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国际会议代表来自全球——人们能够坐在一起交流,这在几十年前是难以想象的事情。会议安排的内容很多,这正是我们所希望的,但是如果会议没有充分表现主题,我们也可以借此机会和其他国家相同兴趣的人见面,建立联系并发展成为具体和有成果的项目。  相似文献   
In the analysis of the ethicalproblems of online research, there is much tobe learned from the work that has already beendone on research ethics in the socialsciences and the humanities. I discuss thestructure of norms in the Norwegian ethicalguidelines for research in the social scienceswith respect to their relevance for the ethicalissues of Internet research. A four-stepprocedure for the ethical evaluation ofresearch is suggested. I argue that eventhough, at one level, the problems of onlineresearch are very similar to those we find intraditional areas of social scientificresearch, there still are some issues that areunique to research online. A general model forthe analysis of privacy and data protection issuggested. This model is then used tocharacterize the special problems pertaining tothe protection of privacy in online contexts,and to argue that one cannot assume a simpledistinction between the private and the publicwhen researching in such contexts.  相似文献   
This paper presents a method to create concept models for the tapered thin-walled tubes using beam elements and spring elements. Developed concept tapered beam models with different taper angles and cross sections are compared with those detailed models through impact analyses. Important crash results are recorded and compared, and the relatively good agreement is achieved between these analyses. Concept modeling steps are illustrated in detail, and a general concept modeling method for such thin-walled tubes is summarized and presented.  相似文献   
Nonlinear Burgers' equation is solved using polynomial based differential quadrature method (PDQ). Numerical simulations are studied for three well known test problems, namely shock-like solution, travelling wave and sinusoidal disturbance solutions of Burgers' equation. Obtained numerical results of the first and the third test problems are compared with some earlier numerical results. Discrete root mean square error norm and maximum error norm are computed for the first two test problems and a comparison with some earlier works is given.  相似文献   
The paper has three parts. First, a survey and analysis is given ofthe structure of individual rights in the recent EU Directive ondata protection. It is argued that at the core of this structure isan unexplicated notion of what the data subject can `reasonablyexpect' concerning the further processing of information about himor herself. In the second part of the paper it is argued thattheories of privacy popular among philosophers are not able to shed much light on the issues treated in the Directive, whichare, arguably, among the central problems pertaining to theprotection of individual rights in the information society. Inthe third part of the paper, some suggestions are made for a richerphilosophical theory of data protection and privacy. It is arguedthat this account is better suited to the task of characterizingthe central issues raised by the Directive.  相似文献   
古典对当方阵可回溯到亚里士多德逻辑,并且自此后就一直被广泛地讨论,特别是在中世纪和现代.它刻画了所有、没有、并非所有和某些这四个量词之间的特定逻辑关系,即对当关系.亚里士多德和传统逻辑学家,以及人多数当代语言学家,都把"所有"看作具有存在预设,也即"所有A是B"可以推出"存在A",而现代逻辑则放弃了这一假定.用现代逻辑对"所有"的解释来代替亚里士多德的解释(对"并非所有"也可以作类似处理),就产生了现代版本的对当方阵.近年来有许多争论,探讨这两个方阵中哪一个是正确的.本文中我的主要观点是,这个问题不是,或者不应该卡要是关于存在预设的,毋宁说它是关于否定的模式的.我认为现代方阵表述了自然语言中否定的一般模式,而传统方阵则没有做到这一点.明乎此,不仅需要把对当方阵应用于四个亚里士多德量词,还需要把它应用到这一类型的广义量词上.现代方阵上的任一量词所展示的否定的模式,常常不是在传统方阵中发现的对当关系.本文提供了一些技术性结果和工具,阐述了解释各种英语限定词的量词方阵的若干例子.本文最后一个例子引入了否定的第二模式.它伴随特定复杂量词出现,也能够在方阵中被表达.  相似文献   
We are experiencing a significant shift in management practices—moving from intuition, experience, and gut‐feeling driven decision‐making to one that is driven by data, evidence, and computational sciences. This shift, which is often called the analytics revolution, is not only changing the business landscape from a practical perspective but also redefining the white‐collar job market. The goal of this study is to employ a data‐ and analytics‐driven approach to analyze a large and feature‐rich dataset (which is composed of the recent job postings and the extant published literature) to characterize the state of the current business job market, especially to magnify the analytics related features and expectations including the geographic (i.e., local vs. global) differentiators. Using several graphical and tabular representations, in this paper we report on our thought‐provoking findings that collectively illustrate the changing face of knowledge, skills, and abilities required by the current local and global business job markets.  相似文献   
In Jordan, national identity is composed of two sub-national identities: the Transjordanian identity of Jordan's indigenous inhabitants from east of the Jordan river, and the Palestinians originating in the west of the Jordan river. Historically, the Jordanian throne has maintained power through an alliance with the Transjordanians. As the majority of the Jordanians are of Palestinian origin, democratisation in Jordan would likely imply the Palestinians taking over the political momentum in the country. When unrest has erupted in Jordan, as during the democracy protests of the Arab Spring, this has on some occasions been labelled as threats to the national unity by the Jordanian monarchy. No one wants to return to the civil war of 1970. On the other hand, to avoid democratisation, the memory of the civil war must be sustained. Since the civil war, Jordan has had a history of ethnic-based football riots. These are reminders of the threats to stability, security and national unity. But as long as they are contained at the football stadiums, they serve the interests of political forces wanting to preserve power and political status quo.  相似文献   
This socio-culturally informed qualitative study examines digitalised classrooms in Norwegian secondary schools, with a focus on the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and dialogic aspects of literacy practices. In the article, we foreground two cases: one on the use of digital mind maps and one on a writing process with online response. These cases display productive results of the tensions between old practices and new technology in that they open up spaces for dialogic interaction. This experience calls for a deeper historical contextualisation, and in the article we refer to different time scales: First, the restricted time scale of practices observed in the local school contexts over an academic year; second, the somewhat wider perspective of 20–30 years of educational research addressing technological innovation; and third, the extensive time scale of cultural history, with an analogy to the slow move from orality to literacy in ancient Greece. On this basis we suggest the term ‘transitional practices’ as an appropriate reference to all of these three time scales. Against this background, the glimpses of dialogue observed are seen as promising precursors of future development, but also as vulnerable plant shoots that may very well shrivel and die if they are not supported.  相似文献   
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