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“马加爵事件”的发生是社会教育、家庭教育及自我教育等多种矛盾共同作用的结果。该事件不仅引起社会各界对法律、道德、心理等教育领域的思考与讨论,更是敲响了教育界的警钟。同时,作为法制新闻的典型素材,该事件具有广泛的社会价值和重要的新闻价值。通过报纸、广播、电视等新闻媒体对该事件的相关报道,我们也不难发现新闻报道过程中的若干不足,若能扬长避短,吸取教训,总结经验,便可为做好完善法制新闻报道提供可资的借鉴。  相似文献   
谈新闻标题中词语的修辞功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在言语交际中,词语除了具有表达理性意义的基本功能外。还有标示语体、形象、角色等多种表达附加修辞意义的功能。这些词语的附加修辞功能在新闻标题中,既新颖、又鲜活,且能够“先声夺人”,产生良好效果。  相似文献   
Score reports have one or more intended audiences: the people who use the reports to make decisions about test takers, including teachers, administrators, parents and test takers. Attention to audience when designing a score report supports assessment validity by increasing the likelihood that score users will interpret and use assessment results appropriately. Although most design guidelines focus on making score reports understandable to people who are not testing professionals, audiences should be defined by more than just their lack of statistical knowledge. This paper introduces an approach to identifying important audience characteristics for designing computer-based, interactive score reports. Through three examples, we demonstrate how an audience analysis suggests a design pattern, which guides the overall design of a report, as well as design details, such as data representations and scaffolding. We conclude with a research agenda for furthering the use of audience analysis in the design of interactive score reports.  相似文献   
The scope of the present study was first to evaluate the cross‐cultural reliability and validity of the Social Emotional Questionnaire (SEQ) and second to estimate and compare the prevalence rates of childhood developmental and psychiatric disorders in the general population of young children in the Netherlands and Greece. To this end, the caregivers of 1748 Dutch and 384 Greek 4–12‐year‐old children from the general population completed the SEQ. The number of children displaying symptoms of childhood developmental disorders was estimated by applying the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders‐IV criteria of symptom occurrence. Results showed that the reliability and the construct validity of the SEQ were acceptable in both countries and for all the age‐groups of children. Concerning the prevalence, the Greek children were found to display overall significantly more symptoms of developmental disorders than the Dutch children. However, when the number of children suffering from psychiatric symptoms in the clinical range was estimated using the clinical criteria provided by categorical classification systems, no statistical significant differences emerged between the two countries. This finding suggests that when the criterion of clinical impairment is applied in diagnostic procedures, the number of children suffering from severe psychiatric disorders is about equal in the two countries. The implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   
易耀森 《编辑学报》2022,(5):510-514
采用分层随机抽样的方法选择《科技期刊世界影响力指数报告》(2020版)中150种医药卫生期刊的稿约作为研究对象,分析其统计报告规范现状,并提出相应的稿约统计报告规范细则完善建议。研究发现,107种(71.33%)医学期刊在稿约中声明了统计报告规范审查的要求,不同语种、子学科分类、数据库收录医学期刊统计报告规范审查的要求差异较大。英文医学期刊统计报告规范意识较强,超过半数(55.05%)中文医学期刊统计报告规范意识有待提高;稿约统计报告规范表述笼统宽泛,操作和指导性不强;医学统计学名词和符号不规范,稿约细则表述不严谨。医学期刊应完善稿约细则,提高作者统计报告规范意识;规范统计学审核流程,强化编辑统计报告规范把关责任,这将有助于提高医学论文统计学内容质量。  相似文献   
To find out different discourse features of these two different news reports and different ideologies reflected in the these two news reporting,Fairclough’s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis is adopted as the basic theoretical framework.And a contrastive analysis of news reports concerned with Huang Yan Island dispute from Reuters and Xinhua is carried out.The data of this article is collected from the official website of Reuters and Xinhua respectively,including one news report on Huang Yan island dispute from Reuters and two news reports from Xinhua.By comparing and analyzing the news resources reporting mode,the hidden political,historical and cultural ideologies behind the news discourse can be exposed.And Fairclough’s three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis is an useful tool for interpreting the news reports to explore the hidden ideology.  相似文献   
财务会计人员在撰写财务分析报告时容易出现五大问题:一是与企业管理脱节,二是与实际业务脱节,三是与企业整体脱节,四是与动态发展脱节,五是与营销策略脱节。  相似文献   
2006年2月15日,财政部颁布了新的基本会计准则,要求上市公司从2007年1月1日起实施,同时鼓励其他企业执行。新的基本会计准则对旧基本会计准则中规范会计核算工作的部分作了删减,将它们放到相关的具体会计准则中去规范,同时引入了一些新的概念,增加了会计计量一章,其中公允价值计量属性的引入成为本次改革最大的亮点。按照新基本会计准则的顺序,对新旧基本会计准则进行了对比,并在此基础上进行了深刻的分析,力求加深我们对新会计准则的理解。随着改革开放的不断深入,经济全球化的迅速发展,新基本会计准则既吸收了旧基本会计准则的精华部分,又借鉴了国际会计准则的先进经验,将有利于维护我国的经济秩序,进一步推进我国社会主义市场经济的发展。  相似文献   
本文的研究对象是一个极为特殊的领域。首先,由于新华社是国家通讯社,新华社的涉台报道是其众多报道中的特定领域,以此为研究对象就有着特殊的意义。其次,把新华社的涉台报道放在两岸舆情环境的变迁中来研究,更是增添了这一研究对象的复杂性和历史深度。台湾问题不仅是中国内战的遗产,也包含着中日关系的历史纠结遗留,更体现着中美关系的现实角力,还关系到国际政治格局的变数。台湾问题的核心是中国必定要实现国家完全统一这一伟大历史使命。新华社的涉台报道,牵涉到如此众多的复杂新闻背景,这在新闻学的研究方面,是较为罕见的。在这样复杂的语境背景下,研究相关的新闻报道,有着深厚的信息资源,也可以有相当丰富的对比资料。本文把新华社涉台报道作为研究对象,目的在于通过研究对台报道从内战对恃时期的单向宣传,到开放改革后的两岸逐步交流,到迈向有效传播以追求两岸和谐促进和平统一的现象,来揭示中国新闻事业发展进程中规律性的变化。新华社作为国家通讯社,是我国最权威的消息总汇和新闻发布机构。以新华社涉台报道为研究对象,从其近30年来的历史历程,来探讨新中国成立以来,新闻报道发展与社会进步、历史进程相适应的规律,有极大的代表性。新闻报道作为意识形态和上层建筑的重要组成,必须服务于社会现实环境的变化。把新华社涉台报道放在两岸舆情环境的变迁中来审视,有助于从另一角度更深刻地了解新华社涉台报道的变化。  相似文献   
批评话语分析(CDA)的方法论主要建立在Halliday的系统功能语言学的三大元功能理论基础上。从词汇选择、及物性、情态、图象使用等方面对两则在线新闻进行的对比性分析上看,新闻语篇中作者使用的不同话语形式隐含着不同的意识形态,从而影响读者对新闻的判断力。  相似文献   
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