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The secret of a pigeon’s amaz-ing ability to find its way home has atlast been uncovered:they follow theroads and railways just like we do.鸽子即使远隔千山万水也能找到回家之路,这个一直令人惊诧不已的秘密终于被揭开了:它们像我们人类一样沿着公路和铁路回家。A homing pigeon’s natural so-lar and magnetic compasses are oftenless important than its knowledge of human transport routes,according toresearchers at Oxford University,UK.英国牛津大学研究者的调查表明,对于信鸽而言,自然界的指南针(来自太阳能和…  相似文献   
1. Outside a muffler shop:“No appointment necesesary,wehear you coming.” 一家消声器店外:“根本不用预约,我们听到你来了!” 2.Outside a hotel:“help! Weneed innexperienced people.” 酒店门外:“帮帮忙!我们缺少常住小酒馆的人。” 3. On a desk in a receptionroom:“We shoot every 3rdsalesman,and,the 2nd one justleft.” 接待室的桌上:“三个一轮!我们要毫不留情地赶走第三个推销员!注:第二个刚刚离开。” 4.In a veterinarian's waitingroom:“Be back in 5 minutes.Sit! stay!” 兽医…  相似文献   
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