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In this article we examine the complex relationship between care experience, mental health and exclusion from school and how young people (YP) negotiate these different experiences and identities. The study is a secondary analysis, informed by symbolic interactionist theory, of interviews conducted with 19 care experienced YP in Scotland. Not all of the YP were excluded and not all had a formal mental health diagnosis, as such our study design allows interrogation of the contexts and relationships which not only facilitate but also disrupt pathways to exclusion. It also allows reconsideration of assumptions of vulnerability which are often applied to care experienced YP. Our findings suggest that these YP are moving beyond ‘role playing’ the identities ascribed to them and actively seek out relationships which enable them to construct alternative identities.  相似文献   
本文先简要的介绍了入侵检测系统的组成和几个应用层次,接着讨论了数据融合技术中的Dempster-Shafer证据理论,并尝试给出了其在入侵检测的身份识别的一个算法和实例.  相似文献   
早期记者产生于外人所办报馆 ,孕育于半殖民地半封建社会。从产生之初就深受西方新闻观念影响。中国最早的现代意义上的记者正是在西方文化冲击下 ,初步形成了自己的职业意识和观念。同时 ,他们又受传统文化影响 ,难以摆脱传统观念影响 ,热衷科举 ,对西方文化表现出排斥心理。本文试图通过揭示早期记者的职业认同危机、科举情结、文化认同危机 ,考察分析早期记者的职业意识和精神状况 ,以及其对新闻工作的影响  相似文献   
明代的驿丞出身卑微,品秩低下,但对于政治系统的运行具有重要作用,这种矛盾的身份影响到他们的心态,造成了明中后期驿递系统的种种弊病。通过提升边缘人群在历史观察中的地位,可将制度的变迁与其同时代的社会文化因素联系起来,在揭示明中后期驿递变迁深层原因的同时,用普通联系的思维方式观察社会历史。  相似文献   
从叙述视角、叙述声音厦叙述人文化身份的角度对电影《祝福》与原著进行文本细读比较,在叙事学层面上论述电影对原著的改编是一个话语置换和意义重构的过程。以此为个案的分析表明:建国后文学名著的电影改编是合乎革命文化规范下的重斯叙事,其作为准历史教材建构了受众的意识形态,是国家文化领导权掌控的有效手段之一。  相似文献   
文化研究语境下的文艺学身份重建,存在本质主义与反本质主义两种思维方式。本质主义坚持文艺学中的元理论、科学性、经典化;反本质主义重新定义文学性、文学自主性,并在日常生活审美化的语境下反思文艺学的学科性。在重建文艺学的思路上,一派主张在文艺学内部进行调整,拉近与现实的关系,一派主张从文艺学外部重建历史化、地方化的文艺学。  相似文献   

This article answers the question “Are the sourcing practices in Finnish online journalism trustworthy?” Here, trustworthiness is operationalized as the fulfillment of audience expectations towards sourcing practices. To this end, expectations of young Finnish adults (aged 18–28) were compared to the observed practices of Finnish online journalists. A total of 36 news items (from 12 journalists working in three newsrooms, published in 2013 and 2017) were analyzed. The analysis indicates that online journalists’ sourcing practices largely do not conform to this audience segment's expectations. Namely, the audience expects more comprehensive investigation and thorough verification than what is common practice in online journalism. The use of high-credibility sources is both expected and commonplace. The results imply that transparency may be harmful rather than beneficial to journalism's credibility, as the unveiled practices do not always meet audience expectations.  相似文献   
大学与中小学(U-S)合作是当前教师教育的一条有效出路。但目前我国教师教育U-S合作过程存在严重的结构性障碍,主要表现为合作中的异质性资源依赖感不强,合作主体的合法性认同严重不足,合作协调机制缺位。因此,我们需要充分挖掘U-S合作中的异质性资源,增强双方异质性资源依赖程度;赋予中小学教师教育义务并提升合作双方的利益共识,增强合作主体的合法性认同;构建政府统筹的U-S合作管理体制,规范合作行为。  相似文献   
族群身份重构是在社会文化变迁、历史记忆重构、族群认同等多种历史文化因素共同作用的结果。明清以来,多元一体的国家格局的深化,促进了内地移民与丽江纳西族之间的文化互动与融合,推动了族群身份的重构与地方文化多样性发展,对纳西族的文化变迁及发展产生了积极意义。族群认同、身份建构与国家认同之间不是彼此消长、二元对立关系,而是彼此互构、辩证统一的关系。  相似文献   
张海燕 《海外英语》2015,(9):196-198
Abstract:Recent years witness the great concerns and anxieties from an increasing number of researchers upon the issue of media globalization and culture identity,or rather homogenization and heterogeneity.There,however,exists a harmonious relationship between media globalization and culture identity,rather than a contradictive one.Media globalization can effectively represent audience’s culture identity in its process of localization.In sense of culture,reasons to media localization and measures to achieve localization will be discussed from the commercial,social and practical perspectives.  相似文献   
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