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和谐社会需要和谐的法律作为基础和保障,构成和谐的法律需要法律各价值之间、公法与私法之间、实体法与程序法之间的和谐。  相似文献   
邓小平反复提出要搞清楚“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”的问题。“社会主义的本质,是解放生产力,发展生产力,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕。”“三个代表”重要思想涵盖了经济、文化、政治三个基本方面,大大拓展了社会主义本质的内涵。胡锦涛把对“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”的认识推进到了一个新的更高的理论境界,进一步丰富和发展了马克思主义的社会主义本质论。胡锦涛和谐社会理论,是进一步回答“什么是社会主义”的理论。科学发展观,是在社会主义市场经济条件下建设中国特色社会主义,构建社会主义和谐社会的发展观。  相似文献   
每一个民族都有自己独特的文化,对于日本来说,集团性是其社会文化的核心。在讲求资历的日本场所型集团社会中,序列意识构成是日本纵向社会的基础。在序列意识的基础上,日本形成了以武士道的"忠义"和儒家思想的"和为贵"为核心,以"忠孝恭顺"为宗旨,成员服从集团,下级服从上级的集团性文化。  相似文献   
社会主义和谐社会是以人为本的社会,社会和谐说到底是人与人之间关系的和谐。说服就是宣传,就是人与人之间心灵的沟通,它是建立和谐人际关系的重要手段。而知之以心,衡之以利,动之以情,晓之以理,示之以范,鉴之以实是说服的有效方法。  相似文献   
在建设社会主义和谐社会的伟大进程中,要充分认识到和谐文化对构建和谐社会的基础性作用,特别是教育在和谐社会构建中的突出地位。"和谐"是大学的精神积淀和时代要求,尤其在作为首善之区的北京,和谐大学作为和谐社会的有机组成部分,二者不仅在基本精神上相一致,而且彼此依存,互相促进,密不可分。和谐大学的建设,需要正确处理好"教"与"学"、教学与科研、行政管理与教学科研、硬环境和软环境等几对矛盾之间的辩证关系。  相似文献   
社会主义和谐社会并不排斥竞争,但这种竞争不是尔虞我诈、你死我活、不择手段的恶性竞争,而是符合社会伦理道德的公平公正的良性竞争.个体适应良性竞争所需要的竞争力也必须是良性竞争力--既能给个人带来成功又有利于他人和社会的竞争力.美德正是这样一种良性竞争力.  相似文献   
本文通过文献研究,分析了大学生网络成瘾的心理和行为特点,提出一些有效治疗大学生网络成瘾的团体领导策略和团体活动策略,并认为整合型团体心理干预方案效果更显著、更持久。  相似文献   
This qualitative case study attempts to conceptualize certain ‘patterns’ and ‘processes’ of which 28 mature women undergraduates give meanings to their motivation for higher education in their life contexts. Particular attention has been paid to include diverse groups of women according to their age, prior educational background, marital and occupational status. This was to seek for possibilities of differences amongst the mature women undergraduates, which is a scholarly neglected issue in the existing literature. Life history interviews were conducted with individual participants aged 25–75. Based on a combination of grounded theory approach and feminist post-structuralist theory, three types of learners were identified primarily in different generation—an age cohort that shares certain experiences in common. They are younger ‘careerist learners’, ‘personal growth learners’ and older ‘vicarious living learners’. Although the motivations for these three types of learners overlap to some extent, they disclose distinct gendered subjectivities. The analysis suggests that this partly reflects the historical dynamics of gender relations in Korean society. Drawing on empirical findings, this paper argues that more attention needs to be paid to diversities among mature women students and to socio-historical contexts under which those learners’ motivations and perspectives are constructed.  相似文献   
Anne Silver 《Education 3-13》2013,41(4):339-350
This research examines the effects of the Horsham Greenpower Goblin Challenge (HGGC), a hands-on science, engineering and technology (SET) project, on the attitudes of Year 5, primary-school children towards SET. The data collection centred on pre- and post-HGGC questionnaires using Likert scales and picture/word images of scientists and engineers. It was found that the HGGC did not significantly alter children's attitudes to SET and did not dispel previous negative images and attitudes. It was concluded that a greater understanding and acknowledgement of children's existing attitudes was required when designing initiatives aimed at dispelling negative and promoting positive images of SET.  相似文献   
诚信是对维系社会、市场和各种交易的法律法规契约准则的尊重和信守。目前,法律和制度为基础的诚信管理体制落后,企业失信成本过低,政府行政腐败等,是和谐社会建构中阻碍经济政治进程的重要因素;以诚信为原则的社会道德规范体制的滞后,是和谐社会建构中阻碍道德进程的重要因素;以诚信为核心内容的信用文化体制的不完善,是和谐社会建构中阻碍文化进程的重要因素。在和谐社会的建构中,树立全社会的诚信观念、培育以诚信为核心的社会公德、建立完善的现代诚信体系具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
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