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This study was designed to examine whether participation in a shared reading workshop alters the frequency with which parents ask their children questions during book reading sessions, particularly questions designed to strengthen component reading skills that they may not have known about before training. Participants in the reading workshop series (N = 57) were taught strategies for asking questions about story content and word structure to build children's language and literacy skills. Findings suggest that parents may be somewhat familiar with traditional dialogic reading strategies focused on story content and utilize them without instruction, whereas parents may be less knowledgeable about sound or print‐focused skills and do not employ strategies focused on word structure until instructed to do so. It is also notable that parents do not use all story content prompts equally. This information can be used by school psychologists to refine the messages educators share with parents about how to best support their children's reading development.  相似文献   
摘要:心血管疾病(CVD)一直是全世界最主要的死因。由于CVD等慢性疾病对健康的威胁越来越大,有必要开展生活方式干预项目以控制这些疾病的危险因素。本研究的目的是评估美国的重要慢病干预项目—HELPS治疗型生活方式改变(TLC)项目对减少CVD危险因素和其他慢性疾病的有效性。方法:140位大学教职工参加为期12周的HELPS TLC项目,干预前后用配对t检验对其体重、BMI、腰围(WC)、6分钟步行距离(6MWD)、空腹血脂和血糖进行测定和比较。结果:干预后6MWD显著增加,总胆固醇(TC)和WC显著下降。对“高危”参与者进一步分析显示:BMI(-1.5±0.5,-3.9%)、TC(- 22.8±4.0,-9.0%)、LDL(- 14.1±4.9,9.3%)和血糖(-6.9±2.2,-6.1%)均显著下降;男性腰围(-4.5±0.8,-10%)显著减小,女性未见显著改变(-1.5±0.5,-4.0%)。此外,体重的变化与TC(r=0.43)、LDL(r=0.35)和血糖(r=0.44)的变化均显著相关。结论:参加12周的生活方式干预项目可以使CVD危险因素减少,特别是在CVD“高危”个体中。HELPS TLC项目的远期效果还待进一步深入研究。  相似文献   
Interprofessional education (IPE) prepares healthcare students for collaboration in their future careers. The purpose of this study was to determine which aspects of the IPE Program in Anatomy at McMaster University contributed to the development of healthcare student's interprofessional skills. Q-methodology was used to identify the students' common viewpoints of the IPE experience. A total of 26/28 (93%) of students in the course from the medical, nursing, midwifery, physician assistant, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy programs participated in this study. Students were asked to sort a Q-sample of 43 statements about the IPE dissection course derived from previous qualitative studies of the program. Using the centroid factor extraction and varimax rotation, three salient factors (groups) emerged, namely: (1) Anatomy IPE Enthusiasts, (2) Practical IPE Advocates, and (3) Skeptical IPE Anatomists. The Anatomy IPE Enthusiasts believed that students from different disciplines brought unique anatomical knowledge and each group member guided others through difficult material. The Practical IPE Advocates expressed that they would be stronger advocates for interprofessional teams in the future because of the course. The Skeptical IPE Anatomists strongly disagreed that learning with students from different disciplines helped them gain an understanding of their roles in the context of other healthcare professionals and felt that there was little benefit from the IPE program compared to other non-interprofessional programs. These findings about student attitudes are critical to drive an evidence-based evolution of the IPE dissection course, since students' perceptions can have a profound influence on interprofessional collaboration in the workplace.  相似文献   
The use of two‐dimensional (2D) images is consistently used to prepare anatomy students for handling real specimen. This study examined whether the quality of 2D images is a critical component in anatomy learning. The visual clarity and consistency of 2D anatomical images was systematically manipulated to produce low‐quality and high‐quality images of the human hand and human eye. On day 0, participants learned about each anatomical specimen from paper booklets using either low‐quality or high‐quality images, and then completed a comprehension test using either 2D images or three‐dimensional (3D) cadaveric specimens. On day 1, participants relearned each booklet, and on day 2 participants completed a final comprehension test using either 2D images or 3D cadaveric specimens. The effect of image quality on learning varied according to anatomical content, with high‐quality images having a greater effect on improving learning of hand anatomy than eye anatomy (high‐quality vs. low‐quality for hand anatomy P = 0.018; high‐quality vs. low‐quality for eye anatomy P = 0.247). Also, the benefit of high‐quality images on hand anatomy learning was restricted to performance on short‐answer (SA) questions immediately after learning (high‐quality vs. low‐quality on SA questions P = 0.018), but did not apply to performance on multiple‐choice (MC) questions (high‐quality vs. low‐quality on MC questions P = 0.109) or after participants had an additional learning opportunity (24 hours later) with anatomy content (high vs. low on SA questions P = 0.643). This study underscores the limited impact of image quality on anatomy learning, and questions whether investment in enhancing image quality of learning aids significantly promotes knowledge development. Anat Sci Educ 10: 249–261. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
In the early part of the period developing countries saw in the adoption of formal education systems and procedures a sure way to solve their problems of development. The international and donor agencies concerned with aid put their weight behind a Western model of schooling — to the neglect of indigenous learning systems. The record showed an impressive amount of growth of schooling in the developing countries — with aid policies focused on higher, secondary and technical education, i.e. those sectors providing training for needed manpower. This massive introduction of schooling procedures may be regarded as cultural intervention.Results did not come up to expectations since much of the population was not reached and wastage rates remained high. A phase of reappraisal followed, in which education was thought of less as the outcome of schooling and more as the enhancement of many types of learning opportunities helping people to grow. The psychological basis of this changing view lay in the concept of intelligence, since many types of intelligence (the pluralistic concept) can be seen to emerge from the differing cultural backgrounds found in human societies. If education is concerned with advancing and creating such intelligences, formal schooling is only one of the means. A corresponding shift could then be seen in aid policies, with greater readiness to support nonformal educational procedures.The author believes that awareness of the dangers of cultural intervention has brought about a better understanding of what the world now needs from education — the cultivation of integrative intelligences (as against pure specialization) and encouragement of mythic intelligences derived from the value and symbol systems of our many cultures. In this way, aid from developed to developing countries is being synthesized into a cooperative search for a better education.
Zusammenfassung Zu Beginn der Epoche sahen die Entwicklungsländer in der Übernahme formaler Bildungssysteme und -verfahrensweisen einen sicheren Weg zur Lösung ihrer Entwicklungsprobleme. Die internationalen und sonstigen Träger der Entwicklungshilfe setzten sich mit ihrem Gewicht für ein westliches Schulungsmodell ein — unter Vernachlässigung der einheimischen Lernsysteme. Die Statistik zeigte eine eindrucksvolle Zunahme des Schulwesens in den Entwicklungsländern — wobei die Politik der Helfer auf höhere, sekundäre und technische Bildung konzentriert war, also auf die Bereiche, welche die notwendigen Arbeitskräfte ausbilden. Diese massive Einführung von Schulungsverfahren kann als kulturelle Einmischung betrachtet werden.Die Ergebnisse entsprachen nicht den Erwartungen, weil ein großer Teil der Bevölkerung nicht erfaßt wurde und weil die Ausfallszahlen hoch blieben. Nun folgte eine Phase der Besinnung, in der man Bildung weniger als Ergebnis der Schulbildung betrachtete und mehr als den Ausbau vieler Arten von Lernmöglichkeiten zur Entfaltung der einzelnen Menschen. Das psychologische Fundament dieser veränderten Anschauung lag im Begriff der Intelligenz, denn aus der unterschiedlichen kulturellen Vergangenheit der verschiedenen Gruppen der menschlichen Gesellschaft gehen viele Arten von Intelligenz hervor (das pluralistische Konzept). Geht es der Bildung darum, solche Intelligenzen zu wecken und zu fördern, dann ist die formale Schulung nur ein Mittel dazu. Eine entsprechende Verschiebung zeigte sich dann bei der Hilfspolitik in der größeren Bereitschaft, nicht-formale Bildungsverfahren zu unterstützen.Der Verfasser meint, die Erkenntnis der Gefahren kultureller Einmischung habe zu einem besseren Verstehen der gegenwärtigen Bildungsbedürfnisse der Welt geführt — nämlich Kultivierung integrativer Intelligenzen (statt reiner Spezialisierung) und stärkere Berücksichtigung mythischer Weisheit aufgrund der Wert- und Symbolsysteme unserer vielen Kulturen. Auf diese Weise wird sich die Hilfe entwickelter Länder für Entwicklungsländer einordnen in ein gemeinsames Suchen nach besserer Bildung.

Résumé Dans la première partie de la période, les pays en voie de développement virent dans l'adoption des systèmes et des procédures d'éducation conventionnelle un moyen sûr de résoudre leurs problèmes de développement. Les organisations internationales et donatrices s'occupant d'aide au développement, appuyèrent un modèle occidental de scolarité au détriment des systèmes indigènes d'apprentissage. Le résultat montra un essor impressionnant de la scolarité dans les pays en voie de développement avec la politique d'assistance centrée sur l'éducation technique, secondaire et supérieur, c'est-à-dire sur les secteurs de formation de la main-d'uvre demandée. Cette introduction massive des procédures de scolarité peur être, semble-t-il, regardée comme une intervention culturelle.Les résultats n'ont pas répondu aux ésperances car une grande partie de la population n'était pas touchée et le taux de déperdition d'effectifs demeurait élevé. Une phase de réévaluation suivit, au cours de laquelle l'éducation fut considérée moins comme le résultat de la scolarité que comme le relèvement de nombreux types de chances d'apprentissage aidant les gens à se développer. Le concept d'intelligence était à la base psychologique de ce changement d'opinion car on peut voir de nombreux types d'intelligence (le concept pluraliste) émerger des différents milieux culturels existant dans les sociétés humaines. Si la préoccupation de l'éducation est de créer et de faire progresser de telles intelligences, la scolarité conventionnelle n'est plus qu'un moyen parmi d'autres. Un changement correspondant pouvait alors être observé dans les politiques d'assistance. Il se traduisit, de la part des diverses organisations, par un plus grand empressement à apporter leur concours aux programmes de l'éducation non-conventionnelle.L'auteur croit que la conscience des dangers de l'intervention culturelle a aidé à une meilleure compréhension de ce dont le monde a besoin de trouver maintenant dans l'éducation — la mise en valeur des intelligences intégratrices (en opposition à la spécialisation pure) et l'encouragement des intelligences mythiques provenant des systèmes de valeurs et symboliques de nos nombreuses cultures. De cette façon, l'assistance des pays développés aux pays en voie de developpement est en train d'être synthétisée en une recherche coopérative pour une meilleure éducation.
The assessment of noncognitive traits is challenging due to possible response biases, “subjectivity” and “faking.” Standardized third-party evaluations where an external evaluator rates an applicant on their strengths and weaknesses on various noncognitive traits are a promising alternative. However, accurate score-based inferences from third-party evaluations requires disentangling score variance due to raters versus applicants by utilizing a multilevel factor analysis (MFA). To date, MFA is highly underutilized in the measurement field. In this study, we apply the MFA to analyze third-party evaluations using data from the Personal Potential Index (PPI). The PPI is a third-party measure used to evaluate graduate school applicants noncognitive traits to help inform admissions decisions. We analyzed 12,693 ratings of 6,249 applicants divided into two randomly selected subgroups. We conducted multilevel exploratory factor analysis with one subgroup and tested the hypothesized structure with the other subgroup. This work illustrates the advantages and challenges of using MFA approach to support the meaningful and valid interpretation of scores from third-party evaluations.  相似文献   
The metaphor learning to teach at the elbows is put forward in this article to highlight claims about learning to teach that focus on the development of “teaching manner.” My particular interest is in characterizing and understanding aspects of teaching that seem to be acquired, shared, mediated, and changed through teachers' work together—a shaping which I believe occurs initially through mimicry in the practice setting, and which in many cases appears to take place independent of rational deliberation. I ask “How do I understand this kind of learning?” and “How, then, do I then represent my work as a teacher educator?” These questions are explored in light of contemporary Western ideas about situated cognition, activity, and identity—ideas which are extended further in this paper by pointing out similar problems related to integrating knowing and action that are found in early Chinese philosophy. In particular, the dialogical relationship between Confucianism and Taoism provides a useful framework for understanding the studio interplay between learning as socio-culturally mediated activity and critical reflection in the initial preparation of teachers.  相似文献   
Teachers’ adoption and implementation of evidence‐based programs is often limited. Program characteristics may be important facilitators or barriers of use, yet little is known about which attributes influence teacher decisions. Using a discrete choice experiment with a sample of general education elementary teachers (N = 230), we examined (a) preference for attributes of school‐based interventions, (b) relative preference for three intervention packages with experimentally manipulated characteristics, and (c) teacher characteristics related to the above preference profiles. Intervention outcomes were the most important characteristics in teachers’ intervention decisions. Most teachers’ responses suggested preference for a social and emotional learning program (57.9%) or school‐based consultation for behavioral interventions (35.8%); a small group of teachers preferred a general support intervention (5.8%). Teachers preferring the general support intervention reported greater mental health symptoms, lower mental health literacy and lower confidence in program effectiveness than peers preferring other interventions. Implications for intervention development and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   
This study explored transactional associations among visuomotor integration, attention, fine motor coordination, and mathematics skills in a diverse sample of one hundred thirty‐five 5‐year‐olds (kindergarteners) and one hundred nineteen 6‐year‐olds (first graders) in the United States who were followed over the course of 2 school years. Associations were dynamic, with more reciprocal transactions occurring in kindergarten than in the later grades. Specifically, visuomotor integration and mathematics exhibited ongoing reciprocity in kindergarten and first grade, attention contributed to mathematics in kindergarten and first grade, mathematics contributed to attention across the kindergarten year only, and fine motor coordination contributed to mathematics indirectly, through visuomotor integration, across kindergarten and first grade. Implications of examining the hierarchical interrelations among processes underlying the development of children's mathematics skills are discussed.  相似文献   
This article investigates the mechanisms of early television censorship from 1947 to 1952, looking at the restrictions placed on content, and the process that shows and advertisements went through before being broadcast. This article focuses on the inner workings of the National Broadcasting Company's (NBC) censoring arm, the Continuity Acceptance Department, and takes into consideration the medium-specific qualities of television and the challenges presented to those who had the task of regulating broadcast content. In addition to a general discussion of regulations, this article examines the censorship of homosexual characterizations in early television, looking specifically at the use of ‘swish’ routines (which make use of stereotyped gay mannerisms) in comedy shows. While networks and the National Association for Radio and Television Broadcasters established codes to govern their censorship apparatuses, the process of censorship was less an enforcement of hard and fast rules than a constant negotiation over content and allowable material.  相似文献   
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