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The transport characters of non-uniform sediment before and after the reservoir operation are compared and analyzed. Field data from the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), Danjiangkou, and Sanmenxia reservoir indicate that the transport character of coarse particle is various in different reaches. Before the reservoir operation, the dramatic decrease of the hydraulic condition in some reaches is the main reason to cause the coarse particle deposited. After the reservoir operation, almost all grain sized sediment may be eroded, when the reach is eroded seriously. However, the transport character of the coarse particle will be consistent with what it was before, when the reach is not eroded seriously. The deposition amount will be less than its pre-dam value, and it will tend to decrease with the time going on. Erosion of fine particle results from its unsaturation. Long-distance erosion downstream from reservoir is caused by shortage of the supply from riverbed, especially the shortage of fine particle. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(“973” Program, No.2003CB415200). LI Yitian, born in 1957, male, Prof.  相似文献   
<正>各位老师、各位同学,大家好!非常高兴受邀参加第十九届全国高校青年德育工作者论坛。我是第一次参加这个论坛,所以对论坛的了解更多是从主办方的介绍中知晓的。但是,对于论坛的主题——德育和德育工作,我很感兴趣。清华大学设有高校德育研究中心,是教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地。  相似文献   
政治哲学作为一门规范性知识,常常向人们介绍各种应然原则,勾勒各种美好的政治秩序。对读者来说,政治哲学似乎更喜欢报道“好消息”,而不愿意把笔墨花在那些被视为阴暗、消极乃至丑恶的东西上。充斥着血腥和强迫、伴随着恐惧与死亡的“政治暴力”无疑就属于后者。  相似文献   
马尔库塞的新人道主义思想既是对资本主义社会的坚定批判,也包含着丰富的心理学剖析和艺术审美特征。他的人性解放理论受马克思主义和弗洛伊德主义的双重影响,同时根据自身的历史环境有所调整和变化。一方面,马尔库塞改造了弗洛伊德的心理学,提出了爱欲解放的历史因素和辩证逻辑;另一方面,他重塑了马克思主义的人道主义思想,将人性的解放与人的总体性抗争联系在一起,以"大拒绝"来重启人道主义的道德基石,以"新感性"和"审美道德"作为战胜异化的突破口,从而谋求人类社会的解放和进步前景。马尔库塞的新人道主义思想尽管被认为带有激进的乌托邦色彩,但却为西方马克思主义当代发展提供了重要的阐释路径。  相似文献   
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