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翁洁 《福建师大福清分校学报》2014,(4):49-52
目的:为了促进和提高大学生耐挫能力,增强大学生的挫折应对效能。方法:以电影文本为媒介,整合心理治疗理论"再决定说"、"归因理论"、"情绪ABC"理论引导学生对脚本进行分析和分享,并在课前与课后施测《应对效能问卷》并对施测结果做统计显著性检验。结果:借助电影文本的形式开展大学生挫折应对效能的干预是有效的,主要通过对提高大学生应对挫折时的胜任力和认知水平起作用的。电影可以作为提高大学生挫折应对效能的工具。 相似文献
高校国防教育是大学生素质教育的重要组成部分,具有其他教育形式不可替代的作用,在大学生中开展国防教育有利于提高大学生的国防意识、集体主义观念、组织纪律性、身心素质和科学文化素养,是培养和造就高素质人才的重要途径。 相似文献
运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对近代以来体育社会功效的历史流变、价值内涵及新时代实现路径进行研究。近代以来我国体育社会功效经历强种救国时期、以体育人与以体外交时期、体育大国时期、兴体强国时期,价值内涵:从行为个人角度促进人的全面发展,从社会责任角度促进社会进步,从国家战略角度增进人类福祉。新时代体育社会功效的实现路径:挖掘健康快乐的体育规律,塑造个体良好的个性品质;遵守公平公正的体育规则,促进社会形成良好的规范秩序;搭建推动社会进步的体育平台,形成经济社会发展的体育动力;秉承国之交、民相亲的外交理念,践行体育外交的使命担当。 相似文献
Ian D. Boardley 《International review of sport and exercise psychology》2018,11(1):214-237
Coaching efficacy (CE) represents the extent to which coaches believe they have the capacity to affect the learning and performance of their athletes, and the CE model details antecedents, dimensions and outcomes of CE. Based around the CE model, the present paper had two main aims. First, to present a comprehensive and critical review of the research underpinned by the CE model. Studies were categorised by whether they investigated antecedents, outcomes or athletes’ perceptions of their coach. Twenty-one published studies were identified for the review. Overall the review provides support for the main tenets of the CE model, with researchers establishing links between CE and many of the antecedents and outcomes proposed in the model. The second aim was to assimilate findings from the review, limitations in the CE model and relevant conceptual models to present a revised CE model. Whilst retaining the essence of the original model, the revised model also incorporates explicit processes linking coach beliefs and athlete perceptions, antecedents of athlete perceptions and an intrarelationship source of CE. It also incorporates specific categories of coach behaviour and athlete-/team-level outcomes. The paper concludes by identifying limitations in the literature and review, and by proposing key directions for future research. 相似文献
刘雅雯 《宁波教育学院学报》2010,12(2):62-65,76
教师自我效能感是指教师相信自己有能力对学生的学习产生积极影响的一种知觉和信念。国内外的研究表明:教师的自我效能感与教师的教学行为存在着密切关系。通过调查大学英语课堂中高低效能感教师课堂提问的特征,比较高低效能感教师在大学英语课堂中提问的话语量、问题类型、交互调整方式及反馈方式等方面的异同,希望能对大学英语师资培养的改进有所启示。 相似文献
This paper assesses how use of smartphones relates to exposure to heterogeneity, political efficacy, and political engagement and suggests a new mediation model that can be applied to mobile communication. Drawing on online survey data collected during the 2012 presidential election in South Korea, this study finds that exposure to heterogeneity and political efficacy jointly mediate the impact of informational uses of smartphones on political participation. The current study also shows that informational uses of smartphones are significantly related to encounters with heterogeneity, political efficacy, and participatory behaviors. Additionally, recreational uses of smartphones were found to have a positive association with exposure to heterogeneity. However, relational uses of smartphones were not associated with democratic outcomes. The findings suggest that smartphones, by increasing the possibility of encountering diversity and subsequently enhancing political efficacy, create an additional pathway to citizen engagement in democratic processes. 相似文献
彭良玉 《中国科技资源导刊 (中国信息导报)》2017,(1):84-89
校自主创新能力,为相关部门提供决策依据。 相似文献
This study tested the degree to which the uncertainty management process that emerging adults go through following an adverse event predicts their perceptions of posttraumatic growth. Participants included 215 emerging adults who had experienced an adverse life event within the past year. Overall, the results largely supported the theory of motivated information management, as uncertainty discrepancies positively predicted negative emotions about the adverse event, which in turn predicted outcome expectancies, but not efficacy assessments. Outcome expectancies were predictive of efficacy assessments, which in turn were predictive of a willingness to seek information about the event from a parent. Collectively, uncertainty management behaviors predicted posttraumatic growth and included significant indirect effects for uncertainty discrepancies through communication and target efficacy, respectively. 相似文献
郑友训 《徐州教育学院学报》2004,19(1):49-52
教师继续教育业已成为教师教育的主导趋向。但现实中的不讲实效等现象,正阻碍着其向前发展。因此,克服培训中的形式主义,追求培训效能,应该是教师继续教育的永恒主题。 相似文献
Fernando Doménech Betoret 《教育心理学》2009,29(1):45-68
This study examines the relationship between school resources, teacher self‐efficacy, potential multi‐level stressors and teacher burnout using structural equation modelling. The causal structure for primary and secondary school teachers was also examined. The sample was composed of 724 primary and secondary Spanish school teachers. The changes occurring in the Spanish teacher role in the last decade were taken into account to select job stressors. The results obtained revealed that external (school support resources) and internal (management classroom self‐efficacy and instructional self‐efficacy) coping resources have a negative and significant effect on job stressors. In turn, job stressors have a positive and significant effect on teachers’ burnout considering it as both a unidimensional and multidimensional construct. Furthermore, the hypothesised structure of burnout dimensions revealed that emotional exhaustion plays a key role in explaining Spanish school teachers’ burnout. Practical implications of these findings are discussed. 相似文献