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The National Literacy Strategy (NLS) was introduced by the government in the wake of the hotly debated issue of falling educational standards in the UK. All schools were required to adopt the NLS Literacy Hour unless they could show their preferred programme would result in raised levels of achievement. My experience of delivering the Literacy Hour has been a process of adaptation to the needs of my pupils, who are drawn mainly from groups whose language backgrounds differ from that which is dominant in school. I have found that the requirements of NLS, together with many of the commercial resources used to teach it, are not appropriate for pupils from these groups and a question arose: is it the pupils who are in some way deficient or is it the approach and the resources being used? This article takes a case study of the use of a commercially produced resource to explore the model of language implicit in NLS, the kinds of resources it generates and the ways in which this creates failure in pupils from different language backgrounds. It then considers the New Literacy Studies and their implications for an alteration in our approach.  相似文献   
Three languages are widely used in schools in Kenya – English, Kiswahili and Kenya Sign Language. Many pupils with hearing impairments are taught separately from the mainstream, in specialist settings. The fact that most of the formal teaching, assessment and examination processes in Kenyan schools rely upon spoken and written English compounds the separation of these pupils from the mainstream of education and, potentially, from the mainstream of society. In this article, Gertrude Wamae, graduate assistant in the Department of English and Linguistics at Kenyatta University, and Rachael Kang'ethe-Kamau, lecturer in the Department of Special Education at Kenyatta University, discuss the relationships between language, hearing impairment and inclusion in the Kenyan context. The article suggests that the use of signed exact English would enhance opportunities for inclusion for those with hearing impairments and that programmes of teacher training need to take account of persuasive research in this area. The article closes with a plea for further research, carried out collaboratively by educationalists, linguists, teacher trainers and practitioners, to develop policies and practices suited to more inclusive futures. The article is based on a paper presented to the International Conference on Inclusive Education run by Maseno University in September 2002.  相似文献   
在英语本族语者的自然语言中,语块占据相当大的比例,这一发现对英语词汇教学有很大的启示。对此,借鉴语块理论的研究成果,以《21世纪大学英语》为例,试探性地分析了英语教材中词汇编写的现状并提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   
翻译活动有模拟信息 ,揭示思维模式 ,提供审美乐趣 ,丰富译入语等几大功能。直译在这几大方面具有明显的优势。忠于原作的直译能丰富我们的语法和词汇 ,为我们展现了一个新奇的世界 ,对我们的思维方式和文体风格能起革新的作用  相似文献   
围绕语音、词汇、语法三大教学内容,用对比分析的方法,针对汉语和日语的相似性,预测和描述母语正迁移规律对日语教学产生的积极影响。  相似文献   
鲍士雪 《沧州师专学报》2009,25(1):30-31,38
文章对火星文中的谐音新词进行了分类描写,并分析其繁荣的原因。  相似文献   
大量使用汉字谐音,是目前网络语言的一大特点。网络语言作为一种新兴的社会方言,是现代汉语在网络世界中的新的变体。文章以汉字的谐音手法在网络新造词中的应用为切入点,分析网络汉字谐音词的分类、功能、原因等问题。  相似文献   
网络语言的特点及影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络语言是网民们为了适应上网交际的需要而创造的一种颇具特色的语言。其特点表现在构造新词方法的丰富性、语句表达方式的杂糅性、语言风格的多样性等方面。网络语言的创新性多样性丰富了汉语的表达手段,推动了汉语的发展,但不规范的现象也屡见不鲜。对此,我们既要看到它存在的价值,又要以宽容的态度客观分析不良的语言现象,正确引导网络语言的发展。  相似文献   
对于广西新升本的三所地方性高校外语教师的职业发展状况的问卷调查,新升本的地方性高校普遍存在外语师资队伍薄弱、外语教学资源紧缺等诸多问题。促进外语教师职业发展的主要途径:学校加大投入,创造条件,让教师有更多培训机会;外语教师坚持自主学习,不断提高自己的个人素养;建立教师工作坊;重视反思性教学;注重科研创新能力培养,以科研促进教学。  相似文献   
言语行为理论是语用学中的一个非常重要的理论。它可以被应用于提倡培养学生交际能力的外语教学。文章介绍了言语行为理论以及其对交际教学法的影响,并讨论了言语行为理论对外语教学实践的启示。  相似文献   
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