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当代各种思潮相互激荡、各种文化相互交融、各种观念相互碰撞,大学生价值取向日益多元化和复杂化,构建社会主义核心价值体系,是高校积极应对西方文化思潮和价值观念冲击、培养合格社会主义建设者和接班人的客观要求和思想保证。高校必须充分发挥思想政治理论课的主渠道作用,积极开展大学生社会实践活动,关注学生的实际需求,努力营造和谐校园文化,加强思想政治教育校园网络阵地建设,积极构建社会主义核心价值体系。  相似文献   
从海峡两岸高校就业工作中的政策支持、机构设置、就业指导内容、人员构成以及就业率统计五个方面进行了比较。通过比较我们可以发现海峡两岸高校的就业工作有许多方面可以进行优势互补,应进一步完善师资队伍建设,改革就业率统计系统,利用社会资源延伸服务对象的范围。  相似文献   
后现代主义视角下课程变革探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后现代主义是在批判与消解二元论、科学理性、中心主义的基础上形成的一种文化思潮,具有反本质主义、内在构成性、反权威主义的基本特征,其价值取向表现为:推崇多元、动态生成性、生态性、人文关怀等.后现代主义呼唤课程价值理念由忽视以生为本转向关怀学生生命价值,课程目的由同一性转向人的自由全面和谐发展,课程内容由与学生文化世界...  相似文献   
潘文安是我国近代著名的职业教育家,他躬身实践职业教育,矢志职业指导理论探讨,引介西方职业指导,构建中国职业指导理论,是我国早期职业指导理论与实践的重要开拓者和奠基人。潘文安丰富的职业指导思想,不仅对当时的职业指导运动产生了促进,而且对今天的职业指导也有值得借鉴的作用。  相似文献   
自古以来,品德即受到世人极大的重视,直至今日,品德的重要性仍无庸置疑。品德教育实施的成效小至攸关个人品德培养的优劣,大至影响国家社会生存发展的兴衰,因此品德教育着实值得教育界关注与研究。本文乃就品德教育的意义与内涵、学校实施品德教育宜掌握的有效原则、当前台湾实施品德教育所面临的问题与因应之道等一一探讨,期盼本文能提升教育者对品德教育的了解、重视与实践,以达成品德教育的最高目标。  相似文献   
What values do theatre and dance hold for audience members? And how do these values differ between subsidised, amateur, and commercial performance? This paper addresses these questions through a survey of over 1800 spectators for theatre and dance in Tyneside in northeastern England, as well as a parallel set of focus groups, in the spring of 2014. These methods, which are designed for comprehensiveness and comparability, are being used across Europe by the Project on European Theatre Systems, a working group of theatre sociologists. Our research showed two sets of values which performances achieved; one was a common measure of performance quality, while the other described the values particular to subsidised work. This allows us to articulate both the general value of the arts and the particular values which subsidy (attempts to) facilitate. This has implications for both understandings of cultural value and for cultural policy, as the distinction between the two groups was not clean. We also found that amateur theatre participated in the same value system, but with an increased emphasis on loyalty and community cohesion. The paper concludes a methodological reflection on the use of quantitative methods in theatre studies.  相似文献   
赖怡静 《科教文汇》2012,(21):195-196
改革开放以来,随着经济的发展,物质日益丰富,中国人的精神世界产生了深刻的变化,具体体现在价值观的多元化,与此同时,当代中国人的精神世界也出现了过度物质化、功利化的趋向,乱象丛生。因此,重建当代中国人的精神世界,是当代中国实践发展提出的一个紧迫而重要的问题。在新形势下,只有了解改革开放以后中国人的精神世界动因,从传统文化的现代转化、构建社会主义核心价值体系和推进马克思主义中国化、时代化和大众化等角度入手,才能更好地重建当代中国人的精神世界,引领中国社会健康发展。  相似文献   
Museums,schools and geographies of cultural value   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores a paradox and a possibility that have emerged from two pieces of policy-related research concerning educational use of museums within England. The paradox relates to the use of museums which, whilst widely perceived as rather elitist institutions, appear from a postcode analysis of school visits to museums to be visited by large numbers of schools located in areas of social deprivation. The present analysis further explores this paradox, drawing on revised postcode analysis and governmental indices of multiple deprivation and income deprivation affecting children. The analysis supports the contention that museums attracted visits from schools located in areas with some of the highest levels of deprivation, although it suggests that this result needs to be considered in relation to regional differences in areas of social deprivation, the location of museums and the differences between individual and area-based measures of deprivation. Attention is then drawn to the potential of considering museums through a geographical perspective, and specifically through Foucault's notions of primary, secondary and tertiary spatializations. It is argued that primary spatializations encompasses how museums are conceptualized and classified; secondary spatializations concern how various elements of museums are articulated together; and tertiary spatializations relate to the placement of museums in wider societal contexts and processes. It is suggested that the postcode analysis of school visits points both to the significance of considering tertiary spatializations relating to the social circumstances of museum visitors but also raised questions concerning primary spatializations of museums. Attention is drawn to changes in the classification and grouping of museums, and how these often encompass geographically based criteria related to the social reach of museums. The article ends by considering the degree to which museums might seek to further change their primary spatialization to reflect tertiary spatializations relating to cultural value.  相似文献   
Previous research into the value of cultural institutions has emphasized a variety of benefits arising from cultural institutions such as social, educational and health-related impacts. An economic assessment of cultural institutions is usually made in monetary units. This one-dimensional assessment of value has been criticized for being elusive, disregarding the complex and multidimensional nature of cultural values. This article suggests scales for measuring the value of cultural institutions. Based on previous research, and an exploratory study on the perceived value of cultural institutions, this article describes the development of a scale using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Six factors comprise the scale: social, educational, health, image, identity and financial effects. The scale may be used to describe and compare the value of cultural institutions qualitatively. Conclusions about the perceived contribution of different institutions may be possible. From a policy perspective, the scale may allow an understanding of the contribution individuals with different socioeconomic backgrounds perceive the cultural institution as making.  相似文献   
耿素素 《科教文汇》2013,(24):147-147,154
随着课程改革的深入实施,“有效的数学学习活动不能单纯地依靠模仿与记忆,动手实践、自主探索与合作交流是学生学习数学的重要方式”、“让学生亲身经历将实际问题抽象成数学模型的过程”等新课改理念已经深入人心,立足课堂。由于学习方式的转变和操作活动的需要,学具伴随着教材进入了课堂。可以说,学具是培养学生创造性思维能力和动手操作能力的有效载体,在数学课堂中进行学具操作是非常必要的,经过多年的教学实践和课堂观察,我们可以从以下几个方面来优化学具操作过程、提升学具操作的有效性。  相似文献   
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