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中小企业在推动国家经济发展,壮大县域经济,缩小城乡和区域之间的差距,扩大社会就业,改善民生,稳定社会以及推进自主创新等方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。但由于社会认识的差距,以及企业自身的问题,导致企业发展困难重重。以咸阳中小企业为例,介绍了咸阳本地企业发展的现状,分析了中小企业发展滞后的原因在于观念滞后、管理落伍、人才短缺、缺乏核心竞争力及资金匮乏等制约因素,并针对性提出了促进咸阳市中小企业发展的对策。  相似文献   
《逍遥游》的结构并不是什么有待——无己——无待,也并非意义不连贯。历来庄学家注重探微,都没有说对,把《逍遥游》倒过来读,问题就很清楚。一篇《逍遥游》,从头到尾,就是个大小之辩。庄子以大鹏自喻,以九万里云风比喻其境界之高远宏大,为大而辩护,从而开启了一场大小之辩。大小之辩是《逍遥游》全篇的线索、主题和宗旨,其核心思想就是知有大小。庄子所推崇的大知,就是至人无己,神人无功,圣人无名,最高境界是无己的境界。庄子所说的知的不同,就是人生境界的不同。庄子所谓有所待或无所待,不是指存在论意义上的条件,而是指人生论意义上的系著与留恋。  相似文献   
扫罗是以色列第一位君王,撒母耳是犹太人历史上最后一位士师,两者处于从士师时代到王国时代过渡的特殊时期。因而,作为上帝权能代表的先知撒母耳和世俗王权代表的扫罗之间就不可避免地存在着矛盾和冲突,冲突的产生有撒母耳个人心理方面的因素,也与历史政治大环境对王权的呼唤和王国建立初期的政教冲突有关。  相似文献   
文学理论是文化的载体。深受天人合一观念影响的中国古代文论是深情的,与之相比,主客二分、主客二元对立观念影响下的西方文论则显得较为客观,较为无情。这种深情和无情对比主要表现为三个方面:一是善与真的不同,二是情与理的差异,三是文学与哲学的区别。中西文论的不同反映了中西文化的差异。比较中西文论的不同,旨在展开中西文化的对话,求同存异,促进中国现代文论的建设,从而使中国文论屹立于世界民族文化之林。  相似文献   
《孙子兵法》本质上是论述战胜的战略和谋略著作,蕴含了科学的战略思维观念和战略思维方式、方法。企业战略管理是建立在战略思维基础之上的全局性、长远性、竞争性的战略计划、战略实施、战略控制和战略评估的动态管理过程。《孙子兵法》战略思维观无疑对企业战略管理具有科学的指导价值。《孙子兵法》提出的算胜战略思维观强调,要高度重视企业战略管理活动中战略决策的重要性,要充分认识企业战略管理活动中战略决策思维的重要性,要重视企业战略管理活动中正确运用战略决策思维方法的重要性。  相似文献   
The whole world is now referred to as a global village because of the technological revolution is taking place especially in the area of information and communication. In this paper, the author started the discussion with definition of communication, highlighted means of communication and purposes of communication, counselling as a form of communication, conceptual flame work for communication in ODL (open and distance education), component of good communication, media selection and combination for effective counselling process in NOUN. The author in his recommendations, advocated that for a counsellor to be effective in discharging his responsibilities, he or she must attain a certain level of competency in communication skills, select appropriate media, and must be efficient in the use of communication devices especially computer. Also the media of counselling must be readily available to both the counsellor and counselees.  相似文献   
This article is based upon a larger study that considered three high school literature units in the US. Through a close analysis of one classroom discussion between a teacher and a provocative 8th grade student named Fish, I argue that it is not only ethically responsible to position the Fishes of this world as laudable, but that doing so is beneficial for critically focused English classes as a whole. Further, I argue that my reading of Fish as a provocateur can be productively transferred to other student‐provocateurs in our English classrooms who vex the smooth doing‐of‐school in different ways than Fish did.  相似文献   
Arthur Sutherland Neill is one of the most debated personalities among the representatives of the classic reform pedagogy, due to his pedagogical concept and its practical realization, and his Summerhill School, equally. He is often mentioned during public debates, where mostly the "three S"--"sex, swearing and smoking", are existing as subject of the debates. While analyzing publications about Summerhill School appearing in Hungarian and German pedagogical special literature and press, a kind of polarized attitude has been realized towards the conceptions and school: Some talk about him admiringly; others criticize him while emphasizing the concept's drawbacks and unique features.  相似文献   
The learning of English tenses and verbs is obviously the major and challenging part of second language learning and acquisition for Chinese students. The paper analyzes the features of simple present tense, simple past tense and verbs in them from the aspect of Sidney Greenbaum and Randolph Quirk's student grammar book as an instructive example. It is suggested that, it be meaningful and practical if the grammar rules are reflected rather in sentences or contexts than in the formula. Some possible pedagogical activities and materials are recommended to make tedious grammar learning and teaching more understandable and interesting.  相似文献   
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