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高职学报质量影响因素探析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
高职学报在推动高职院校教学、科研及人才方面发挥了重要作用。但学报的办刊质量问题不容忽视,质量的高低关系到高职院校学报的生存与发展。结合工作实际,对高职学报存在的问题、质量影响因素进行了分析,提出了改进建议。  相似文献   
采用文献资料、统计、逻辑分析等方法,对“十一五”中文体育核心期刊刊载的基金项目足球论文进行分析.主要结论:基金项目足球论文研究内容紧密联系当前我国足球运动实际发展问题但存在不均衡性,研究对象较为全面和系统,研究方法运用明显进步但存在缺失现象;基金项目足球论文级别较高、地域分布不平衡,体育总局是主要资助机构,体育院校和普通高等院校是其主稿源,《武汉体育学院学报》等是其重要期刊群.  相似文献   
学报要大力推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
十七大报告着重论述了社会主义文化大发展大繁荣的重要性.学报是推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣的重要阵地,又是社会主义出版事业的重要方面军,学报编辑工作是文化建设的一个重要组成部分.  相似文献   
刘克辉 《天中学刊》2011,26(4):109-115
从南京国民政府召开第一次全国教育会议,通过多项有关乡村教育的提案,到国民党三中全会通过《实施三民主义的乡村教育案》;从南京国民政府对民间乡村教育家及其实验的关注和认同,到成立农村复兴委员会、调查农村实况、复兴农村经济、注重乡村教育的发展,再到重视乡村教育期刊、教科书和其他乡村教育书籍的出版,南京国民政府对乡村教育思潮进行的种种积极回应,标志着乡村教育全面进入政府的视野,并成为国家建设的一部分。  相似文献   
从编辑出版制度建设的角度审视了高职院校学报的质量控制与发展策略问题。高职院校学报必须依据自身的特点,建立健全编辑责任制度、自觉组稿制度、主编终审制度和质量保障制度,优化高职院校学报的内部软环境,从而提升高职学报的整体质量。  相似文献   
【目的】 探讨护理期刊如何在促进护理科研发展中发挥作用。【方法】 《中国护理管理》发挥了两方面的研究引导作用,即引导针对行业热点问题进行研究和引导对社会热点事件背后的行业问题进行研究,设立了科研基金项目支持护理科研,举办科研及论文写作培训班提高护理人员科研能力。【结果】 《中国护理管理》杂志影响力得到提升,取得了有价值的科研成果,提高了基层护士科研能力和论文水平。【结论】 科技期刊要立足于行业需求,结合行业的特点,勇于创新,推动科学研究开展,推动学科的发展。  相似文献   
This article considers the role Paedagogica Historica has played in stimulating new approaches in the history of education within the international community since the emergence of the new series in 1900. Particular focus is placed on the volumes published in the wake of ISCHE (International Standing Conference in the History of Education) conferences and the special issues, which the editors began to promote in 1990 as a way of highlighting innovative scholarship in the field. The article considers a total of 55 issues. In addition to a presentation of the diversity of topics addressed, the article assesses the following: editorial strategies to reach a broader public and connect with specialised networks internationally; efforts to achieve international ranking for the journal; the ways individual scholars or national communities showcase certain approaches or themes in the history of education. Finally, the article will consider the limits to the journal’s efforts to establish trends in our contemporary digital age.  相似文献   
Encouraging reflective practice and developing reflective practitioners is a goal of many disciplines in higher education. A variety of pedagogical techniques have been used to promote critical reflection including portfolios, narratives and reflective journals. Over the past decade, the use of Web 2.0 technologies with students has been increasingly adopted in higher education settings and many educators have integrated these technologies into reflective assignments. These educators assume that students, who are members of the Net Generation, are technologically savvy and have the ability to integrate the use of Web 2.0 technologies into learning. However, while there have been studies examining the outputs of reflective assignments using Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, e-portfolios and wikis, there has been little research examining whether or not students actually use technology for these types of assignment if given the choice. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore if technology was appropriated or rejected by students for a reflective journaling assignment. Results are based on a content analysis of 42 student journaling assignments and interviews with eight students. Findings suggest that (1) students are not as technologically competent as assumed; (2) students chose to use basic/fundamental technologies (e.g. word processing) because they viewed it as the easiest way to complete the reflective journaling assignment; (3) student perceptions of what makes an assignment ‘good’ influenced their choice to use Web 2.0 technologies; and (4) overarching student perceptions of higher education and learning impacted their appropriation of technology. Implications are discussed and recommendations for both research and practice are made.  相似文献   
高校学报档案资料管理的价值探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学报档案资料记录着学校学术发展的历史,记录着作者成果及其创造的历程。高校学报的档案资料具有重要的情报价值,科学化、制度化的学报档案资料管理,有助于激活学报档案资料中沉淀的信息资源,使之有针对性地转化为科学研究的原料,更好地为读者、作者、审者、编者提供高效、主动的信息服务。  相似文献   
被引频次可以客观反映科技期刊被使用和受重视的程度,已成为许多机构评价科技期刊的重要指标之一。提高期刊被引频次是编辑决策面临的首要问题。借助《中国知网》,采取手工检索和自动检索相结合的方法逐期逐篇登记,对《衡阳师范学院学报》(简称《学报》)2010—2012年的261篇自然科学论文进行被引频次统计分析。结果表明环境科学与资源科学被引频次比值较高,对《学报》评价有着积极影响,而教学论文发文量大,但被引率低,给《学报》评价带来消极影响。从作者职称、学历情况看,教授与博士的论文被引频次比值最大。继续依托校内重点学科与省级平台是《学报》提高被引频次的重要途径;此外,要积极争取知名学者的稿件,提高国家级基金论文比例,努力提高《学报》论文质量以实现被引频次大幅上升的目标。  相似文献   
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