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张蕊 《科教文汇》2020,(13):151-152
本研究采用表现性评价,对x幼儿园大班一个班级39名幼儿进行为期一年的发展性评价,在真实情境中对幼儿的发展状况作出连续性评价,获悉幼儿不同阶段的发展状况,同时对评价过程进行总结和反思。  相似文献   
This formative, outcome-oriented, theory-based evaluation research study assessed the effectiveness of requiring an international (‘I’) course by measuring students’ intercultural sensitivity (IS) at the start and end of a semester. Findings revealed that students’ IS scores did not change regardless of the type of class in which the student was enrolled and were not significantly different based on gender, age, ethnicity, undergraduate classification, or number of ‘I’ courses taken. There were significant differences in IS based on religion, traveling outside the US, participating in a study abroad course, and the number of cultural events in which the student had participated. Regression analysis confirmed that religious affiliation and number of times traveled outside the US were significant predictors of IS. This study is an example of the use of theory-based evaluation in an educational system and provides important insights into what experiences affect college students’ IS.  相似文献   
Measuring Search Engine Quality   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
The effectiveness of twenty public search engines is evaluated using TREC-inspired methods and a set of 54 queries taken from real Web search logs. The World Wide Web is taken as the test collection and a combination of crawler and text retrieval system is evaluated. The engines are compared on a range of measures derivable from binary relevance judgments of the first seven live results returned. Statistical testing reveals a significant difference between engines and high intercorrelations between measures. Surprisingly, given the dynamic nature of the Web and the time elapsed, there is also a high correlation between results of this study and a previous study by Gordon and Pathak. For nearly all engines, there is a gradual decline in precision at increasing cutoff after some initial fluctuation. Performance of the engines as a group is found to be inferior to the group of participants in the TREC-8 Large Web task, although the best engines approach the median of those systems. Shortcomings of current Web search evaluation methodology are identified and recommendations are made for future improvements. In particular, the present study and its predecessors deal with queries which are assumed to derive from a need to find a selection of documents relevant to a topic. By contrast, real Web search reflects a range of other information need types which require different judging and different measures.  相似文献   
100m跑运动员体能指标研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据运动员体能结构的关系,从体能指标角度对运动员的体能进行系统地研究。结果表明,近些年来国内外对100m跑运动员的研究从整体上讲较为分散零碎,缺乏整体系统性。主要表现在这些研究多从微观入手,过多关注的是体能具体分类指标本身,从系统的观点对100m跑运动员体能水平的综合整体研究还比较薄弱。  相似文献   
采用多重加权指数综合评价手段对本省某重点中学部分高一新生的体育锻炼、身体发育和文化学习成绩之间的关系进行了定量分析.研究结果表明,适量的体育锻炼可以促进机体各器官系统包括大脑和神经系统其他各部分的生长发育及其机能的改善,为开发青少年智力,搞好文化学习提供了重要的生物学基础.这一结论为合理安排青少年的体育锻炼,促进文化学习成绩的提高,全面贯彻德、智、体、美全面发展的教育方针提供了充分的理论依据.  相似文献   
通过临场技术统计、现场观察和逻辑分析等方法,对参加第14届世界男篮锦标赛的我国后卫队员在身体形态和技术指标与世界优秀后卫队员进行比较分析。结果表明,无论在身体形态还是各项技术指标上,我国男篮后卫都与世界优秀后卫存在一定差距,并找出我国男篮后卫存在的问题,为我国男子篮球优秀后卫的培养和训练比赛提供参考建议。  相似文献   
高职院校发展性体育教师评价理念与体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育评价在学校教育改革中起着导向与质量监控的重要作用,是学校教育改革与发展的关键环节.体育教师是学校体育的指导者和组织者,在学校体育教育过程中起主导作用,转变体育教师评价理念,构建促进体育教师不断发展的评价体系,可以对高职院校体育教育特别是体育课程教学与建设起到导向和推进作用,使学校体育教育更加贴近社会和现实发展需要.  相似文献   
论现代竞技运动价值观及评价体系的逃离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料研究方法,以竞技运动文化价值观及价值体系为研究主线,分析了导致运动文化现象弱化乃至消亡的“逃离”机制。认为价值观及价值体系的偏离是竞技运动文化现象弱化的主要原因,建立正确的价值评价体系,提高社会适应度水平,才能确保竞技运动文化发展的正确方向。  相似文献   
Previous research and first-hand experience suggest that a child with a disability can have a profound effect on family life. Although the need for sibling support has been acknowledged in legislation, the implications for non-disabled siblings remain unclear. In this article, Angie Naylor, lecturer in psychology, and Phil Prescott, senior lecturer in childhood and youth studies, both based at Edge Hill, review a number of key themes emerging from the literature on sibling support. They go on to report the findings from an in-depth study of one sibling support group. The work was carried out in partnership with Barnardo's in the north-west of England and involved setting up a sibling support group, in response to an analysis of local need, and evaluating its impact. This research indicates a clear need for further service provision to meet the needs of the siblings of disabled children who attended the scheme. Angie Naylor and Phil Prescott argue for a reinvigorated debate about the needs of such children and champion the importance of listening to children and valuing what they have to say. The results of this small-scale evaluation project have clear implications for future research and, potentially, for policy and practice.  相似文献   
用献资料法和比较法对南京体院的内部审计工作研究后,发现近5年来,体院的内部审计在财务审计方面取得了一定的成绩,具有自身的特色,为学院制定制度和加强财务管理提供了有力的依据。机构的改革、审计人员素质的提高和审计领域的推广,将有利于体院内部审计发挥更大的效能。  相似文献   
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