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2011年是福建省新课程背景下的第三次高考,英语高考试卷命题体现了普通高中英语新课程的基本理念。论文先从宏观上对试卷命制的指导思想及基本原则等作了总体评价;然后从微观上对各题型的语料选用、考点分布及难度值等命题情况进行评析;最后提出几点启示,以期为广大师生的复习备考提供借鉴。  相似文献   
学派建设与学科发展的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重视学派建设是学术界和政治界的共同责任,学派不仅为学科发展提供了内在动力,更为学科发展营造了良好的学术生态环境,只有建立有助于学派生存与发展的社会文化环境,才能使学派在我国生根发芽.  相似文献   
台湾高校学程制述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学程制丰富了台湾高等教育人才培育管道,带动了大学学制的多元化,提升了高等教育的公平和竞争,加快了高等教育的民主化进程。台湾学程制对于推进大陆高等教育改革,创新人才培养模式具有一定的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
教师职前阶段研究的薄弱和混乱,不单造成了师范生教育教学水平的下滑,也极大地制约了教师职后教育的发展。师范教育在“专业性与师范性之争”、“通识教育与专业教育之争”、“理论性与实践性之争”、以及“教育学与语文教学法之争”中曲折前进。以师范专业汉语言文学方向为研究视角,使得师范教育改革有了一个“落脚之地”。  相似文献   
By 2010 the UK government intends to widen access and provide experience of higher education to half of those aged up to 30. Unlike many institutions, University of Paisley (UP) has exceeded its individual target on access. It has done this by providing entry routes for students with ‘non-traditional’ qualifications. It is feared that low entry qualifications will adversely influence performance and progression statistics as wider access is pursued. Drawing on a student-attrition theory, performance and progression are investigated using data for students enrolling at UP for the first time in 2000. At UP non-traditional entry coincided with the enrolment of many students over 21. The relationships between age and performance and between age and progression are nonlinear and involve interactions with gender. Also, there are interactions between entry qualification and field of study. These relationships and interactions could complicate the important task of translating wider access into academic success.  相似文献   
深化高校学业考试改革,提高大学生学习积极性,促进学生个性发展和潜力开发,对于我国高校培养创新型人才具有十分重要的意义。本文主要就我国高校教育中的学业考试现状进行归纳和总结,分析存在问题的深层次原因,并以综合能力和创新人才培养为导向,提出了改革我国高校学业考试的几点建议。  相似文献   
西部欠发达地区非学历教育考试的实践及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会主义市场经济改革的逐步深入、劳动就业准入制度的建立与完善,非学历教育考试面临着前所未有的挑战和发展机遇。本文以甘肃省为例,通过对非学历教育考试现状的分析,提出西部欠发达地区非学历教育考试的长足发展,必须立足社会经济发展的实际,与学历教育相沟通,全方位加强合作,把社会效益放在第一位,打造精品,以质取胜,为社会提供优质、公平的评价手段,以灵活的机制培育新的证书项目,构建终身教育的立交桥。  相似文献   
文章基于关系判断的视角,聚焦于当代大学内部学术人员和行政人员之间的信任关系进行了学理探讨和实证分析,指出改善我国当代大学组织中的信任状况必须培养学术归属感、建立信任机制、实现分工决策制度化。  相似文献   
This study compares student evaluations of instruction that were collected in-class with those gathered through an online survey. The two modes of administration were compared with respect to response rate, psychometric characteristics and mean ratings through different statistical analyses. Findings indicated that in-class evaluations produced a significantly higher response rate than online evaluation. In addition, Rasch analysis showed that mean ratings obtained in in-class evaluation were significantly higher than those obtained in online evaluation. Finally, the distributions of student attendance and expected grade in both modes were compared via chi-square tests, and were found to differ in the two modes of administration.  相似文献   
文章从学校科学发展战略的高度,论述了文化力置于学校发展内涵,是文化育人理念体现的育人特色,是育人目标形成的核心力,而学校竞争力的大小则取决于这一核心力的聚积及其强弱程度。认为学校文化战略的创设,重在学校文化形态以“理念载体、环境载体、活动载体、教学载体、制度载体、行为载体”所产生的“力”。而学校文化战略倡导“德育为先”创新能力为重的培养意识和育人体系,则是理念精神特色价值的含义。  相似文献   
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