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王艳军 《编辑学报》2017,29(4):331-334
近年来我国假冒学术期刊网站泛滥,严重损害了学术期刊和作者的权益,扰乱了我国的出版秩序,其不良影响受到了社会的广泛关注.调查发现,2009-2016年我国共发表假冒学术期刊网站侵权类研究20篇,其中仅2016年就发表15篇.本文调查与整理打击假冒学术期刊网站取得的初步成效,综述有关我国假冒学术期刊网站侵权的研究成果,总结并分析假冒学术期刊网站的形式和特征以及防范对策.  相似文献   

This study investigated teacher profiles with regards to their conception of truth. The explanatory sequential design began with the first phase administering a survey to a random sample from across the American southeast. Results were aggregated and each teacher was profiled with regards to four diverse views of truth: correspondence, relativist, pragmatist, and critical. The second phase of the study analyzed open-ended responses to a set of questions about instructional practices of teachers for comparison of common practices based on truth profile. The results of this investigation found a significant proportion of teachers hold contradictory views of truth while those who are firmly within one profile have noticeable distinctions among priorities, perspectives, and practices. Implications for these findings are discussed with practical consideration for the classroom regarding salient topics such as learning online, engaging in social media, and combatting fake news.  相似文献   

In the twenty-first century, people have access to a great wealth of knowledge to solve information-based problems. However, sources might include misinformation, a phenomenon also called ‘fake news’. In this study, the contribution of students’ affective engagement and behaviour disposition on Italian university students’ multiple-document comprehension will be investigated. In specific, the focus was put on trustworthiness judgements and use of justification criteria when reading documents on the controversial topic of vaccination. Participants were 289 university students. The procedure included four steps. Firstly, students were administered the tests measuring prior beliefs, topic interest and prior knowledge. Secondly, students read six documents varying by position towards vaccination and reliability. Thirdly, students were asked to report their use of processing strategies. Finally, students were asked to judge the trustworthiness of the six documents and report to what extent they had relied on specific trustworthiness criteria. Overall results confirmed the existence of four default stances adopted to complete the reading task, which are significantly associated with trustworthiness judgements. Students’ affective engagement should be targeted by enhancing their topic interest, and intervention should promote cross-document strategic processing.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the “fake news” issue and places it in the context of information literacy instruction for college students. In 2017, the faculty librarians at a large state college in Florida developed a news literacy instruction program that included instructional faculty outreach, lesson plans for one-shot information literacy instruction sessions, lessons assignments for one-credit information literacy classes, and learning objects in a LibGuide that can be used by students or embedded by faculty into courses across the disciplines.  相似文献   
本文从我国市场经济体制的角度入手,分析了假冒商品在我国赖以存在的历史根源及现实基础,阐述了我国现行法律在打假中所起到的作用及其存在的不足,说明了在打击假冒的过程中,健全社会主义法制的紧迫性和重要意义。  相似文献   
学校对话管理是一种超越传统管理的新型学校管理方式,然而,在学校管理实践中存在许多"伪对话"。究其原因主要是由于对话管理的实施存在一些障碍性因素,这些障碍性因素具体表现为:话语霸权的存在,思维假定的影响,主体地位处理不当,对话情景脉络把握失调以及团体中的断裂带。为更好地实施对话管理需要强化学校自我完善机制,突破对话管理瓶颈。  相似文献   
学术造假事件近年来频频见诸报端,编造基金、编造数据,企图蒙混过关的现象时有发生。由于数据库等技术的发展,学术不端行为出现了新的特点,变得更加隐蔽,不容易被发现。学术期刊编辑部应更加细致、耐心、专业地对文章真实性进行识别,建立内控机制。同时,维护学术诚信是全社会的共同责任,科研管理部门、数据库技术部门、立法执法等部门应协同合作,防范惩戒学术不端行为,促进科研诚信的实现。  相似文献   
随着对出土文献的深入研究以及电子检索等现代学术手段的使用,许多“伪书”被证明其实并不伪.这就迫使我们对古籍辨伪的概念、目的、方法、证据、论证过程以及成果应用等提出质疑,并对存在的问题进行深刻的反思.  相似文献   
随着我国证券市场的建立和发展,在巨额利益驱动下,上市公司、中介机构为了自身利益最大化,不择手段进行会计造假,严重侵害了广大投资者的合法权益、阻碍了证券市场的健康发展。对会计造假现象的原因进行深入透彻的分析,从而找到相应的对策,对促进我国证券市场的健康发展,保障广大投资者的合法权益具有重要意义。  相似文献   
近年来,生物医学技术的发展为人类增强自身的功能提供了无限可能。情绪增强是运用生物医学技术手段调节人的情绪、性情,使其快乐、自信、乐观、满足,实现"感觉更美好"的心理状态。但是情绪增强可能带来大量的伦理和社会问题。情绪增强破坏人的情感真实性,割裂了人类情感与现实世界的联系,阻碍了社会的正常发展;情绪增强改变人的性情和身份,破坏人的叙事性和心理连续性特征,它可能造成人类情感的同质性,阻碍正常情感的培养。最重要的是它阻碍人类对真实幸福的追求。因此,只有制定相关的法律政策措施防范情绪增强技术的滥用,才能更好地造福人类。  相似文献   
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