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海军障碍训练损伤因素分析及对策 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
通过对海军学员在海军障碍训练中出现的运动损伤调查分析,找出导致海军障碍训练运动损伤的因素,从海军障碍训练方法、手段、设施等几个方面提出了预防对策。 相似文献
对我国高校大学生余暇体育现状的调查研究 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
韩衍杰 《北京体育大学学报》2003,26(4):503-504
通过文献资料法、问卷调查法和实地访谈法,对我国10省市16所高校的1300名大学生余暇体育现状的调查,分析探讨了当前我国高校大学生余暇体育的现状,并针对发现的问题提出了建议。研究结果表明:加强学校有关部门对课外体育活动工作重要性的认识,进一步完善余暇体育的组织形式,提高学校体育场地、设施的利用率并充分发挥体育教师在余暇体育中的作用,是推进我国高校余暇体育更好发展的当务之急。 相似文献
刘世铨 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》1996,(1)
历史是通过人的活动创造的,历史又有着自己的规律,人是在自己意识支配下活动的,历史却并不完全遵照人的意识。马克思主义不到人以外寻找历史规律,却又把人置于历史规律即生产力发展进程之中。人是生产力的创造者,生产力又创造着人。 相似文献
全球化 华夏文明传播的新机遇 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在经济全球化中 ,各国不同文化的传播与碰撞 ,凸现出中华优秀民族文化的内在活力和人文价值 ,成为解决文化冲突和医治各种社会疾患可资借鉴的良方之一。文章还分析了中华文化在新世纪多元化格局中的价值取向 ,指出在实现现代化过程中 ,弘扬中华文化自身的整合与重构强势 ,吸纳、借鉴、融合外来优秀文化 ,是创造中华民族新文化的有效途径 相似文献
中小企业是国民经济发展的支撑力量。加强信息系统建设对中小企业的发展具有重大意义。中小企业应制定信息系统战略计划的目标 ,解决信息系统建设和实施信息系统战略中的问题 ,选择适合本企业的信息系统战略计划方法。参考文献 5。 相似文献
Nick Mead 《Pastoral Care in Education》2004,22(2):19-26
This small-scale research study looks at the PSHE/Citizenship framework and the opportunities for student teachers to understand and experience within school the relationship between values, personal and social development and learning. A questionnaire was given to two sets of student teachers on their final school-based placements. The research suggests that there needs to be greater recognition of the centrality of multi-cultural awareness and understanding within the political literacy section of the PSHE/Citizenship framework. This is the counterpart to a previous study of the opportunities for values education within the university-based elements of Primary Initial Teacher Education ( Mead, 2003 ). 相似文献
通过对哈尔滨市 8所普通高校本科生课外体育锻炼现状的问卷调查、访谈 ,就高校学生参加课外体育锻炼的动机、练习时间、选择项目等方面进行综合分析 ,并对其存在的问题提出建议。 相似文献
网络环境下信息服务 ,应采取元素 (用户、信息技术、信息人员、宏观组织和信息法规 )集成模式 :以用户为中心 ,以信息技术为桥梁 ,以信息人员为主导 ,以宏观组织、信息法规为控制手段。参考文献 13。 相似文献
John Holland 《Pastoral Care in Education》2004,22(1):10-14
The paper discusses elements of the findings of 'Iceberg', a doctoral study at the University of York addressing many issues of child bereavement through a retrospective study of nearly one hundred individuals who had either experienced the death of a parent when they were at school, or were the surviving parent of such a child. The research revealed issues of lack of control and information for children after a parental death. Forty-seven per cent of those in the study attended the funeral of their parent. There was correlation between the age of children and attendance at the funeral. Of the fifty-three per cent of children not attending, twenty-four per cent of them were forbidden to attend, whilst eleven per cent of them were distracted from attending the funeral, such as being sent to school or a neighbours and being unaware that it was taking place. None of the children attending the funeral reported any negative experiences, and two thirds of them reported it as a positive or helpful event. In contrast, over three-quarters of those not attending later wished that they had. Over a third had feelings of regret, others feeling that they had been excluded from the family at the time of the death, and felt anger, hurt, and frustration. The conclusion was that the best strategy is to give children informed choice about whether or not to attend. If children do attend a negative outcome seems unlikely, but it would be prudent to prepare them as to what to expect at the ceremony. 相似文献