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Keith Park 《British Journal of Special Education》2004,31(1):16-23
Keith Park, advisory teacher for Sense (the National Deafblind Rubella Association) in Greenwich and Lewisham, London, has written about his approach to interactive storytelling for BJSE before. This article describes a series of poetry workshops based on chapters 37 to 45 of the Book of Genesis (the story of Joseph and his family) using the text of the King James Bible of 1611. The workshops took place at Charlton School in Greenwich between September and November 2002. The full text of the Genesis workshops, with a clear exposition of their implementation, is provided here but the article begins with a restatement of the principles of interactive storytelling. The importance of developing curriculum access for pupils with multi-sensory impairments while simultaneously supporting staff who work with these young people in schools is emphasised. Keith Park discusses the relevance of the circle concept in storytelling and the strong focus, in the poetry workshops, on rhythm. He goes on to evaluate the impact of the workshops, both in terms of staff confidence and through examples of the pupils' responses mapped against the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) framework for recognising the attainments of pupils with learning difficulties. The article concludes with some indications of further developments in this exciting and innovative area of practice. 相似文献
Rebecca Doyle 《Pastoral Care in Education》2005,23(1):3-11
This article is a case study of a five year old boy, Peter, and his entry and development within a classic Boxall Nurture Group. The author explores nurture groups in general as well as describing Peter's assessment, his challenging behaviour, the support he received and the final outcomes of the work. 相似文献
Deborah L. Bandalos 《Educational Measurement》2004,23(2):33-40
Recent implementation of Nebraska's Standards-based Teacher-led Assessment and Reporting System (STARS) introduced a unique opportunity to examine the benefits and drawbacks of a teacher-led state assessment system. STARS is unique among state assessment systems in that statewide tests are replaced by locally developed assessments designed by teachers. Benefits of this system are found to be greater teacher use of results for instructional planning, greater diagnostic utility of the assessments, and gains in assessment literacy. Disadvantages include the time-consuming and stressful nature of creating localized assessments. Compatibility of STARS with the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act are discussed. 相似文献
Amanda Kirby David Sugden Lisa Edwards 《Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs》2010,10(3):206-215
Developmental co‐ordination disorder (DCD) also known as dyspraxia, is characterised by severe impairment of movement that has a detrimental effect on activities of daily living. This impairment of movement can be the result of poor planning or execution during an action. An assessment for DCD usually comprises of a standardised test for movement skills and clinical observations, but an assessment may not always consider both planning and/or execution components. This study used an ecologically valid task to examine how typically developing children compared with children with DCD plan and execute their movements in response to a novel movement challenge. Children were asked to cross a ‘river’ using as few ‘stepping stones’ (carpet tiles) as possible without falling in. The study measured a number of variables in order to construct a profile of the child's ability to plan and execute movements, including pattern and consistency of movement, and distance travelled by each child, as well as the ability to formulate and correct their plan. The results of this pilot study showed both differences and similarities between the two groups, with the DCD group showing more difficulties in planning, executing and in correcting their movements, as well as being more inconsistent in their movement patterns. The results are discussed in terms of the need for multiple measures for a complete assessment of a child, the implications for educational practice and the potential of an additional clinical tool to aid intervention in children with DCD. 相似文献
John Yandell 《Changing English: An International Journal of English Teaching》2010,17(2):113-127
The Labour Party has been in power for the past 13 years in the UK. What is its legacy in education? What have been the salient aspects of its policy interventions, and what impact have these policies had on the practice of English teachers? With its assumption of a straightforward correlation between education and economic development, New Labour’s education policy needs to be seen primarily as a failure of politics – an abandonment of any commitment to social justice in pursuit of a standards agenda that reduces teachers to a condition of mere compliance and education to a set of commodities. 相似文献
李宾 《湖北广播电视大学学报》2010,30(12):63-64
定性指标是指不能直接量化的指标,在人员素质测评和绩效考核的指标中相当多的指标可能都是不能直接量化,这给测评带来了极大的不便。运用模糊综合评价方法可以得到定性指标的评定结果,而不必一定要对评价等级量化。 相似文献
This study examined whether or not activity monitor data collected as part of a typical 7-day physical activity (PA) measurement protocol can be expected to be missing at random. A total of 315 participants (9–18 years) each wore a SenseWear Armband monitor for 7 consecutive days. Participants were classified as “compliant” (86 boys and 124 girls) if they had recorded accelerometer data during 70% or more of the predefined awake time (7 AM–10 PM) on four different days; and “non-compliant” (44 boys and 51 girls) when not meeting these criteria. Linear mixed models were used to examine differences in energy expenditure (EE) levels by compliance across 10 different time periods. The results indicated that non-compliant girls were older (13.4 ± 2.9 vs. 12.2 ± 2.5) and taller (156.8 ± 10.3 vs. 152.8 ± 11.3) than their same gender compliant peers (P < .05). Comparisons of EE rates at segmented portions of the day revealed no differences between compliant and non-compliant groups (P ≥ .05). Differences in EE ranged from ?0.32 kcal · kg?1 · h?1 (before school time) to 0.62 kcal · kg?1 · h?1 (physical education class) in boys and ?0.39 kcal · kg?1 · h?1 (transportation from school) to 0.37 kcal · kg?1 · hour?1 (recess) in girls. The results showed that compliant and non-compliant individuals differed in a few demographic characteristics but exhibited similar activity patterns. This suggests that data were considered to be missing at random, but additional work is needed to confirm this observation in a representative sample of children using other types of activity monitors and protocols. 相似文献
高等教育自学考试是一种考试形式,也是一种教育制度,自学考试的定位已经逐渐从补偿教育、补充教育转向继续教育和终身教育,并实现了学历教育和非学历教育并重的发展格局。在当前形势下,自学考试助学应由单一的达标考试教育向全面素质教育的人才培养模式转变,以终身教育思想促进自学考试助学人才培养的结构体系转变,构建科学合理的自学考试助学教育质量评价体系。 相似文献
传统教学中学生合作与交流能力的培养不受重视,导致学生课堂合作交流能力评价的缺失。新课程改革大背景下,课堂教学中学生地位以及学科培养目标的转变,都使得学生学科合作交流能力的培养成为课堂不可回避的话题,因而学生学科合作交流能力的评价体系的建立就显得尤为重要。文章根据学生的实际情况,通过三级指标的逐一分析,先后制定了三级指标图、学生课堂合作交流能力评价量表以及评价量袁使用意见。 相似文献
Debra A. Felix Mark D. Hertle Jill G. Conley Lori B. Washington Peter J. Bruns 《CBE life sciences education》2004,3(3):189-195
We describe an assessment of the collective impact of 35 grants that the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) made to biomedical research institutions in 1999 to support precollege science education outreach programs. Data collected from funded institutions were compared with data from a control group of institutions that had advanced to the last stage of review but had not been funded. The survey instrument and the results reveal outcomes and impacts that HHMI considers relevant for these programs. The following attributes are considered: ability to secure additional, non-HHMI funding; institution buy-in as measured by gains in dedicated space and staff; enhancement of the program director''s career; number and adoption of educational products developed; number of related publications and awards; percentage of programs for which teachers received course credit; increase in science content knowledge; and increase in student motivation to study science. 相似文献