·范·温克尔这个人物以来,瑞普就成了饱受争议的角色。瑞普这种备受争议的结局是由他的性格特征所决定的。尽管如此,瑞普还是受到很多读者的欢迎,许多评论家甚至对他好评不断,誉他为美国的英雄。瑞普本是一个嗜好喝酒的普通人物,从睡谷消失多年也是因为喝酒引起,但从美国早期历史的社会场景来看,恰是这种对酒精的嗜好使瑞普成为既受争议又受好评的文学人物。  相似文献   
杨永华 《海外英语》2011,(7):5-7,10
罗切斯特的疯妻子为什么是一个来自于英国的海外殖民地——西印度群岛的克里奥尔人?该文通过对夏洛蒂.勃朗特的小说《简.爱》的叙事风格进行分析发现:作者运用明暗两条叙事主线,赞美了简.爱和罗切斯特的爱情,却极力贬低来自大英帝国殖民地的克里奥尔妇女——罗切斯特的妻子伯莎.梅森;竭力强调自己的个性独立,却枉顾和有意无意地贬低自己和罗切斯特财产的来源地,也是大英帝国的海外殖民地——西印度群岛。这些都显示出作者的白人优越感以及其对于殖民地人民的极度蔑视。  相似文献   
Sue Lovell 《Media History》2015,21(1):89-100
This paper presents a close reading of Australian local newspapers The Queenslander, The Week, and The Logan Witness. It argues that by representing triumph over local challenges these newspapers also constituted a late-nineteenth-century civilizing process. They played a vital role in generating community cohesion. Stability and civilization were represented to the target audience of families and entrepreneurs as ‘natural’ and appropriately embodied by colonizers. Embedding a sense of belonging established a ‘civilising (sic) goodness’ through disavowal of the displacement of indigenous peoples as familiar community practices were enacted. In this highly literate population newspapers, rather than books, provided local Australian content. A case study of the Lahey family, who arrived as South East Queensland became available for serious settlement in the early 1870s, personalizes the settlement ideology produced by local newspapers.  相似文献   
后殖民电影理论研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后殖民电影理论研究大致经历了三个发展阶段:20世纪60年代兴起于非洲、南美洲等有色族裔的民族解放运动中,旨在批判欧美电影的新殖民主义功能;20世纪70年代发展于有色族裔的文化解放运动中,主要批判了西方电影中模式化的"他者"形象;20世纪80年代兴盛于全球化的后殖民批判浪潮中,主要揭露了西方电影中的"东方主义"、"文化帝国主义"、"权力话语"等。在三个发展阶段中,国内外的后殖民研究存在很大的差异,具体表现为国外起步早、发展快、成果多,而国内则起步晚、发展慢、成果少。  相似文献   
自从 19世纪英国占领我国香港后的 10 0多年中 ,在香港实行了一整套的殖民制度和政策 ,完全剥夺香港人民的政治权力。但到第二次世界大战结束后 ,港督杨慕琦突然抛出一个政改方案 ,声称要给香港人民以民主权力。然而这个方案未及实施便夭折了 ,这充分反映了英国殖民当局将没落的殖民制度在香港继续下去的企图和虚伪  相似文献   
Colonial archives and the arts of governance   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Anthropologists engaged in post-colonial studies are increasingly adopting an historical perspective and using archives. Yet their archival activity tends to remain more an extractive than an ethnographic one. Documents are thus still invoked piecemeal to confirm the colonial invention of certain practices or to underscore cultural claims, silent. Yet such mining of thecontent of government commissions, reports, and other archival sources rarely pays attention to their peculiar placement andform. Scholars need to move from archive-assource to archive-as-subject. This article, using document production in the Dutch East Indies as an illustration, argues that scholars should view archives not as sites of knowledge retrieval, but of knowledge production, as monuments of states as well as sites of state ethnography. This requires a sustained engagement with archives as cultural agents of “fact” production, of taxonomies in the making, and of state authority. What constitutes the archive, what form it takes, and what systems of classification and epistemology signal at specific times are (and reflect) critical features of colonial politics and state power. The archive was the supreme technology of the late nineteenth-century imperial state, a repository of codified beliefs that clustered (and bore witness to) connections between secrecy, the law, and power.  相似文献   
作为中国政治、经济和军事在特定时期的特定产物,三线企业曾为国家发展起到巨大作用,在新时期又不可避免地受到种种冲击,产生巨大裂变。本文就三线企业、社会和人的特征、社会行为方式、社会心理等进行分析,对其发展趋势作出预测,以期通过发展和改善三线企业社会群体关系对三线企业改革发展起到积极作用。  相似文献   
本文以"殖民主义"为视角,分析《鲁滨逊漂流记》蕴含的殖民主义色彩。在殖民主义理论看来,鲁滨逊是一个殖民者,他以枪炮为后盾,有计划地对以"星期五"为代表的原住民实行思想控制、语言专制、习惯管制和自由遏制,这些殖民行为不仅使被殖民者丧失了原有的民族文化、自我身份,也使他们丧失了赖以生存的原住地,最终变成了鲁滨逊殖民统治的臣民。  相似文献   
第二次世界大战结束前后到1949年,美国的杜鲁门政府一面宣称在印度支那问题上保持中立,另一面却大力支持法国重返印度支那。长期以来,由于材料有限,国内学术界对这一时期美国的印度支那政策未能深入探讨。近年来,随着相关重要材料的解密和网络化,深入研究这一问题有了可能。资料显示,罗斯福政府曾提出印度支那战后脱离法国、置于国际托管之下的主张。但出于战后确保欧洲、抗衡苏联以及建立世界霸权的需要,继任的杜鲁门政府却正式承认法国对印度支那的主权,并在军事和财政上支持法国在印度支那重建殖民统治,为法军重返印度支那提供了船只和车辆,准许法国人无代价地使用剩余租借物资,敦促中国国民党受降部队从印度支那撤军。此外,美国政府还支持法国采取"以越制越"的手段,策划"保大方案",扶植保大傀儡政权,以抵消越盟的影响,促使法国在越南的殖民统治合法化。这些做法给法国在印度支那重建殖民统治提供了方便。了解这一时期杜鲁门政府的印度支那政策,有助于加深理解印度支那战争背后的大国因素和两极格局的形成。  相似文献   
This paper examines the agentive role of the colonial administration in accessing formal education for Africans in North Nyanza, Kenya from 1890 to 1920. It demonstrates the complexities of the colonial experience in which the ultimate application of policy and practice was shaped by the overriding principle of protection of the economic and political interests of the immigrant settler community. Africans lacked institutional agency in government functioning in the racialised society in this period. The agentive role of the colonial administration in improving conditions for African populations faltered from its earliest conception. The colonial project ultimately fell short of its goal, as the governmental commitment to improving the education for African populations was compromised by the agenda to advance the commercial interest of the colonial empire and the dominant influence of the European settler class.  相似文献   
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