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《Support for Learning》2004,19(4):194-195
NASEN is to be congratulated for developing a Policy on Pupil Participation (NASEN, 2004). The importance of developing this practice has been increasingly recognised over recent years by policy makers, practitioners and researchers. In this short article I shall address some of the issues that the development of such a policy raises. Although generally welcoming NASEN's initiatives and similar actions by other organizations, I consider it important also to review the issue more broadly. 相似文献
Gary Skaggs 《Educational Measurement》2004,23(1):28-33
Research on psychometric methods is heavily dependent on software. The quality, availability, and documentation of such software are critical to the advancement of the field. In 2000, an ad hoc committee of NCME recommended that NCME adopt policies that promote greater availability and better documentation of software. This article follows the ad hoc committee's report by examining the use of software in four top-tiered journals in recent years. The results indicated that the most frequently cited programs were those written by the articles' authors. The documentation and availability for these programs are often not clear, particularly for software used for simulations. The use of proprietary software was not widespread in the four journals, but there is still room for concern in the future. This article recommends that NCME form a permanent committee to address software issues. 相似文献
梁燕华 《商丘师范学院学报》2012,(5):92-96
全球经济一体化使全球的教育政策步入隐性变革时代。从全球化视角考量,教育政策发生隐性变革有其深层原因:全球化促使全球教育的本质和功能发生演变,全球化促使教育的管理理念发生演变,全球化促使教育走向国际化。在形式上,全球语境下教育政策隐性变革是在两个相反向度上突显出来的,即同质建构与异质解构的趋势并存。由于新形式的教育模式和政策的不断涌现,这两种反向趋势始终处于不断交汇融合的竞争状态。从教育实践的角度看,教育政策隐性变革特点主要表现在以下四个方面:民族国家对教育政策的重新阐释,民族国家对教育政策干预力度加强,教育政策时效性增强,教育政策应对意识和服务功能增强。全球化语境下教育政策未来将有四大发展趋势:第一,未来民族国家教育政策的制定将更多地依附于全球语境;第二,教育政策的制定将朝着多元化和多层治理的趋势发展;第三,未来教育政策的制定将以培养国民全球能力和终身就业能力为主要目标;第四,教育政策作为民族国家经济发展的助推剂的指导作用将日益彰显和巩固。 相似文献
李鸿章的幕府中汇聚了晚清一批先进的知识分子,他们纷纷替李鸿章出谋划策,对李鸿章洋务思想的形成与发展产生了一定的影响。为了给变法自强争取一个比较和平的国际环境,李鸿章较多地倾向于与西方和解,这与其幕友的影响是分不开的。 相似文献
Jun LI 《Frontiers of Education in China》2012,7(3):417
This article aims at a comprehensive examination of the Chinese model of teacher education by critically revisiting the developmental trajectory of the teacher education system in China over the past century, with a particular focus on policy trends since the 1990s. It interrogates the Chinese model of teacher education with two macro lenses: the historical and the comparative. The historical lens looks deeply into the Chinese way of reform with a catch-up mentality in various stages, while the comparative lens locates the Chinese model of teacher education in an international context. The paper begins with a comprehensive review of the related literature, surveys the historical pathway of China’s modern teacher education system since its birth in 1897, presents an overview of the current provisions of the system, and examines recent policy trends in the landscape of China’s teacher education. Finally, the article concludes that the Chinese model consists of a hybrid system of teacher education provided by normal schools, normal colleges and universities, with the participation of comprehensive universities and internet-based higher education institutions, and accompanied by a consistent licensing system for the teaching profession. With such core features as independence, openness, adaptability and diversity based on Confucian epistemology and pragmatism, the Chinese model of teacher education is likely to illuminate new paths for the development of education and the pursuit of excellence in the global community. 相似文献
刘波 《成都教育学院学报》2010,(11):118-120
文章以人教版必修1教材第七单元"现代中国的外交关系"为例,探讨新课程历史专题复习课有效教学的方式,包括:整合课程资源,梳理专题线索;吸纳史学研究新成果,拓展教学资源;注重探究性教学,得出规律性认识;关注高考信息,注意讲练结合;关注社会热点,注重历史与现实的联系。 相似文献
王丽君 《河北工业大学成人教育学院学报》2010,(4)
本文阐述了当前大学生形势与政策教育的现状及其存在的实际问题,提出当前大学生形势与政策教育改革应以规范化建设为基础,以科学化建设为目标,最终实现规范化与科学化的有机融合的教育理念。 相似文献
马德义 《通化师范学院学报》2010,31(1):59-61,75
1968年发生在美朝之间的"普韦布洛号"事件在东北亚地区制造了紧张局面,苏联对该事件采取了看似矛盾的政策,实则不然。美国最初认为,苏联与"普韦布洛号"事件密切相关,但在进行深入分析之后很快改变了对苏联的这种看法。危机的和平解决取决于美苏双方存在着共同的政策底线。 相似文献
在对保山市文化遗产保护现状调研的基础上,对其基本情况做出了详细介绍,指出在开展保护工作时面临的诸多困难,建议相关机构应着重宣传保护文化遗产的重要性和必要性,切实把文化遗产保护工作纳入法制化管理轨道,并进一步加强保护机构和业务队伍建设,确保保护工作的有效开展。 相似文献
由于复杂的环境和各种不确定因素的影响,公共政策执行其行为效果往往会偏离政策目标。本文从公共政策执行中的偏差表现进行阐述,分析造成偏差的因素,并提出相应的解决对策,以保证公共政策执行的有效性。 相似文献