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Within the context of Pintrich’s self-regulated learning model, recent reviews of the literature show that motivational factors are the strongest predictors of academic performance. Even so, gaps remain in terms of which goal orientation constructs area most strongly related to performance, and whether academic self-efficacy is involved in such relationships, either as mediator or moderator. This study addresses these gaps using a sample of 478 university students; 409 females aged 17–62 (M?=?23.28, SD?=?7.22) and 69 males, aged 18–47 (M?=?22.5, SD?=?6.31). Analyses revealed that academic self-efficacy (ASE) mediated relationships between both mastery and performance-approach goal orientation with achievement, though the mediation effect was larger for the relationship involving mastery approach goal orientation. ASE did not moderate the relationship between performance-approach goal orientation and achievement. Findings suggest teaching programmes should foster learning environments that encourage persistence and effort when learning, and consider how course delivery and feedback can enhance academic self-efficacy, regardless of the goal orientation adopted by students.  相似文献   
高校后勤具有很强的德育功能。培训高校后勤职工具有多方面的重要性。高校后勤工作具有繁杂性,微利服务性和部分福利性等特点。队伍和素质参差不齐、年龄老化、学历偏低、劳动技术较弱和部分职工打工仔意识强,主人翁意识弱等现状表现出了搞好后勤职工培训的必要性和紧迫性。因此,要对后勤职工搞好四个方面的培训,通过四条途径发挥其德育功能。  相似文献   
透视网上教育的变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交互网络作为新的教育媒体虽对于教育的变革将会产生巨大影响,但网络只是一种工具,网上教育的发展最终还是取决于教育观念、教育思想的变革。  相似文献   
“公司财务”课程是电大开放教育金融学本科于第一学期开设的必修课,因此,要搞好该门课程的教学改革.应教育学员把握该课程的性质和地位,引导学员重视自学的主动性和有效运用现代化教学资源。教师应设计好面授辅导课的内容.合理安排作业讲评的内容,积极采用多种教学形式.包括答疑辅导、送教上门,指导学员完成实践性教学环节的财务实习报告等。  相似文献   
江泽民同志在“十六大”报告中提出发展教育和科学事业,坚持教育创新,优化教育结构等重要指示。根据这一要求,必须明确教育在新时期的先导性地位,发挥其基础性作用,加强教育创新。对新时期师范教育的教育体制及观念的改革进行了全面的探索,为实现教育事业的跨越式发展努力实践。  相似文献   
小学语文教育质量的高低影响和决定着一个人的发展方向及其人生轨迹,因此,小学语文教育要体现对学生发展的终极关怀,为每一个学生的可持续健康发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   
引导高校成大学生弄清"个人与集体"、"自由与纪律"、"竞争与协作"、"知识与能力"、"常规与机遇"的关系是-个老而又老的问题,在21世纪的今天,仍是深化高校学生思想政治工作改革的关键.  相似文献   
文化的视角与比较教育学的方法论问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于一种文化的视角,比较教育学的方法论问题可从如下三个主要方面来考虑:其一,如果把教育活动及其现象视作一种广义的文化,那么,比较教育首先涉及的是对中外文化持何种态度;其二,依据社会学和人类学的学理解释,比较教育的文化取向应当是进化论与现象学的综合;其三,比较教育的目的在于致力于本民族的文化创新与教育创新,其具体的方法主要有六种。  相似文献   
利用ASP.NET构建基于B/S模式的教师教学质量在线评价系统,介绍了系统的功能及结构。利用BP神经网络技术构建了自学习模块,可自动对教学质量给出评价等级。  相似文献   
The millennium round of the General Agreement on Tradein Services (GATS) underlines issues relating to the regulationof education as an internationally traded service. Transnationaleducation is a key component of such trade. Southeast Asia issomething of a laboratory in the development and regulation oftransnational education. The region combines high demand, keencompetition among providers, and host country regulatory regimesranging from relatively laissez faire to strongly interventionist.This paper examines the approaches of three Southeast Asiangovernments – Hong Kong, Malaysia and Australia – to theregulation of transnational education within their borders. Ineach case the authors provide background on the higher educationsystem, describe the regulatory approaches to transnationaleducation, and analyse the motivations behind regulation. Boththe neoliberal approach of the WTO to trade in educationalservices, and critiques of this approach, are outlined. Theauthors conclude that any attempts to promote global standards orquality principles for transnational education must address themyriad concerns of governments, including consumer protection,advancing national goals and protecting the local system.  相似文献   
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