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This paper reports on a study on National Policy initiative to introduce computers into primary education curriculum in the developing nation of Nigeria. The continuous assessment (CA) procedure has been entrenched in the National Policy on Education (1981 revised) but practice of it has been tendentious and tedious. The introduction of computer in schools poses a challenge to teachers and schools administrators. The National Policy on Computer Education stipulates that primary schools that can afford the cost should integrate computers in their classrooms. So far, there has been no national primary curriculum in computer education since the policy was launched in 1988. A computer package for continuous assessment practice at primary level of education was developed and field-tested in selected private primary schools in the country. The schools are those of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)* at Kaduna (north), Port Harcourt (southeast), Warri (south) and Mosimi near Lagos (southwest). The results of field-testing show that the computer package can successfully be integrated into the primary school system. This is the first step towards computer education integration into the primary curriculum in Nigeria. Further research field tests computer packages on selected strategic primary schools subjects (English language, mathematics, social studies and elementary science). With this, it is hoped that a tentative national curriculum on computer education will evolve. Les Progiciels Informatiques pour la Pratique de l'Evaluation continue dans la Classe. Cet article est le rapport d'une étude À l'initiative de la National Policy pour introduire les ordinateurs dans le curriculum de l'enseignement primaire d'un pays en voie de développement, une étude de cas en Nigeria. La procédure d'évaluation continue (CA) a été introduite dans la National Policy en matiere d'éducation (revisée en 1981) mais la pratique a été tendancieuse et pénible. L'introduction de l'ordinateur À l'école constitue un challenge pour les enseignants et les administrateurs des écoles. Cette e National Policy f stipule que les écoles primaires qui peuvent en payer le prix devraient intégrer les ordinateurs dans leurs classes. Mais jusqu'À présent il n'y a pas eu de curriculum sur l'éducation par l'ordinateur depuis le lancement de cette politique en 1988. Un progiciel pour l'évaluation continue au niveau primaire a été élaboré et testé dans des écoles privées sélectionnées dans le pays. Ces écoles sont celles de la corporation nigerienne nationale pour le pétrole (NNPC) À Kaduna (dans le Nord) Port Harcourt (Sud Est), Warri (dans le sud) et Mosimi près de Lagos (Sud Ouest). Les résultats de ces testes montrent que le e package f informatique peut être intégré avec succès dans le système de l'enseignement primaire. Ceci a été la première étape en rue de l'intégration de l'ordinateur dans la curriculum de l'enseignement primaire au Nigeria. Les recherches ultérieurs prévoient de tester les e progiciels f informatiques dans des domaines stratégiques choisis dans l'école primaire (anglais mathématiques, sciences sociales et sciences élémentaires). De la sorte , nous espérons qu'un première tentative de curriculum national sur l'informatique pourra être développé. Bewertungsmöglichkeiten von Computer gestützten Lernerfahrungen bei Grundschülern. Dieser Artikel berichtet über eine Studie zur staatlichen Initiative, Computer in der Grundschule eines Entwicklungslandes einzusetzen: eine Studie am Beispiel Nigerias. Die ständige Bewertung (Continuous Assessment CA) ist Teil der nationalen Bildungspolitik (wurde 1981 erneuert), aber ihre Anwendung ist langsam und tendenziös. Die Einführung von Computern in den Schulen ist eine Herausforderung an Lehrer und Verwaltung. Die offizielle Politik zur Computer gestützten Ausbildung sieht vor, dass Grundschulen, die es sich finanziell leisten können, Computer in ihren Klassen einführen sollen. Bis jetzt gibt es jedoch keinen Lehrplan zum Computer gestützten Lernen im Grundschulbereich seit Bekanntgabe dieser Strategie im Jahre 1988. Ein Computerprogramm, das den Kenntnisstand in der Grundschule erfasst wurde entwickelt und in einigen ausgewählten Grundschulen des Landes getestet.. Die Schulen sind: die Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in Kaduma (Norden), Port Harcourt (Südost), Warri (Süden) und Mosimi bei Lagos (Südwest). Die Resultate dieses Tests belegen, dass das Computerprogramm erfolgreich in den Grundschulen angewendet werden kann. Dies ist ein erster Schritt, Computer gestütztes Lernen Grundschulbereich in den Fächern Englisch, Mathematik, Sozialkunde und Naturkunde einzusetzen, werden folgen. Wir hoffen, dass sich daraus ein Landeslehrplan für Computer gestütztes Lernen entwickelt. in den nigerianischen Lehrplan zu integrieren. Weitere Versuche, Computerprogramme im  相似文献   
This study examined the impact of mobile-based mentoring, socio-economic background and religion on girl’s attitude and belief towards ASB in Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria. The study adopted a mixed method research design. The participants in the study comprised forty (40) students purposively selected from Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The platform ( www.gcmentoringinitiative.org ) was adopted for mobile-based mentoring. One research question was raised and three null hypotheses were tested in the study at .05 level of significance. Data were analysed using content analysis for Focus Group Discussion, Analysis of Covariance and Estimated Marginal Means. The results reveal a significant main effect of socio-economic background on girl’s attitude towards ASB. Also, there was no significant impact of mobile-based mentoring on girl’s attitude towards ASB. Based on the findings, using mobiles in mentoring girls could significantly reinforce or change their belief in engaging in antisocial activities. Also, the socio-economic background plays a significant role in determining the attitude and belief of girls in engaging in antisocial activities. Girls’ religion has little or no effect on their belief and attitude towards antisocial behaviours (ASB). Girls from low-income family are susceptible to engage in ASB, while those from wealthy homes are less likely to engage in ASB.  相似文献   
This article discusses the community-based vocational rehabilitation (CBVR) of persons with disabilities. In 1991, a pilot project was instituted by the International Labour Organisation and the United Nations Development Programme in conjunction with Oyo State Government in Nigeria. The aim was to facilitate the reintegration of persons with disabilities into their communities after a vocational rehabilitation programme. This project has resulted in the successful training of about 155 individuals with disabilities since its inception and a number of the trainees have benefited from a revolving loan scheme. The initial seven areas of vocational training have, over the years, expanded to 24. Recently, the project has been introduced to six other states in Nigeria. Various problem-solving strategies have been employed in the course of the project as the need arose and the community-based vocational rehabilitation programme has proved to be a success in Nigeria so far. In this paper, Eunice Alade, associate professor in the Department of Special Education, Kenyatta University, Kenya, provides an evaluation of an innovative alternative approach to vocational rehabilitation for people with disabilities. She discusses some of the problems experienced in Nigeria and offers suggestions about how to sustain the work. Her ideas will be of direct interest to those seeking to promote social inclusion in developing countries and elsewhere around the world.  相似文献   
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