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为满足当今社会对卫生防病人才的更高要求,更新传统的实验教学观念,构建全新的实验教学体系。教学内容以三基训练为基础,以培养学生的能力为重点,经过10年的建设与探索,总结出成功的经验。为适应我国公共卫生事业的发展,按照预防医学实验教学新体系和构筑宽口径实验教学平台的整体构思,在全国率先组建涵盖多学科的预防医学实验教学示范中心,对各学科开设的实验教学内容打破学科界限,有机整合,统筹安排,提高了学生的实验操作、设计和创新能力,中心建设的总体思路、运行机制得到了国内外40多所高校专家的认可。建立了涵盖多学科的实验教学示范中心;构建了新的实验教学体系;改革预防医学实验教学内容、方法、方式等,提高了学生的整体素质。中心十二五将在智能化、网络化的实验教学和实验室管理信息方面有突破。  相似文献   
Collaborations in funded teams are essential for understanding funded research and funding policies, although of high interest, are still not fully understood. This study aims to investigate directed collaboration patterns from the perspective of the knowledge flow, which is measured based on the academic age. To this end, we proposed a project-based team identification approach, which gives particular attention to funded teams. The method is applicable to other funding systems. Based on identified scientific teams, we detected recurring and significant subgraph patterns, known as network motifs, and under-represented patterns, known as anti-motifs. We found commonly occurred motifs and anti-motifs are remarkably characterized by different structures matching certain functions in knowledge exchanges. Collaboration patterns represented by motifs favor hierarchical structures, supporting intensive interactions across academic generations. Anti-motifs are more likely to show chain-like structures, hindering potentially various knowledge activities, and are thus seldom found in real collaboration networks. These findings provide new insights into the understanding of funded collaborations and also the funding system. Meanwhile, our findings are helpful for researchers, the public and policymakers to gain knowledge on research(ers) evolution, particularly in terms of primordial collaboration patterns.  相似文献   
危机抑或机遇:专利经营实体是非置辩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专利经营实体的兴起及其商业模式引起了国内外的广泛关注,其法律定性一直颇具争议.如何定性,不仅决定着专利经营实体的未来,而且关系着一国专利政策的走向.本文解读了专利经营实体的内涵,澄清了它与“专利怪物”的区别,详细梳理了肯定和否定专利经营实体商业模式的争执面相,并对此进行了评析.结合对以高智公司和中彩联为代表的专利经营实体的介绍,作者提出了我国在专利战略推进过程中应有的观念维度.  相似文献   
[目的]探索医学期刊组织专题的有效途径,为国内医学期刊提供借鉴与参考。[方法]以《放射学实践》杂志为例,介绍其通过与协办单位合作、及时报道重大科研成果、围绕突发公共卫生事件等多种方式进行专题组稿的经验和体会;比较、分析专题论文和非专题论文的质量。[结果]《放射学实践》近3年成功组织了22个专题,极大地扩大了本刊在业内的影响。专题论文的篇均被引频次和篇均下载量均明显高于非专题论文。[结论]医学期刊编辑应该结合自身杂志特点,充分发挥积极性和主动性,勇于探索,敢于创新,不断开拓专题组稿的新方法和新形式,为提高期刊质量不懈努力。  相似文献   
太极拳在扶植体内正气,疏通气机,引气活血,舒活筋骨,营养精神方面是优于其他体育项目的,对中、老年人或病患者来说,更是如此,这种动静结合的太极拳确是扶正祛邪,防病健身,抵抗衰老,延年益寿的良剂佳药.  相似文献   
Oil-soluble stannous naphthenate (SN) is synthesized by using naphthenatic acid and SnO. And its molecular structure is confirmed by IR and multielement oil analyzer (MOA). The tribological performances of the organotin as lubricant additive are evaluated with a four-ball friction and wear tester. These experiments indicate that the wear scar diameter (WSD) and friction coefficient are diminished while the load-carrying capability increased by comparison with that of base oil. The elemental composition of the boundary lubricating film is examined by means of Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). Synergistic effect is found in the load-carrying capability of the complex of SN and sulfured olefin. The analytical results of AES indicate that the good performance of stannous naphthenate is attributed to the formation of a boundary lubricating film containing Sn on the rubbed surface.  相似文献   
开辟医学影像学期刊品牌专栏"图文讲座"   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
汪晓  汪玲 《编辑学报》2006,18(2):127-128
探讨创办医学影像学期刊"图文讲座"新栏目的经验.认为以图文讲座为品牌栏目,不仅适应了"读图时代"受众心理和阅读取向,而且显示了该类专业杂志的突出特色,有利于期刊国际化的交流,提升了核心竞争力.  相似文献   
参考文献的著录质量亟待提高   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
雷琪 《编辑学报》2006,18(1):40-41
指出参考文献著录中存在的9个方面的问题,包括机械式转引,非必要的引用,著录时效性不强,引用非正式文献,引用地域性窄,文献引用过少,不恰当自引,剽窃及文献著录形式上的错误,并提出一些在编辑加工过程中保证参考文献著录质量的措施.  相似文献   
为促进高校学生身心健康成长,随机抽取122名学生,对其进行日常活动及膳食情况的调查,结果显示,能量的消耗与摄入处于不平衡状态.对此提出了相应的对策与建议.  相似文献   
Background:Cross-sectional evidence and small-scale trials suggest positive effects of stair climbing on cardiometabolic disease and glucose regulation.However,few studies have examined the long-term association between stair climbing and the incidence of type 2 diabetes(T2D).We aimed to prospectively evaluate the association of stair climbing with T2D and assess modifications by genetic predisposition to T2D.Methods:We included 451,699 adults(mean age=56.3±8.1 years,mean±SD;55.2% females) witho...  相似文献   
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