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武夷山船棺——中国最早的崖葬杨有德船棺葬即崖葬,是风葬的一种,它是在溪河两岸悬崖峭壁的自然洞穴、岩隙或人工凿成的岩洞穴里安葬死者的葬俗。文献中称作“仙城”、“仙棺”、“崖洞墓”、“悬棺葬”等,又因棺柩外观像船形,故称“仙船”、“架壑船棺”、“船棺葬”...  相似文献   
大型音乐舞蹈史诗《复兴之路》,是继《东方红》《中国革命之歌》以后,我国文化艺术史上的又一部大型音乐舞蹈史诗。《复兴之路》包括序和《山河祭》《热血赋》《创业图》《大潮曲》《中华颂》等五个板块,以时间为线索,以重大历史事件为载体,记录探索救国真理和强国之路的光辉历程。  相似文献   
宋慈(1186—1249年),字惠父,南宋福建建阳县童游人。世界伟大的法医学家,世界法医学的鼻祖。 宋慈自幼聪慧好学,10岁起拜著名理学家朱熹的高徒吴雉为师,深受闽学熏陶。1205年入临安太学,以“博记览善辞令”深得太学博士真得秀的垂青。1217年以渊博的学识考中进士乙科,1226年出任江西丰城县主簿,后任长汀知县、南剑州(今南平)通判等职。他为官清正廉明,体恤民情,以兴利除弊为己任。  相似文献   
王旭  王兰  杨有德 《科研管理》2020,41(12):22-31
Major emergencies aggravate the environmental uncertainty and complexity faced by organizations. Seeking inter-organizational cooperation becomes an important strategic decision for firms to cope with the external impact of emergencies. This study uses a dual case study method, taking the 2019-nCoV outbreak as an important research background. Based on the resource dependence theory and social network theory, this study proposes the emergency organization cooperation model and analyzes its structural characteristics and key operational logic. The study found: First, the "distributed fixed-point radiation model" and "integrated interconnected symbiosis model" are the important organizational cooperation models adopted by two core firms, "professional producers" and "cross-border convertors", in response to major emergencies. Based on the differences in resource capabilities, there is heterogeneity in the logic of core firm building emergency organization cooperation. The core firm rely on the key core resources they possess to implement "fixed-point" technical support and resource supply to the node firms with professional production qualifications, and to play the advantage of the professional producer alliance in responding to external environmental impacts and degrading production complexity. This kind of cooperation model can be abstracted into "distributed fixed-point radiation model". When core firm and their node firms conduct cross-border conversion cooperation to meet market emergency needs, their cooperation model emphasizes resource sharing and risk sharing among organization members. This cooperation model is defined as an "integrated interconnected symbiosis model".   Second, core firms with differentiated resource capabilities exhibit different emergency action paths. As a professional producers, through centralized power allocation, a unified emergency command unit is built to enhance the vertical integration capability of resources, thereby enhancing the resource locking ability of node firms; as a core firm of cross-border transition producers, by establishing specialization the project team formed a key force to solve the complexity of cross-border production, and used its ability to coordinate and transform resources to solve the rigid constraints of resources for cross-border conversion.    Third, the key logic of the operation of the two types of organizational cooperation models is different. In the "distributed fixed-point radiation model", the goal of organizational cooperation is " preventing epidemic and saving market", and due to the lack of cooperation foundation with most small and medium-sized medical mask manufacturers, the core firm and partners have adopted contract governance for effective interaction, and relied on the organizational form of "core firm leading + node firms following" to determine the participation in the cooperation subject′s rights and responsibilities. In the "integrated interconnected symbiosis" model, the value creation of organizational cooperation takes into account to fill the gap in social demand and assist the supply chain node firm to resume work. Their cooperation objectives are both "epidemic prevention and self-help". The core firm and the node firms jointly build a linkage conversion strategy on the basis of previous cooperation, and the interaction among members of the organization depends on the governance of the relationship, showing the organizational form of "core firm coordination + node firms participation". This study can enrich the literature of public crisis management based on the micro perspective of firms; in addition, the conclusions can provide policy suggestions for mitigating the impact of the epidemic on the key strategic material market, and provide management inspiration for improving the company′s defense against major emergencies.  相似文献   
随着新课程的深入推进,初中历史学业水平测试试题更加注重“包装”,新材料、新情境的“题引”越来越多见。所谓历史试题情境创设,就是通过文献记载、时政热点、学生生活、图表照片、乡土故事、活动探究等素材营造一个具体生动的特定历史背景,将学业考试大纲的考查知识点融人其中,形成情景交融、立意新颖、题面活泼的历史测试试题。这种试题有...  相似文献   
辨析即辨别分析,所谓辨析题,就是运用所学知识、技能和方法,对试题提供的观点、材料、情形等内容与现象进行辨别,作出恰当的分析、评判和结论的一种试题。辨析题包含“辨”和“析”两部分,辨是依据一定的学科知识和原理,对问题加以辨别判断;析是对判断的依据,也就是将“理由”有条理地说明或阐述。这类试题难度较大、区分度强且要求高、效度好,全国各地新课程中考历史主观题中虽有呈现,但均未单独设置题型,  相似文献   
近年来,在全国各地的中考历史试卷中,注重本乡本土历史的考查,彰显乡土情怀,成为一道亮丽的风景线。这类试题选材空间大、视角好、情境新,富有情感价值观的内涵;命题方式  相似文献   
兴趣是学习动力,兴趣是最好的老师。培养学生体育学习的兴趣是上好体育课的关键,下面围绕如何培养中学生体育学习兴趣提出自己的一些看法。一、学生学习体育的兴趣特点1、学生对体育学习的兴趣具有广泛性:随着学习的深入,知识范围扩大,学生的求知欲不断增强。他们不但关心课内学习与锻炼,而且关心课外体育活动及班级校级之间的各种比赛,对于学校及家庭附近的各种体育活动和比赛也很感兴趣,教师有义务帮助学生扩大他们的兴趣。2、选择性:由于身体素质、运动能力和个体差异,学生对各种运动项目有不同的兴趣和选择,男生比较喜欢活动量大竞赛性强的运动项目,像篮球、足球、武术等,女生则喜欢活动量不大,姿势优美节奏韵律感强的运动项目,像艺术体操、球类、跳绳及某些田径项目等。3、有一定的深刻性:由于年龄的增长,知识水平及认识能力的提高中学生对一些动作较为复杂,具有一定技巧性的教材产生兴趣,在学习技术动作时,他们不再满足于掌握动作要领,而且希望了解动作原理,随着教学环境和教学条件的改善,学生的兴趣变得更加深刻而稳定。二、学生学习兴趣的培养1、明确目的了解价值:对于一名学生来说,如果对自己学习的意义不明白,自然不可能对学习产生浓厚的兴趣,因此要使他们知道...  相似文献   
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