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Jokes and Humor     
1.M iss the F irst E ight O nes。Jane was late.A nd she asked a m anwho was sitting next to her,“Excuse m e,what is being perform ed on the stage?”Them an said,“Beethoven’s ninth sym phony.”H earing this,she regretted,“O h。I shouldn’thave been so late.I m issed the firsteightones。”我错过了前八个呀!简迟到了。她就问坐在旁边的男士:“请问,台上在演什么呢?”男士说:“贝多芬的第九交响曲。”一听这话,她后悔了,“唉!我真不该迟到。我错过了前八个呀!”2.L ucky or U nluckyA young m an saw a beautiful girl carry-ing a cat in her hands on his w ay hom e.The young m an said,“I wish I w ere acat。”The ...  相似文献   
The Inspector of Schools arrived yesterday morning, and he spent the whole day examining the classes. The headmaster had told us a few days 1 that he was coming. I think the headmaster was very 2 about it, for every day, he came to all the classes, 3 the teacher over and over again what they must do and examined the boy himself to see 4 they were ready for the Inspector. He told us in our class that we were all fools and would be sure to 5 him lose face before the Inspector.  相似文献   
本文根据本地区的地理人文优势,对地方文献的搜集、整理与利用提出一些粗浅的观点和方法。  相似文献   
Welcome to the Website for the 2005 National Book Festival.This is the fifth annual National Book Festival and once again we have anoutstanding group of authors who will be joining us on September 24 on the NationalM all in Washington, D .C . to talk about and sign their books.The festival is organized and sponsored(资助) by the Library of Congress and hosted by Laura Bush. It is free and open to the publicand this year features more than 80 award-w inning authors appearing in “Fiction…  相似文献   
培养学生的创新能力,是当今教育的一项主要任务。在历史课教学中,从“主观”与“客观”、“动”与“静”、“斗争”与“妥协”、“古”与“今”等几个方面整合历史知识结构体系,可以诱发学生的创新思维。  相似文献   
企业健康发展需要持续的改革创新,满足市场需要是企业改革创新的方向和动力。随着煤炭市场的供需变化,企业转型发展、多元发展成为势在必行之路,那么党建工作在企业转型发展中如何发挥积极的作用呢?企业要把党委的政治核心作用突出体现在抓班子、带队伍、重引导、强保障四个方面。  相似文献   
Jokes and Humor     
1.M iss the F irst E ight O nes。Jane was late.A nd she asked a m anwho was sitting next to her,“Excuse m e,what is being perform ed on the stage?”Them an said,“Beethoven’s ninth sym phony.”H earing this,she regretted,“O h。I shouldn’thave been so late.I m issed the firsteightones。”我错过了前八个呀!简迟到了。她就问坐在旁边的男士:“请问,台上在演什么呢?”男士说:“贝多芬的第九交响曲。”一听这话,她后悔了,“唉!我真不该迟到。我错过了前八个呀!”2.L ucky or U nluckyA young m an saw a bea…  相似文献   
At a Dance Party     
“Excuse m e, would you like to dance?”a handsom e m an went over to Ann.“Yes, I’d like to,”Ann stood up atonce happily.“Very good! So, I can sit here,”them an said.At a Dance Party!河北@李爱茹  相似文献   
嘘——不要告诉大家我做了好事,这会影响我的形象的!你竟然带了一个又老又没用的家伙回来。那家伙不是我!爱情来得快去得也快,只有猪肉卷是永恒的。加菲猫肯定不是为猪肉卷而生的,但猪肉卷一定是为加菲猫而生的。巧克力的麻烦是:你把它吃了,它就没了。爱我,喂我,不要离开我。加菲猫有三个愿望:第一个是要猪肉卷,第二个还是要猪肉卷,第三个……哦,你错啦,他想要更多的愿望,那样他就能得到更多的猪肉卷啦。加菲猫向星星许了个愿。事实上,他并不是真的相信它,但是反正它是免费的,而且也没有证据证明它不灵。加菲猫手里拿着一个冰激凌,对欧迪说:…  相似文献   
1.D。考查现在分词的完成主动式。现在分词的完成主动式表示:动作是主语做的,主语是主动施动者;而且该动作在谓语动作发生之前已经完成,两个动作之间有明显的时间间隔,使用者在使用现在分词的完成式时通常是为了强调两个动作的发生有明显的先后顺序和时间间隔。  相似文献   
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