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日子重复着单调的步伐循环往复,生活琐碎而日渐乏味。此时,正值北方的冬天,我还是形影相吊地忙碌穿梭于校园里,孤独地感受着这个冬天的冷清。满眼里是万木寂寥的空旷,偶尔一阵乌雀的哀鸣顿时划破死寂般的幽静,让人有些怯怯的。天与地之间被抹上了单调的灰色,凝重得如同泼墨一般  相似文献   
由于经济的快速发展,许多城市的酒店行业以及大型商厦都在不断发展,然而其发展也伴随着很大的安全隐患。近几年,特大火灾的发生已是屡见不鲜,这充分表明一些企业在防火这一板块做的还不够好。国家对重点单位的防火措施也加大了检查力度。本文通过对重点单位目前消防管理中存在的问题进行分析,进而提出一些具有借鉴意义的对策,从而提高重点单位的消防安全。  相似文献   
李曌 《家教世界》2015,(2):59-60
绘本,也称为图画书,英文为Picture Book,是儿童喜闻乐见的一种书籍形式。和孩子一起享受绘本,是让父母和孩子一起享受安静时光的好主意,同时也是帮助孩子爱上阅读的最好方法。日本绘本之父松居直就曾在《幸福的种子——亲子共读图画书》一书中说:"儿童的读书生活从幼儿期开始,要使儿童了解书的世界的魅力,最好首先从图画书入手。"正是这种独特的吸引力,近几年来,国内的绘本发展呈现出越来越宽广的迅猛姿  相似文献   
李曌  杨萌萌 《海外英语》2012,(4):199-203,205
The Merchant of Venice is one of the most contradictory plays of William Shakespeare.Through presenting and studying the tragedy nature of Shylock,this thesis attempts to illustrate the tragic nature of Merchant of Venice.In this paper the author tries to reveal the significance of its tragic nature through thorough analyzing.Shylock’s tragedy is the tragedy of individual struggling,which shows in the aspects of family,money and religion.The profound reason for Shylock’s tragedy is his Jewish identity.Therefore,the author of this paper is enlightened hereby,turning to a lot of books and data,and then analyzes the origins of Jewish prejudice from two aspects,society and history.Christianity has dominated the west,with its doctrine mainly derived from the New Testament.Meanwhile,Judaism derives its doctrine from the Old Testament.Therefore,the pious Christians will be misled by the contents of libeling Jews and the murdering of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.So a kind of instinctive hatred toward Jews is generated.This kind of tendency is rather clear in the play The Merchant of Venice.In this play,Shylock mentions several times that Antonio has insulted him physically and mentally in the Rialto.Almost all the characters in the play humiliate Shylock.But,he just endures all these insults quietly,and then looks for the chance to revenge.In the end,under the delicate trap set by the authority,Shylock loses again.He loses everything he could lose,both materially and mentally.Nothing is more frustrating than that.However,the author of this paper believes that it is worth paying attention to in the present day.In this paper,the author chooses this topic,presents and analyzes the tragedy of Shylock,and reveals the positive significance of the tragic nature of the play for our time.  相似文献   
李曌 《少儿美术》2024,(4):38-40
<正>适合年龄:8-9岁课时:2课时一、材料准备:墨汁、毛笔、国画颜料、生宣、毛毡、调色盘、水桶。二、教学目标(一)启发学生从不同的视角观察田野的形态,在画面中产生抽象作品的意趣,引导学生学会欣赏抽象艺术。(二)引导学生了解艺术家的创作思路,从田野的形状入手,结合保罗克利画面中的格子进行联想启发,鼓励大胆创作。  相似文献   
当今非人为原因引起火灾大部分是电气火灾,而导线引起火灾又占大部分.本文简述了导线引起火灾的原因和一些预防的措施,希望对大家以后深入了解这种火灾的原因起到一定的帮助.  相似文献   
指出了当前消防监督执法过程中存在的问题,并对出现问题的原因进行了分析,最后提出了提高消防监督执法水平的几点建议.  相似文献   
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