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Previous research and first-hand experience suggest that a child with a disability can have a profound effect on family life. Although the need for sibling support has been acknowledged in legislation, the implications for non-disabled siblings remain unclear. In this article, Angie Naylor, lecturer in psychology, and Phil Prescott, senior lecturer in childhood and youth studies, both based at Edge Hill, review a number of key themes emerging from the literature on sibling support. They go on to report the findings from an in-depth study of one sibling support group. The work was carried out in partnership with Barnardo's in the north-west of England and involved setting up a sibling support group, in response to an analysis of local need, and evaluating its impact. This research indicates a clear need for further service provision to meet the needs of the siblings of disabled children who attended the scheme. Angie Naylor and Phil Prescott argue for a reinvigorated debate about the needs of such children and champion the importance of listening to children and valuing what they have to say. The results of this small-scale evaluation project have clear implications for future research and, potentially, for policy and practice.  相似文献   
There is an increasing interest in linking character education programs with social and academic outcomes. The Child Development Project (CDP) is a character education program that promotes academic and social growth in teachers and students. This theory-driven evaluation employed a quasi-experimental design with matched control schools. School personnel participated in an intensive professional development process to learn the CDP model. Performance measures included state-mandated achievement measures, teacher self-assessment reports, and student attitudes and outcomes. Results yielded support for the CDP model as a strategy to improve social and, if properly implemented, cognitive outcomes in students; the model also improved teacher self-assessment and provided information that may facilitate professional growth about school collegiality. Implications for policy and practice will be discussed.  相似文献   
分析了我国政府信息资源开发与利用的现状、开发模式及存在问题,提出了政府信息资源开发模式的新途径。  相似文献   
实验室队伍建设是实验室建设的重要组成部分,它关系着实验室的管理水平和教学质量。通过对高校实验室队伍存在问题的剖析,阐述了目前国内高校实验室队伍建设中存在的问题,提出实验室队伍建设必须采取的应对策略。  相似文献   
开展电大农民大学生培养质量评价是农民大学生培养项目发展的必然,也是建设浙江开放大学背景下农民大学生培养项目教育教学模式改革的前提。文章概述了电大农民大学生培养质量评价的目的;指出实施农民大学生培养质量评价应遵循的原则;根据教育评价理论和原则,从学业成就、职业技术能力、创新创业能力、发展潜能四个维度构建电大农民大学生培养质量评价体系。  相似文献   
心理素质是影响大学生能否由潜在创业者顺利转化为现实创业者的主观前提因素,也是制约大学生创业能否成功的核心要素。本文从创业心理素质构成五维度、创业心理素质养成三途径、创业心理素质养成评价四模块等角度,建构了创业心理素质“五三四”养成模式。  相似文献   
理解儿童要基于儿童特点。从思维能力、双重生命、心理预置、幼态持续、儿童的原始特质及儿童世界的丰富性等几方面来理解儿童,就是为了更好地去对儿童进行教育。理解儿童的教育,要相信人可以教育;要尊重自然,引导自由;要关注成长关键期;要重视游戏的价值。理解儿童就要走进儿童的世界。鉴于此,要尊重儿童本能;要坚持儿童立场;要关注儿童成长的完整性;要构建润泽课堂;要重视教师的人格引领以及文化熏陶对儿童的影响。  相似文献   
生活中,人们习惯于从道德的角度来理解教师对学生的爱,甚至极端地认为,教师对学生的爱是教育的主要目标。一些专家学者在理解陶行知先生爱满天下等思想时也存在道德至上的片面性。本文从理论与实践两个层面,对教师爱的本质内涵做了思索和探讨。认为基于教师职业的特点,教师爱既包括教师对学生的道德爱,更包括教师对学生的专业爱,只有全面理解教师爱的上述双重内涵,才能真正推动教师工作的优化和学生的健康成长。  相似文献   
冰箱并不是"保险箱",冰箱冷藏仅可用于食品及原料暂时保存,时间稍长便可能招致嗜冷菌的生长繁殖进而导致食品腐败变质而中毒。研究冰箱中微生物生长所需的最佳生长碳源、氮源及初始pH值对防止用冰箱冷藏食品所引起的食品变质提供一定的参考作用。  相似文献   
讨论黎曼流形中的紧致2-调和子流形,得到了这类子流形的上的广义Simons-型积分不等式.  相似文献   
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