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Although the benefits of teacher collaboration have been touted, school administrators often struggle to foster productive collaboration at their sites. This study takes a deep dive into teachers’ interactions to understand how administrators’ efforts to engineer collaboration play out in teachers’ relationships. Analysis of qualitative interview and observation data with a social network lens provides a nuanced understanding of teachers’ formal and informal interactions at two schools. Findings make clear why leaders are unlikely to build effective collaborative cultures without noticing and building off of the relationships teachers have built within their existing contexts. Overly regulated meetings impacted both formal and informal relationships between teachers, and productive collaboration during formal meeting time could not be sustained in teachers’ informal networks when other structural obstacles intervened. Few teachers were able to overcome either of these constraints to engage in meaningful collaboration, although the efforts of some provide insight for promoting collaborative cultures. This study provides insights for how leaders might notice and capitalise on existing relationships as well as on sometimes unintended structures to support teachers’ join work.  相似文献   
大学协同创新是组织内协同和组织外协同的统一,新闻传播人才培养的协同创新是新闻传播高校内部和外部所包括的各子系统间协同的统一。本文分析了协同创新在新闻传播人才培养中应用的必要性,分别从知识的协同、资源的协同、行动的协同以及绩效的评估等方面提出了协同创新在新闻传播人才培养中的实现途径。  相似文献   
从认知语用学原理出发,探讨语言模因的传播运行机制,尝试性提出模因传播是宿主对已模仿的关联性语言模因信息的加工过程,即认知识解、重新审视和文化混搭,在人脑的主观选择复制作用下,在社会文化相互竞争中那些具有适应性的模因逐渐被接受认可得以繁衍传播;而那些不适应社会时代需要的模因不断地被淘汰直至消亡。总之,弱势模因的强化和强势模因的弱化是语言模因进化中的变异现象,符合人类社会的发展规律。  相似文献   
现代社会,法律更多地被大众视为维护社会公平正义、保障人权的利盾;新闻理念数次更迭,但其实现社会监督、维护人权、保证社会公正的核心价值诉求始终如一。司法和传媒有着共同的目标。但是,二者在各自理念上有所交叉,现实中的司法活动和新闻活动有着不同的评判标准和不同的正义理念,加之中国当下的司法实践存在着违背客观准则的现象以及新闻传媒在实践中的不足导致了司法与传媒的现实冲突。两个阵营不应过分指责对方的缺位与越位,应从更加宏观的层面制定能够协调二者在实践中共同遵守的准则才是化解冲突、厘清各自行为界限的解决之道。  相似文献   
随着互联网技术的发展,媒介融合成为新闻传播业的一个重要发展趋势。文章探讨了互联网技术的发展给新闻传播业和社会运作机制带来的深刻影响,梳理了数字化时代的新闻采编方式的变化和公共协商机制的变迁,深刻反思了技术决定论的思维模式,指出公信力才是众声喧哗生态下的生存逻辑,并对日益严重的数字鸿沟提出了质疑。  相似文献   
当今世界的国际化、都市文化对我们的传统文化带来较大冲击,大城市周边民俗文化旅游资源既具有较高的旅游开发价值,又是受影响严重区域和保护的薄弱环节。针对这一情况,本文以马山县为例,深入探讨传统民俗文化旅游资源在国际化、城市化进程中的开发、保护途径。  相似文献   
在抗击新型冠状病毒疫情的众多新闻报道之中,数据新闻作品及数据可视化产品表现抢眼,效果独特,影响广泛,充分体现出数据新闻在新闻事件统计、分析、研判上的独特优势。大数据工具的介入,更让数据新闻从之前的"可视化"阶段衍变进入"工具化"阶段,成为此次公共卫生报道中值得研究的新形态。  相似文献   

Building upon the sociotechnical perspective presented by Lewis and Westlund (2015, “Actors, Actants, Audiences, and Activities in Cross-media News Work: A Matrix and a Research Agenda.” Digital Journalism 3 (1): 19–37. doi:10.1080/21670811.2014.927986), this study examines organizational dynamics, technological affordances and professional challenges of engaged journalism practices by analyzing how Hearken, one of the most celebrated audience engagement companies, and its tools and services are being implemented in 15 U.S. news organizations. This framework identifies Hearken and organizations like it as important “external actors” providing technological “actants” that are shaping how newsrooms report the news by providing ways for audiences to be brought into producing the news, particularly during the earlier phases of the reporting process. Based on in-depth interviews, we find that nearly every news organization in our sample reports some measure of success by using Hearken for involving audience members throughout the production of news. At the same time, we also identify how this implementation is significantly shaped by organizational imperatives and the models particular organizations create for producing audience-centric news work. Ultimately, this study presents a partial update to the decades-long literature on participatory journalism by suggesting that engaged journalism practices actually create opportunities for meaningful audience involvement.  相似文献   
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