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重大科技基础设施(以下简称“大设施”)的建设和运行不仅涉及基础科研问题,还涉及复杂的工程和管理问题。强化优化专业人才队伍建设是全面提升大设施效能的关键因素。目前我国在大设施人员经费支持、人才考核和激励制度建设上对设施专业工程、技术和管理人才的关注不足,严重降低了大设施专业人才队伍的稳定性和工作积极性,进而直接制约了大设施科学和社会效益的发挥。通过对我国多个大设施进行调研,梳理了在人才队伍建设方面的问题与困难。在此基础上,结合国际相关设施的先进经验,提出了3点政策建议,旨在推动我国更好地依托大设施建设世界科技强国。  相似文献   
Evaluation of academic research plays a significant role in government efforts to steer public universities. The scope of such evaluation is now being extended to include the ‘relevance’ or ‘impact’ of academic research outside the academy. We address how evaluation of non-academic research impact can promote more such impact without undermining academic freedom and research excellence. Five questions on evaluation design are considered: (1) What should be the object of measurement? (2) What should be the timeframe? (3) How should non-academic users of research inform evaluation processes? (4) How should controversial impacts be managed? (5) When in funding cycles should impact evaluation occur? We conclude that non-academic impact should be selectively promoted and evaluated. This is how greater gains from research might be best captured without imposing misguided and onerous reporting requirements on individuals and institutions.  相似文献   
我国高等教育经费结构现状与高校社会捐赠   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"穷国办大教育",是我国发展教育事业所面临的最大挑战,对于高等教育的发展来说,经费短缺是各高校不得不面临的重大问题。教育经费是高等教育事业发展的基础和保障,在国家财政拨款不能显著增加的情况下,高校要依靠自身的条件和努力去拓宽资金筹措渠道,实现高等教育经费的多元化筹资。社会捐赠作为一项公益事业,是高校筹集资金的重要渠道之一。当前我国高校社会捐赠面临总体捐赠力度不够、募捐渠道单一化等困境,高校应该对此予以高度重视,在认真借鉴和学习西方高校成功开展社会募捐的经验的同时,结合本校实际采取相关措施,积极吸引社会捐赠,从而推动我国的高等教育事业不断发展壮大。  相似文献   
贫困生认定结果的准确公正是影响资助绩效的重要因素,认定工作是困扰资助工作的一大难题。通过分析高校贫困生认定工作的程序和困扰,研究了贫困生认定对贫困生资助绩效评估体系的影响,并从规范认定程序和标准、加强大学生诚信教育、改变认定主体和建立学生家庭经济档案信息系统等方面提出对策,以期提高资助工作绩效的公平性。  相似文献   
在经济技术全球化的今天,企业技术创新能力成为影响一个国家经济竞争力的重要因素。公共资助作为一种常见的政策工具能够有效弥补"市场失灵"效应带来的缺陷,在激励、引导、促进企业技术创新方面具有不可替代的重要作用。基于北京科学学研究中心和德国弗劳恩霍夫协会系统与创新研究所联合组织开展的"中德企业技术创新与转移状况调查"结果深入分析中国(尤其是北京地区)企业在技术创新活动中所面临的公共资助现状、结构与需求,指出现有公共资助体系在支持企业技术创新方面可能存在的问题和改进措施,并就完善公共资助体系、促进企业技术创新提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   
公司发起人是指在公司章程上签字盖章并对公司出资的人。发起人的出资义务是指发起人应当足额、及时地缴纳各自在公司章程中所认缴的出资额。发起人的出资义务具有法定性:一是源于其发起人的身份属性;二是源于公司的公众性。发起人如违反出资义务,在给公司带来损害的情形下,应对公司承担侵权损害赔偿责任。同时.应按照合同法的规定对其他发起人承担违约责任,即按照发起人协议的规定继续向公司履行出资义务,同时对其他发起人承担支付赔偿金、损害赔偿等责任。  相似文献   
This paper seeks to contribute to the continuing controversy in Australia on the best way to deploy that country's scientific and technological research and development (R & D) resources. It puts forward and discusses some policy options relating to the ‘restructuring’ of the Australian R&D system currently underway, for the consideration of the research community and those responsible for the research policies. In particular, the paper comments on how overall objectives and priorities for R&D can be set, the need for evaluations of the research and development that is conducted, the need to develop a dialogue between the public and the scientific community over the setting of research and development directions.  相似文献   
This article is situated in a growing body of literature, focusing on higher education reforms in countries which emerged, or re-emerged, 25 years ago as the Soviet Union dissolved. With the focus specifically on Kazakhstan, this paper examines how the leadership of universities in this country views a higher education funding model– the state grants. The paper applies the lenses of stability, performance and innovation orientation to the examination of the state grants-based higher education funding model in Kazakhstan. This paper finds that despite recognition of the limitations of the existing funding model, there is limited interest to push for changes. This can be explained by the complex higher education policy environment which is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
During the 2004–2005 fiscal year, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) awarded $252,654,341.97 in grant money to 6,958 research initiatives submitted by Canadian researchers working in academic settings. The results of these initiatives are reported in published papers, books, articles, and other forums. A question of concern is how much of the data being produced in the course of this research is being archived? What are the attitudes and concerns of the researchers themselves towards ensuring their work is preserved for the future? Results indicate that Canadian researchers in the humanities and social sciences actively share data. On the whole they are supportive of initiatives to preserve data but have thus far not systematically ensured preservation of their research materials. Researchers expressed concern over issues of confidentiality in providing access to their research data. Further dialogue is needed between researchers and other stakeholders to overcome impediments pertaining to preservation and access to research data on a national scale.  相似文献   
2007年美国竞争法案授权国家标准技术研究所院NIST启动新的技术创新计划(TIP)取代先进技术计划(ATP)。TIP旨在通过支持高风险、高收益的技术研究,解决美国关键国家需求领域面临的社会挑战。从ATP到TIP的变迁,在很大程度上体现了美国技术创新资助政策理念和运行机制的调整,引起了全球范围的广泛关注。本文力图把握美国技术创新政策调整的最新动态,剖析政策变迁背后的动力机制,以期为我国政府技术创新资助项目的设立与实施与调整提供启示与借鉴。  相似文献   
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