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在高职思想政治理论课中适当运用视频资料,对革新教学手段、激发学生学习积极性有着良好的作用。探讨了如何科学地运用视频资料提高思想政治理论课的教学效果。  相似文献   
This study investigated whether anticipation and search strategies of goalkeepers are influenced by temporally and spatially manipulated video of a penalty. Participants were clustered into three groups depending on skill: goalkeepers (n = 17), field players (n = 20) and control group (n = 20). An eye tracker was worn whilst watching 40 videos of a striker kicking to four corners of a goal in random order. All 40 videos were temporally occluded at foot-to-ball contact, and the non-kicking leg of 20 videos was spatially manipulated. Results showed that goalkeepers had significantly better predictions than the two groups with no differences between the two testing conditions. According to effect size, the percentage of fixation location and viewing time of the kicking leg and ball were greater for the goalkeepers and field players group than the control group irrespective of testing conditions. The fixations on the kicking leg and ball in conjunction with comparable predictions between spatially manipulated and control conditions suggest that goalkeepers may not rely on the non-kicking leg. Furthermore, goalkeepers appear to use a global perceptual approach by anchoring on a distal fixation point/s of the penalty taker whilst using peripheral vision to obtain additional information.  相似文献   
反馈类型的判别是电子电路基础的一个重点和难点,在多年的教学实践中,针对近年来技校学生文化理论和专业基础普遍较差的特点,笔者总结出一种简单的直观判别法,有助于学生对知识的理解和接受。  相似文献   
针对非完整移动机器人的轨迹重复跟踪问题,提出了一种开环P型迭代学习控制算法。首先给出非完整移动机器人的运动学模型,并结合离散时域对轨迹跟踪问题进行描述,然后设计迭代学习控制器并在给定条件下证明了其收敛性;MATLAB仿真结果表明,随着迭代次数的增加,该算法能够有效改善动态不确定环境中系统的稳定性与收敛的快速性。  相似文献   
本研究应用单侧视野速示技术对左右利手被试不同视野的简单反应时及空间方向识别能力进行测试与分析。实验结果表明,左利组在两项实验中的左、中、右视野上的反应时均快于右利组,且左利组在左视野上的优势最为显著。经分析发现:左利者优势手在操作速度上的优势主要是因其大脑右半球具有较高的分析处理形象信息的能力所致;左利者右脑的这种功能优势与其大脑神经传导过程的特点有很大关系。本实验为研究和培养左利手运动员提供了一些神经心理学方面的依据和参考。  相似文献   
传统遥感卫星图像处理采用在地面进行目标检测和跟踪处理的模式,卫星将拍摄到的图像数据下传至地面数据处理中心,由地面数据处理系统对接收到的遥感图像数据进行目标检测和跟踪。然而,随着遥感图像分辨率的不断提高,需要下传的数据量增大,导致星地数据传输的时间大大增加,最终造成目标检测和跟踪的时效性降低。针对上述问题,提出一种基于多特征量判别的Canny边缘检测和联合概率数据关联的在轨海上多运动舰船目标检测和跟踪方法。将该方法利用中国科学院微小卫星创新研究院的高分微纳卫星实测数据在模拟星载的嵌入式开发平台上进行验证,结果表明该方法能够在轨对海上多运动舰船目标进行快速、准确的检测和跟踪。  相似文献   
伴随移动技术的迅猛发展与普及,移动学习研究成为教育技术研究的重要领域之一。文章采用科学知识图谱可视化分析软件CitispaceⅡ及内容分析法,对2011年公开发表于国内学术期刊的移动学习论文进行了量的统计和质的分析,以期揭示2011年我国移动学习研究的现状、问题及其主要成果,以资同行借鉴。  相似文献   
In this column, the author reprises a recent selection from the Lamaze International research blog, Science & Sensibility. With the introduction of a new technology intended to acutely track fetal station and position during labor through birth, questions are being raised about the necessity—and possible danger—of this technology and its potential impact on normal birth.  相似文献   
《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(23):91-107

Se propone un programa de aprendizaje de la lectura con el que se intentarán superar algunos inconvenientes planteados con otras metodologías. Este programa parte de conductas que la totalidad de los niños tienen desde los primeros años (discriminación visual) y disocia el aprendizaje de la lectura del de la escritura. El programa se divide en dos apartados: introducción a la discriminación visual e introducción a la fonética. Se hace una descripción del programa y de su aplicación en un centro escolar. Aunque es prematuro hablar de resultados definitivos, el programa se presenta como una alternativa válida para el inicio del aprendizaje de la lectura.  相似文献   
This study explored the differences in young consumers' cognitive responses to visual ads across two cultures. In an experiment, 120 college students from the USA and 120 college students from China were exposed to different types of visual ads, and subsequently participants were instructed to recall objects from the ads, and to list thoughts regarding the product/brand meanings. It was found that compared with Chinese participants, participants from the USA recalled more salient objects and generated more product/brand thoughts elicited by salient objects from the ads. Moreover, Chinese participants were more likely to assign a social role to a person recalled from the ads than their American counterparts. These findings suggested that young Americans attended more to salient objects in the ads, and therefore are more analytic than their Chinese participants. Implications for international advertising were provided.  相似文献   
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