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中职医学生思想主流是稳定健康、积极向上。但也存在着不容忽视的不科学的医学观。哲学课要充分发挥育人功能,用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义思想武器,努力培养具有科学医学观能适应社会主义医疗卫生事业和相关行业要求的合格建设者和接班人。  相似文献   
Online lectures have been used in lieu of live lectures in our gross anatomy and embryology course for the past eight years. We examined patterns of online lecture use by our students and related that use to academic entry measures, gender and examination performance. Detailed access records identified by student were available from server logs. Total views per page of lecture material increased over the first six years, then decreased markedly between years seven and eight, possibly due to the recent availability of alternate forms of lecture audio. Lecture use peaked in midafternoon and again in the evening, although some use was seen at all hours. Usage was highest at midweek and lowest on Fridays as might be expected. Individual student's use varied widely from rates equivalent to less than one viewing/page to more than three viewings per page. Overall use by male students was greater than that of females and gender‐specific differences in the daily pattern were seen. Lecture use was correlated to the Medical College Admission Test® (MCAT®) Verbal Reasoning and Physical Sciences scores but not to composite MCAT scores or undergraduate grade point average. Overall use appeared to be driven by scheduled team‐based learning (TBL) sessions and major examinations. Specific subsets of lecture material were most often viewed before related TBL sessions and again during review for examinations. A small but significant correlation between lecture use and examination and course performance was seen, specifically in the male student population. These findings, along with earlier observations, suggest that varied use of online lectures is attributable to multiple factors. Anat Sci Educ © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
Medical students at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at The University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada, learn clinical facts about the hepatobiliary system as transplant surgeon Dr. Vivian McAlister (at the far right) demonstrates Whipple's procedure in the anatomy laboratory. In this issue of ASE, Ullah and colleagues describe an extracurricular student initiative known as the Surgically Oriented Anatomy Program (SOAP), which aims to deliver anatomy teaching from a surgical perspective through the philosophy of “education through recreation”.  相似文献   
营造更为人性化的医疗环境是无数设计师的梦想,医疗建筑已经不再是游离于建筑设计主潮流外的建筑类型。在当今这个越来越讲究“舒适度”的时代,如何营造高效的医疗空间,赋予医院更多“人性”,改善医院的形象,是我国综合性医疗建筑的发展趋势和必然要求。  相似文献   
目的通过对医学生实习重要性认知、临床实习行为以及带教教师对学生实习表现满意度、带教行为等的调查分析,了解目前医学生临床实习现状,分析影响医学生临床实习行为的主要原因.方法通过自设实习学生和教师问卷进行不记名调查.结果教师和学生对实习重要性的认知均较好,分别为96.5%和91.7%,但学生在实习过程中表现出来的积极性、主动性以及对实习任务的完成、对临床实习的坚持却不尽人意,在影响实习质量因素方面,教师和学生的观点不同,教师和学生之间的彼此满意度均不高.  相似文献   
从当前医科大学生人文素养现状入手,分析了医学生人文素养不高的原因以及塑造医学生人文素养的意义,着重从教育观念的转变、校园网络文化的建设、人文实践活动的加强、临床实习教育环节的规范等四个方面论述了提高医学生人文素养的途径。  相似文献   
地方高校学报利用地域文化特色可以促进学报特色栏目的形成和发展。地方高校学报可以从做好栏目的策划、保持栏目的连贯性与开放性、依托优势学科、选好栏目主持人、培养编辑的特色思想和意识等5个方面入手,建设特色栏目。特色栏目的建设,对于地方高校学报提升品位,扩大影响有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
东盟留学生学习中医情况的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫雪妮  邓远美 《高教论坛》2010,(1):15-16,32
对广西中医学院、云南中医学院在校中医学专业的东盟各国留学生在中医知识的学习及课程的设置方面进行问卷调查。结果表明:东盟留学生普遍认为中医知识结构设置中,中医基础知识最为重要,其次是中医临床知识、中医技能操作能力。从而全面解读面向东盟的中医药人才培养模式的要求,为高等医学院校确定适应东盟国家中医药人才培养的目标,课程体系设置、教学内容与教学方法的优化等提供依据。  相似文献   
以三类高校学报为研究对象,构建高校学报生态位适宜度的数学模型,计算三类高校学报生态位适宜度,表征三类高校学报对其生境的适应性程度.  相似文献   
中医人才除了能够掌握和应用中医知识外,还必须拥有外语交际能力,树立文化差异意识,才能担负起把中医文化向世界传播的历史使命。通过公共外语课堂、中医专业课的学习,课外实践和比较观察思考等途径,都可有效地培养跨文化交际的能力。  相似文献   
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