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基于网络课程考试改革的实践与探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
蒋拾金 《湖北广播电视大学学报》2012,32(7):9-10
基于网络的课程考试,是以网络技术为载体,促进教学方式、手段及考核方式的一种革命性变革。这一变革充分体现了远程教育的优势,能更加有效地将教与学紧密结合,凸显出网络教育的实践性。但这一考试方式也存在一些不足,网络课程考试的推广与完善还需进一步地实践与探索。 相似文献
田宇 《包头职业技术学院学报》2021,(1):43-46,55
“互联网+”时代学生获取知识的途径很多,以传授知识为主的传统课堂教学方式已经落后,如何实现知识的传授到能力的提升到拔高性的教学是关键要解决的问题。知识的普及与拔高性教学的关系如何处理?如何促进优质课程线上资源更有效的应用?文章以“中级财务会计学”课程为主线,运用BOPPPS模型,通过线上线下混合式课程的设计与实践,寻求解决上述问题的途径,以期给课程改革带来有意义的借鉴。 相似文献
《College & Undergraduate Libraries》2013,20(2):99-106
Abstract To determine if research findings from large academic, research libraries on the number of public access terminals needed apply to smaller libraries, the author compared results of a study done at a large research institution to one done at a mid-sized university. The data were different. This is important because the active automation market is currently thriving at smaller libraries, not larger ones, and because environment/size does seem to be critical to the consideration of automation parameters. Thus, smaller libraries should establish their own parameters and employ models generated at large institutions only as a general recipe. 相似文献
高校图书馆如何选择网上出版物 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过三大方面确保高校图书馆选好网上出版物。即确立正确的选取指导思想、制定科学合理的选取方针、确保馆内选取人员相应的素质。 相似文献
Michal Zion 《International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education》2008,6(2):351-375
The Biomind program is a new open inquiry program for Israeli biology high school students. The Biomind program is facilitated by diverse activities of asynchronous on-line forums for teachers and students. This research aims to analyse the discussions that occurred over a period of three years in these forums, in order to obtain a picture of the benefits that virtual discussions hold for the implementation of the open inquiry program. The results presented in this article indicate that students required assistance mainly with searching scientific information, finding experimental techniques and procedures, and phrasing inquiry questions. The three most frequent areas that were discussed in the teachers' forum were technical and procedural aspects of experimentation, bureaucracy and phenomenon identification. In addition, issues such as inferring and discussing, logical progression of the inquiry process, scientific writing, teacher-student interaction, reflective thinking, affective points of view, and forum administration were raised in the forum discourses. The forum discourses create a learning community that contributes to the implementation of the Biomind program, and pinpoint the aspects that should be taken into consideration in the future. 相似文献
[目的/意义] 对文献订购经费转化为开放出版资助经费实现学术期刊从订阅获取模式向开放获取模式转化的经济可行性进行分析,以期引起科研管理机构、科研教育机构、图书馆及学者对国际发展趋势和有关行动计划的关注,促进开放获取学术交流环境的发展。[方法/过程] 分析期刊论文全面开放获取所需APC经费与当前期刊订购体系总体投入比较的案例,对国家层面参与学术期刊向开放获取转化国际行动计划所面临情况评估、判断的基础数据需求和有关监控、报告、共享机制及规范的建立提出建议。[结果/结论] 国家有关部门应支持图书馆开展有关基础性分析研究,为文献订购经费向支持开放出版转化的策略和措施的制定提供重要支持和参考。 相似文献
教育部于2019年启动“双万课程计划”。为了贯彻教育部文件精神,打造一流运筹学课堂,本文主要通过线上线下混合运筹学课程建设,教师提升备课和课堂组织,以学生为主体,适应新模式下的运筹学课堂,从而达到一流运筹学课程建设的目标。 相似文献
在远程教育系统的网上考试系统模块中,数据库和数据仓库中的用户交互数据记录了用户对系统的访问行为信息,利用最小支持度和最小置信度,挖掘出频繁项集,对这些信息的分析有利于远程教育教学管理人员和教师掌握学生对知识的掌握情况,从而可以对教学内容加以改进,对教学平台进行优化. 相似文献