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Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of active versus passive recovery on 6 repeated Wingate tests (30-s all-out cycling sprints on a Velotron ergometer). Method: Fifteen healthy participants aged 29 (SD = 8) years old (body mass index = 23 [3] kg/m2) participated in 3 sprint interval training sessions separated by 3 to 7 days between each session during a period of 1 month. The 1st visit was familiarization to 6 cycling sprints; the 2nd and 3rd visits involved a warm-up followed by 6 30-s cycling sprints. Each sprint was followed by 4 min of passive (resting still on the ergometer) or active recovery (pedaling at 1.1 W/kg). The same recovery was used within each visit, and recovery type was randomized between visits. Results: Active recovery resulted in a 0.6 W/kg lower peak power output in the second sprint (95% confidence interval [CI] [ ? 0.2, ? 0.8 W/kg], effect size = 0.50, p < .01) and a 0.4 W/kg greater average power output in the 5th and 6th sprints (95% CI [+0.2,+0.6 W/kg], effect size = 0.50, p < .01) compared with passive recovery. There was little difference between fatigue index, total work, or accumulated work between the 2 recovery conditions. Conclusions: Passive recovery is beneficial when only 2 sprints are completed, whereas active recovery better maintains average power output compared with passive recovery when several sprints are performed sequentially (partial eta squared between conditions for multiple sprints = .38).  相似文献   
This study examined whether differences in waist circumference (WC) and pedometer placement (anterior vs. midaxillary vs. posterior) affect the agreement between pedometer and observed steps during treadmill and self-paced walking. Participants included 19 pairs of youth (9–15 years old) who were matched for sex, race, and height and stratified by WC (high WC: HWC; low WC: LWC). Participants performed 3-min treadmill-walking trials at speeds of 59, 72, and 86 m·min-1 and a 400-m self-paced walking trial on level ground. Bland-Altman plots were used to assess the agreement between pedometer and observed steps of spring-levered pedometers by WC, pedometer placement, and walking speed. In the HWC group, the posterior pedometer placement consistently agreed most closely with observed steps at all treadmill speeds and during self-paced walking. In the LWC group, no single pedometer placement consistently agreed most closely with observed steps at all treadmill speeds and during self-paced walking. We conclude that a posterior pedometer placement improves step-count accuracy in most youth with an HWC at a range of walking speeds on level ground.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to examine the factorial validity of the Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS; Thomas et al., ) among adolescent athletes using confirmatory factor analysis. The TOPS was designed to assess eight psychological strategies used in competition (i.e. activation, automaticity, emotional control, goal-setting, imagery, negative thinking, relaxation and self-talk,) and eight used in practice (the same strategies except negative thinking is replaced by attentional control). National-level athletes (n?=?584) completed the 64-item TOPS during training camps. Fit indices provided partial support for the overall measurement model for the competition items (robust comparative fit index?=?0.92, Tucker-Lewis index?=?0.88, root mean square error of approximation?=?0.05) but minimal support for the training items (robust comparative fit index?=?0.86, Tucker-Lewis index?=?0.81, root mean square error of approximation?=?0.06). For the competition items, the automaticity, goal-setting, relaxation and self-talk scales showed good fit, whereas the activation, emotional control, imagery and negative thinking scales did not. For the practice items, the attentional control, emotional control, goal-setting, imagery and self-talk scales showed good fit, whereas the activation, automaticity and relaxation scales did not. Overall, it appears that the factorial validity of the TOPS for use with adolescents is questionable at present and further development is required.  相似文献   
Book Reviews     

Carter, J. E. Lindsay, and Heath, Barbara Honeyman. Somatotyping: Development and Applications. (Cambridge Studies in Biological Anthropology, 5). Cambridge: Cambridge Univenity Press, 1990. pp. xiv, 503. Reviewed by Gaston Beunen, Study Centre for Physical Development Research, Institute of Physical Education, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Clark, Jane E., &; Humphrey, J. H. (Eds.). Advances in Motor Development Research (Vol. 3). New York: AMS Press, 1990. pp. xi, 259. Index, references. Reviewed by Mary Ann Roberton, Bowling Green State University

Kyle, Donald G., and Stark, Gary D. (Ed.), Essays on sport History and sport Mythology. College Station, TX: Texas A&;M University Press, for the University of Texas at Arlington. pp. vi, 154. Reviewed by Synthia S. Slowikowski, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

MacDougall, J. D., Wenger, H. A., &; Green, H. J. (Eds.). Physiologiml Testing ofthe High Peifonnance Athlete. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1991. Pp, vii, 424. Tables, figures, photos, references. Reviewed by Paul Vaccaro, University of Maryland

Malina, Robert M., and Bouchard, C. Growth, Maturation, and Physical Activity. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetia, 1991, pp. 501. Index. Reviewed by Kathleen Haywood, University of Missouri–St. Louis

Metzler, M. Instructional Supervision for Physical Education. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1990. pp. vii, 248. References, index. Reviewed by Paul Paese, Southwest Texas State University

Parkhouse, Bonnie L, (Ed.). The Management of Sport: Its Foundation and Application. St. Louis: Mosby–Year Book, 1991, Pp. xviii, 404. Reviewed by Kathleen Davis, Northeastern University

Thomas, Jerry R., and Nelson, Jack K. Researda Methods in Physical Activity (2nd ed.), Champaign, Il.: Human Kinetics. 1990. 568 pp. Appendixes. Reviewed by Susan J. Hall, California State University, Northridge

Wells, Christine L. Women, sport, and Performance: A Physiological Perspective (2nd ed.) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 1991, 367 pp. Reviewed by Ann Ward, University of Massachusetts Medical Center  相似文献   
The articles published in the Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science (MPEES) journal over the first 10 volumes were categorized by content area and methodology. The authors have offered opinions here concerning the changes observed over the 10-year period, the areas that are well-represented, and other potential areas of research that were not included. The purpose and intent of the journal has been to publish measurement research in areas related to physical education and exercise science. Although the content areas included in the journal have broadened over the years, the original purpose of the journal has remained the same.  相似文献   
First, where we have been regarding measurement research will be discussed since the type, quality, and quantity of measurement research conducted in the past influences the type of measurement research which is presently conducted. Second, where we are now regarding measurement research will be discussed since the type of measurement research presently being conducted will influence the type of research which will be conducted in the future. Certainly the present status of, trends in, and needed measurement research should be identified to guide measurement researchers in deciding what measurement research to conduct. Third, where we are going regarding to measurement research will be discussed.  相似文献   
Grounded in the conceptual framework of the Sport Commitment Model and previous empirical studies conducted in Western countries, this study was designed to (a) test and validate a Thai version of the Athlete Opinion Survey to assess components of the Sport Commitment Model in Thai youth athletes and (b) examine structural relationships among various constructs of the Sport Commitment Model as assessed by the Thai version of the Athlete Opinion Survey. Survey data were collected from 1,704 Thai youth athletes and analyzed via structural equation modeling methodologies to establish evidence for validity and measurement reliability. Results from various analyses indicated adequate support for the hypothesized factorial structure and acceptable reliability estimates of the Thai version of the Athlete Opinion Survey subscales. Moreover, modeling analyses showed empirical support for the hypothesized structural relationships underlying the Sport Commitment Model in the Thai youth athlete population. The findings from this study have implications for a better understanding of sport commitment in different cultural settings.  相似文献   
Current interest in promoting physical activity in the school environment necessitates an inexpensive, accurate method of measuring physical activity in such settings. Additionally, it is recognized that physical activity must be of at least moderate intensity in order to yield substantial health benefits. The purpose of the study, therefore, was to determine the validity of the New Lifestyles NL-1000 (New Lifestyles, Inc., Lee's Summit, Missouri, USA) accelerometer for measuring moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in school settings, using the Actigraph GT1M (ActiGraph, Pensacola, Florida, USA) as the criterion. Data were collected during a cross-country run (n = 12), physical education (n = 18), and classroom-based physical activities (n = 42). Significant and meaningful intraclass correlations between methods were found, and NL-1000 estimates of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity were not meaningfully different from GT1M-estimated moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. The NL-1000 therefore shows promising validity evidence as an inexpensive, convenient method of measuring moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in school settings.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is describe the initial feasibility, reliability, and validity of an instrument to measure physical activity in preschoolers using direct observation. The System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time for Preschoolers was developed and tested among 3- to 6-year-old children over fall 2008 for feasibility and reliability (Phase I, n = 67) and in fall 2009 for concurrent validity (Phase II, n = 27). Phase I showed that preschoolers spent >75% of their active time at preschool in light physical activity. The mean inter-observer agreements scores were ≥.75 for physical activity level and type. Correlation coefficients, measuring construct validity between the lesson context and physical activity types with and with the activity levels, were moderately strong. Phase II showed moderately strong correlations ranging from .50 to .54 between the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time for Preschoolers and Actigraph accelerometers for physical activity levels. The System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time for Preschoolers shows promising initial results as a new method for measuring physical activity among preschoolers.  相似文献   
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