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Phytoremediation effectiveness and remediation costs are driving factors of this project. Full utilization of plant resources after their being used for phytoremediation is an unsolved problem. GC/MS technique was used to investigate the volatiles of the flowers from Elsholtzia argyi (PFE1: Purple Flower Elsholtzia) and their variation  相似文献   
桑树的种质资源、生态适应性及其应用前景   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
姚芳  倪吾钟  杨肖娥 《科技通报》2004,20(4):289-292,297
阐述了我国桑树种质资源的分布情况及其抗逆性和生态适应性,主要包括:耐寒性、耐渍性、抗旱性和抗污染及抗病虫害特性等.并以其生态适应性为基础,探讨了其在生态环境建设中韵潜力,以期为进一步拓展桑树资源的综合利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   
水葫芦防治及综合利用的研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文阐述了水葫芦的形态和生理特征、分布概况及其独特的吸收积累金属元素的特性。论述了当前水葫芦对环境危害的严重性以及防治研究的现状。重点讨论了生物防治的方法及实际运用当中存在的问题。并介绍了水葫芦开发利用的多种方式。展望了今后开展水葫芦防治及利用研究的前景。  相似文献   
随着工矿业的不断发展,尤其汽车尾气排放等人为原因,导致铅污染已逐渐发展成为一个世界性的环境问题。土壤铅污染不仅影响土壤微生物、土壤中酶活性以及其它相关理化性质,而且会对农作物产量和质量产生影响,以至通过食物链危害人类的健康。考虑到土壤铅污染的广域性及对人体健康的严重威胁,如何修复铅污染土壤已成为世界各国科学家面临的重要课题。植物修复作为一种绿色、有效的修复手段,逐渐发展成为学界研究热点之一。自然界中大多数植物对铅的吸收能力很低,普通植物一般Pb含量为10mgkg-1干重。目前,国内外已见报道的重金属超积累植物有400多种;但是,铅的富集植物被发现的并不多,仅有5种。当前关于铅富集植物的生理生化方面的研究,已被广泛的开展。  相似文献   
A solution with different Cu supply levels was cultured to investigate gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA) accumulation in Elsholtzia splendens, a native Chinese Cu-tolerant and accumulating plant species. Increasing Cu from 0.25 to 500 μmol/L significantly enhanced levels of GABA and histidine (His), but  相似文献   
铅富集植物对铅的吸收及其耐性生理机制进展研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着工矿业的不断发展,尤其汽车尾气排放等人为原因,导致铅污染已逐渐发展成为一个世界性的环境问题.土壤铅污染不仅影响土壤微生物、土壤中酶活性以及其它相关理化性质,而且会对农作物产量和质量产生影响,以至通过食物链危害人类的健康.考虑到土壤铅污染的广域性及对人体健康的严重威胁,如何修复铅污染土壤已成为世界各国科学家面临的重要课题.植物修复作为一种绿色、有效的修复手段,逐渐发展成为学界研究热点之一.自然界中大多数植物对铅的吸收能力很低,普通植物一般Pb含量为10 mg kg-1干重.目前,国内外已见报道的重金属超积累植物有400多种;但是,铅的富集植物被发现的并不多,仅有5种.当前关于铅富集植物的生理生化方面的研究,已被广泛的开展.  相似文献   
Lead concentrations in roots, stems and leaves of accumulating and non-accumulating ecotypes of Sedum alfredii (Hance) were studied through a hydroponic experiment with different Pb concentrations supplied as Pb(NO3)2. Lead concentrations in leaves and stems of the accumulating ecotype were 4-9 times and 3-5 times those of the non-accumulating ecotype, and Pb-accumulated amounts in stems and leaves of the accumulating ecotype were 4-9 times and 8-11 times higher than those of the non-accumulating ecotype, respectively. The results indicated that the accumulating ecotype had better ability to transport Pb from roots to shoots. The subcellular distributions of Pb in the root, stem and leaf tissues were studied using sucrose differential centrifugation. Approximately 50% of Pb contents was found to be associated with the cell wall fraction in stems of the accumulating ecotype and the percentage increased to 80% both in roots and leaves, no matter when plants were grown with different levels of Pb. The results indicated that the distribution of Pb on cell walls of the accumulating ecotype could mainly account for the high tolerance to Pb.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONLead (Pb)existsinmanyformsinnaturalsourcesthroughouttheworld ,andisnowoneofthemostwidelyandevenlydistributedtracemet als (Nriagu ,1 992 ) .Soilandplantscanbecon taminatedbyPbfrompaints,gasolineadditives,Pbsmeltingandrefining ,pesticideproducti…  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONPhytoremediation,thatuseofgreenplantstodecontaminateCuandotherheavymetalsinsoils,isanemergingtechniquewithadvantagesofbeinginsitu,cost-effectiveandenvironmentallysus-tainable(Chanyetal.,1997;Cunninghametal.,1997;Saltetal.,1998).Theavailabilityofmetalinthesoilforplantuptakeisoneimportantlimitationforsuccessfulphytoremediation(Blaylocketal.,1997).Forexample,lead(Pb)isoneofthemostimportantenvironmentalpollutants,haslimitedsolubilityinsoils,andisavailableforplantuptakeduetocompl…  相似文献   
Phytoremediation is emerging as a potential cost-effective solution for remediation of contaminated soils, and bioavailability of metal in the soil for plant uptake is an important factor for successful phytoremediation. This study aimed at investigating the ability of EDTA and citric acid for enhancing soil bioavailability of Cu and phytoremediation by Elsholtzia splendens in two types of soils contaminated with heavy metals [i.e. mined soil from copper mining area (MS), and paddy soil (PS) polluted by copper refining]. The results showed that addition of 2.5 mmol/kg EDTA significantly increased the H2O extractable Cu concentration from 1.20 to 15.78 mg/kg in MS and from 0.26 to 15.72 mg/kg in PS, and that shoot Cu concentration increased 4-fold and 8-fold as compared to the control. There was no significant difference between the treatment with 5.0 mmol/kg EDTA and that with 2.5 mmol/kg EDTA, probably because that 2.5 mmol/kg EDTA was enough for elevating Cu bioavailability to the maximum level. As compared with the control, citric acid had no marked effect on both soil extractable Cu and shoot Cu concentration or accumulation. The results indicated that EDTA addition can increase the potential and efficiency of Cu phytoextraction by E. splendens in polluted soils.  相似文献   
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